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> A conversation with Lim Sian See News

post Oct 31 2015, 11:12 AM, updated 9y ago

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The Star

One Man's Meat
October 31, 2015
A conversation with Lim Sian See

by philip golingai

The anonymous Facebook political commentator says his aim is to make the public sift the truth from the propaganda.

I MET for the first time an object of curiosity among political aficionados on Facebook. An anonymous Facebooker named Lim Sian See has been attracting a following with his wry comments on Opposition politicians.

On Wednesday, I had a lunch meeting with the Facebooker in a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur.

Later, I had a question-and-answer session with him/her on WhatsApp.

Q: Is your name really Lim Sian See?

A: No, it is not. It’s a pseudonym - much like Chedet, Mark Twain or Lewis Carrol.

Q: Why do you remain anonymous?

A: I am not a politician or in any political party or NGO, and I do not harbour any future ambition to do so. I see no need for me to publicly claim any recognition.

Q: Does the public know who you are? Do those you target know who you are?

A: Dozens of people know but not the public in general.

In fact, the majority of my Facebook friends and followers are aware that this is not my real name. One person even commented that he doesn’t even care if I am actually a living table as long as what I write is true and backed by evidence and facts.

The authorities know who I am for sure. In fact, Special Branch officers have visited me twice to ascertain my identity. Therefore, I am very careful to make sure whatever I post is not defamatory or untrue.

I do believe that those I “target” know who I am but for reasons known only to them, do not want to “expose’ me – perhaps to avoid giving me free publicity.

Q: Why did you start posting political commentaries on Facebook?

A: Right after the 2013 general election, I was inspired by the lies about the 40,000 Bangladeshi phantom voters and (tallying centre) blackouts. Many of my professional friends and successful businessmen – people I consider smart and educated – were totally sucked in by these lies.

I have also posted a RM50,000 reward for information on where these so-called blackouts happened. To this day, the reward remains unclaimed.

Much of the information received by many supposedly smart Malaysians has been controlled and manipulated by social media and so-called “independent news portals”.

To give you an example of how “independent” they are, exactly one year ago, Api Api assemblyman and PKR deputy Sabah state chairman Christina Liew was found by the High Court to have acted unlawfully by inducing 819 poor landowners in that state to breach a land deal with a state-owned firm. The court ordered her to pay RM557mil in damages.

This was easily the single biggest instance of court-awarded damages ever in Malaysia but none of the “independent” press mentioned a word of it. Neither did any of the Pakatan leaders. The way I see it, Barisan Nasional has been doing a poor job in social media while there are many pro-Pakatan/anti-BN social media users – you can call it my little contribution to strike the balance.

Q: You told me that you didn’t know who Lim Guan Eng was before GE13. How is that possible?

A: In 2012, I had no interest in politics at all and was just focusing on my career. I had heard of Lim Kit Siang but did not know who Lim Guan Eng was, even though he was the Penang Chief Minister. I even thought Gerakan was the northern branch of MCA.

I do not find this unusual. In fact, if you ask many people who the Mentri Besar of Negri Sembilan or Kelantan is, they wouldn’t be able to tell you.

Q: How did you turn from someone who did not know who Guan Eng was to a political animal?

A: I wouldn’t call myself a “political animal” – probably a political enthusiast. I just spend lots of time reading the news, Googling and talking to people to catch up. It’s not that hard, really.

Q: You like to use the word “zombie” in your postings. Define Zombie.

A: Zombies are those inspired by the lies about the 40,000 phantom voters and the blackouts. They are like the zombies that you see in Hong Kong movies.

They are unthinking, and when the Tao master rings the bell, the zombies would hop and follow. These zombies are devoid of independent thought and just swallow everything their political masters and “independent” news portals say.

Q: How does one become a zombie?

A: By not reading both sides of the story before making a judgement.

The worst zombies are those who read the headlines from the independent press without bothering to read the article and immediately come away with a conclusion. These zombies are the easiest ones to fool.

