QUOTE(p4n6 @ Oct 31 2024, 07:55 AM)
As expected, DNB 5G speed has began to slow down as more people using. Those Ookla and OpenSignal numbers of a brand new network is not sustainable from Day 1. Meant for marketing to con public.
https://www.thestar.com.my/tech/tech-news/2...e-gotten-slowerEvery network slows as adoption increases. My point is that even with more users, DNB 5G speed ranking is still outperforming Malaysia early 4G rollout speed ranking, which had much lower rankings globally. Do you deny this fact
QUOTE(p4n6 @ Oct 31 2024, 07:55 AM)
TS saying how great is DNB 5G vs 4G merely to compare a new network with low user in beginning and usage vs a decade old LTE network with majority users and heavy usage.
Aiyo, you don't read properly is it? I already said 100 times I compare 3-YEAR TO 3-YEAR la. DNB 5G ranking vs telco 4G ranking both at 3 years after launch. Not comparing old 4G vs new 5G. Don't twist my words pls.
QUOTE(p4n6 @ Oct 31 2024, 07:55 AM)
And also compare how great is new unloaded Malaysia 5G vs other countries that launched for many years. It is unfair and biased comparison to start with when other countries 5G penetration is significantly higher as it was launched much earlier.
Funny, because when the 5G load is similar, countries like New Zealand, Japan, and the Philippines all have slower 5G speeds than Malaysia. So, tell me again how this is an unfair or biased comparison?
QUOTE(p4n6 @ Oct 31 2024, 07:55 AM)
TS claimed Telco took longer to accomplish the coverage DNB needs merely 3 years to accomplish but forgot to mention Telco also need to cover inbuilding but DNB until today has limited indoor 5G coverage.
The fact is, DNB hit 80% nationwide coverage in 3 years, while Telcos took over a decade to roll out 4G. Yes, DNB indoor coverage is still expanding, but that’s a long-term process, you can’t expect it to be perfect in 3 years. Telcos didn’t have full in-building coverage during their early 4G rollout either, yet you’re suddenly holding DNB to a higher standard.
QUOTE(p4n6 @ Oct 31 2024, 07:55 AM)
Also TS didnt stipulate about the spectrum used by DNB which is L700 (that will show 5G icon despite not 5G) with telco LTE bands that requires more sites for similar coverage- also non equal comparison.
This is straight-up misinformation. L700 is a legitimate part of the 5G spectrum allocation under ITU standards. Just because it has better penetration, doesn’t make it not 5G. By your logic, DSS and NSA used globally for 5G is also “not 5G”?
QUOTE(p4n6 @ Oct 31 2024, 07:55 AM)
DNB likely faking the 5G coverage % by using L700 that has better penetration.
That’s literally the POINT of spectrum differences. High band for speed, low band for coverage. If you think Telcos don’t also rely on low band spectrum for coverage, you’re kidding yourself. DNB strategy prioritizes widespread coverage first while gradually densifying.
QUOTE(p4n6 @ Oct 31 2024, 07:55 AM)
DNB and Ericsson both have been contributing alot of marketing costs to suspiciously promote Msia 5G in advertisement board everywhere, events and research firms as well as award winning ceremony for ministers to promote Msia Single Wholesale Network model.
Oh wow, a company promotes its product? Shocking. You act like telcos don’t advertise. Still doesn’t change the fact that DNB 5G speeds ranking are outperforming what 4G ranking in the same timeframe.
QUOTE(p4n6 @ Oct 31 2024, 07:55 AM)
Having a second network will be able to challenge DNB self proclaimed success and provide an equivalent comparison with DNB. Competition drives the industry not paid advertisement, tweaked stats and biased comparison.
Competition? You mean like how “competitive” 4G telcos gave us garbage speeds for years? Where was all this “competition” when rural 4G coverage was neglected? Funny how you trust the same telcos that milked users with high prices and poor service to “drive the industry.” Show me la where your precious "competitive" 4G telcos got better rankings in their early years? I've asked 1000 times already, still waiting for your data...
QUOTE(p4n6 @ Oct 31 2024, 07:55 AM)
Furthermore it is not public money to have second network, DNB using Rakyat money and government owning DNB unnecessarily. Gov shall not involve into business …
Here the thing, Malaysia already has publicly regulated pricing for things like petrol and electricity, which benefits us with cheaper prices. TNB ensures stable electricity, unlike Thailand with messy powerline and Texas freezing incident. So, why is it a problem when DNB, in just 3 years, has already achieved more than Telcos did in 4G rollout, while also providing cheaper bills for consumers?
5G infrastructure costs are massive. It’s not like clicking a button to roll out software. The fact that 4G still struggles with congestion and call issues after years of operation proves that running a network isn’t cheap or easy. Instead of focusing on a second network, how about addressing why mergers like Celcom and Digi happened in the first place? Maybe running a 24/7 network isn’t as profitable as you think.
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I backed my points with Ookla and OpenSignal actual data. Where is YOUR data? Every argument you made is either irrelevant or backed by zero evidence. Stop deflecting and come back when you can show me proof that Malaysia earlier 4G rollout outperformed DNB 5G. I will wait.
This post has been edited by OfficiallyAhmad: Nov 18 2024, 10:17 PM