Q: Can Barisan supporters also be zombies?

A: They can if they do not think logically and just lap up propaganda.

Q: Do you think your postings will translate to votes for Barisan?

A: That is not my primary objective. My primary objective is to help sift the propaganda and lies from the truth.

Q: Why are Lim Guan Eng, Tony Pua and Rafizi Ramli your favourite targets?

A: I do post more about these three. But mainly because they make the most public statements.

Q: How come you can’t spell Rafizi’s name?

A: You have to be careful with the PKR types, as they are quite touchy. Their party leader (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim is famous for his “You ulang, I saman” (If you repeat, I will sue).

Q: How do you see the political atmosphere in Malaysia?

A: I am deeply concerned. I share the view of Singapore’s senior ambassador Bilahari Kausikan who said this to Tony Pua recently.

“I am not against idealism but even idealism, if it is to take a political form, must be grounded in reality. If an individual dies for his or her ideals, we can call the person a martyr or a fool and in any case, since only one individual is involved, it may not matter too much. But if an erstwhile political leader deceives himself and his followers into chasing an impossible dream and so leads them into disaster that can only be called irresponsible.”

That gives you an idea why he and I believe Malaysia is treading on dangerous ground – based on a hope that is not realistic – while our opposition politicians reap the benefits of position, power and fame.

The views expressed are entirely the writer’s own.

post Oct 31 2015, 11:16 AM

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To give you an example of how “independent” they are, exactly one year ago, Api Api assemblyman and PKR deputy Sabah state chairman Christina Liew was found by the High Court to have acted unlawfully by inducing 819 poor landowners in that state to breach a land deal with a state-owned firm. The court ordered her to pay RM557mil in damages.

This was easily the single biggest instance of court-awarded damages ever in Malaysia but none of the “independent” press mentioned a word of it. Neither did any of the Pakatan leaders.

LOL for sure la...you think Mkini or M insider is neutral?
post Oct 31 2015, 11:25 AM

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QUOTE(Stigonboard @ Oct 31 2015, 11:16 AM)
To give you an example of how “independent” they are, exactly one year ago, Api Api assemblyman and PKR deputy Sabah state chairman Christina Liew was found by the High Court to have acted unlawfully by inducing 819 poor landowners in that state to breach a land deal with a state-owned firm. The court ordered her to pay RM557mil in damages.

This was easily the single biggest instance of court-awarded damages ever in Malaysia but none of the “independent” press mentioned a word of it. Neither did any of the Pakatan leaders.
LOL for sure la...you think Mkini or M insider is neutral?
Launched in 1999, Malaysiakini believes that independent media is critical to a country’s progress. Independent media inform citizens of current affairs, helping them hold the government of the day accountable through citizen action, participation and voting decisions. Without a vigilant media, those in power are tempted to use their financial powers to bribe the influential and their policing authority to limit dissent. Acting in the interest of a few, such actions lead to disunity of the nation and decay of society.

Yup, independent but not necessary neutral. nod.gif

The Malaysian Insider began publishing on Feb 25, 2008 as a news portal which offers an unvarnished take on events and personalities in Malaysia. The website is edited and led by Jahabar Sadiq, who has worked as a journalist in Malaysia and the region since 1988.

The Malaysian Insider covers the issues of the day, politics, business, lifestyle, sports and entertainment. We hope that in time more Malaysians who crave for balanced and serious reporting on issues will contribute their news and views to us.

The Malaysian Insider values your thoughtful opinions on any reports or analyses contained here. Please refrain from comments of a racist, sexist, vulgar or derogatory nature and note that comments can be edited, rewritten for clarity or to avoid questionable issues. We also reserve the right to delete off-topic comments. Occasionally we may have presented an article with typographical errors that may lead to a completely different meaning or thought. This is not intentional and we would appreciate your feedback as and when this happens.

Same as well I guess.


Wow, either your title is not "UMPHHHHH" enough, or the zombies are not keen to read.

This post has been edited by MsGaijin: Oct 31 2015, 11:27 AM
post Oct 31 2015, 11:26 AM

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This guy super anti-DAP&PKR

Actually, he's like BN supporter
post Oct 31 2015, 11:33 AM

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When I was in school, teacher brainwashed to admire BN
I learn umno MCA mic history with full enthusiasm
I laugh at those poor opposition lies
I thought mahathir is 'god' and BN should rule forever
I thought the reformasi was and is stupid

But having live 20 years wiser
I know that there is no perfect party
Has to choose the lesser evil
My money is with dap for now

I wonder if Onn Jaafar was successful with his Parti Negara movement, Malaysia would have been much better today
post Oct 31 2015, 11:53 AM

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QUOTE(FlamingFox @ Oct 31 2015, 11:26 AM)
This guy super anti-DAP&PKR

Actually, he's like BN supporter
Unlike typical BN trooper,he always use proven facts

In fact he dare people to debunk and debate his fact and give monetary reward but none dare so
post Oct 31 2015, 11:59 AM

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QUOTE(Stigonboard @ Oct 31 2015, 11:16 AM)
To give you an example of how “independent” they are, exactly one year ago, Api Api assemblyman and PKR deputy Sabah state chairman Christina Liew was found by the High Court to have acted unlawfully by inducing 819 poor landowners in that state to breach a land deal with a state-owned firm. The court ordered her to pay RM557mil in damages.

This was easily the single biggest instance of court-awarded damages ever in Malaysia but none of the “independent” press mentioned a word of it. Neither did any of the Pakatan leaders.
LOL for sure la...you think Mkini or M insider is neutral?
I have googled with search words - Christina Liew Samudera with site specific filters

MalaysiaKini did not report.

The Malaysian Insider did not report

Free Malaysia Today reported

And more

The Star reported

And more

The New Straits Times reported

The Star report had this interesting paragraph -
Justice Chew Soo Ho made the ruling on Sept 30 but it went largely unnoticed until Monday, when Borneo Samudera released it to the media in Tawau.
The Star report was dated 30 October 2014.

Lim Lian See would like to infer from this one case of it not being reported in some of the alternative media that the alternative media as a whole, is not neutral.

But he/she is already off as one of the alternative media did report.

Would Lim Lian See also infer that the lack of a report in the NST of the appeal as also a lack of neutrality? Would he/she extrapolate from that to the lack of neutrality of the mainstream media as a whole?

post Oct 31 2015, 12:04 PM

Ayam betmen
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Why are BN apologists often labeled condescendingly as cybertroopers, while PR apologists are not called the same way?
post Oct 31 2015, 12:07 PM

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The Rakyat Post also reported on the appeal

post Oct 31 2015, 12:09 PM

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so, how does he know the propaganda is infact a propaganda? Any solid hardcore proof? From I see it, another keyboard warrior
post Oct 31 2015, 12:11 PM

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QUOTE(MsGaijin @ Oct 31 2015, 11:25 AM)

Wow, either your title is not "UMPHHHHH" enough, or the zombies are not keen to read.
I followed the article's title only. smile.gif
post Oct 31 2015, 12:15 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 12:11 PM)
I followed the article's title only.  smile.gif
I'm glad your conscience is still a good one.
post Oct 31 2015, 12:16 PM

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this lim sian see is eric see-to?



Anonymous said...
@ SWK,
I am deeply disappointed that you have tried to perpetuate the myth of Najib believing in his own rhetoric of Ketuanan Melayu!
Surely you must know that Najib's true advisors are only of the races he views as "superior" - Orang Cina, Yahudi, and Mat Salleh (in that order).
Aside from the already well known Yahudi and Mat Salleh who advise Najib (who are now operating in hiding), there are still a couple of people who would be well known in the PMO, and have "direct access" through the pintu belakang. They can be seen milling around the PMO and flashing their access passes trying to impress the young secretaries.
That would be the true identity of Presidential Blogger Lim Sian See - not Ms. but rather Mr. Eric See-To, CEO and Founder of Arah-e Technologies. Perhaps some of his clients would be shocked to know his true identity as Presidential Blogger, quietly whacking some of the companies he derives income from.
As many of the bloga prepaid would know, and can be seen regularly kissing his balls, Mr. See-To is now Chief Advisor on all things related to PR for 1MDB also and it would not surprise me if he had a hand in some of the recent more aggressive press releases from 1MDB.

Now how did this cinabeng with a penchant for GROs get direct access to Bugis and the PMO?
None other than through his friendship and sharing the same office block as one Datuk Lew Chon Lai , Managing Director of Steelwell Holdings Sdn Bhd and " bag man ". Datuk Lew is well known around BN circles and like the 3 wise men, brings gifts of rice, expired canned food, BN branded water and other goodies every time he appears at by-elections and PR events!

Please be less racist and give some of the non-Malays a Chance for the spotlight!

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post Oct 31 2015, 12:17 PM

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there no truly independent news media in Malaysia

U read all and make educated assessment

But some people insist on swallowing wat ever nonsense fed to them
post Oct 31 2015, 12:19 PM

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QUOTE(hcmalaya @ Oct 31 2015, 11:33 AM)
When I was in school, teacher brainwashed to admire BN
I learn umno MCA mic history with full enthusiasm
I laugh at those poor opposition lies
I thought mahathir is 'god' and BN should rule forever
I thought the reformasi was and is stupid

But having live 20 years wiser
I know that there is no perfect party
Has to choose the lesser evil
My money is with dap for now

I wonder if Onn Jaafar was successful with his Parti Negara movement, Malaysia would have been much better today
Same as well, but my "history" teachers were more neutral in these topics. They teach us the then BN is the ruling and stable party (which were true back then) and opposition parties are a necessity for check and balance.

This post has been edited by samftrmd: Oct 31 2015, 12:20 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 12:22 PM

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I think most people except the hardcore supporters know that pakatan MPs aren't angels, and many of them aren't that much better then BN, but they vote for them not because they love them or believe in their promises, but they just hate BN that much.
post Oct 31 2015, 12:28 PM

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"My primary objective is to help sift the propaganda and lies from the truth."

And yet when umno and bijan obviously songlap he or she totally ignores or justifies it, please la dont pretend to be neutral when you are anything but.

The truth? Ptui!
post Oct 31 2015, 12:49 PM

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Why this lim sian see have attack opposition only n not bn? If not politically affiliated sure attack both sides.

He is red shirt cyberman is it? If not, police won't come to his house just for attacking opposition.
post Oct 31 2015, 12:53 PM

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pagi pagi nak baca semua

post Oct 31 2015, 12:54 PM

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QUOTE(Jyunkai @ Oct 31 2015, 12:22 PM)
I think most people except the hardcore supporters know that pakatan MPs aren't angels, and many of them aren't that much better then BN, but they vote for them not because they love them or believe in their promises, but they just hate BN that much.
post Oct 31 2015, 12:58 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 11:59 AM)
I have googled with search words - Christina Liew Samudera with site specific filters

MalaysiaKini did not report.

The Malaysian Insider did not report

Free Malaysia Today reported

And more

The Star reported

And more

The New Straits Times reported

The Star report had this interesting paragraph -
The Star report was dated 30 October 2014. 

Lim Lian See would like to infer from this one case of it not being reported in some of the alternative media that the alternative media as a whole, is not neutral. 

But he/she is already off as one of the alternative media did report. 

Would Lim Lian See also infer that the lack of a report in the NST of the appeal as also a lack of neutrality?  Would he/she extrapolate from that to the lack of neutrality of the mainstream media as a whole?
Ive highligjted the issue in my previous thread. What he mean pro pakatan media like malaysia insifer n malaysiakini dont report. Malaysia today is not pakatan, they are independent so they report
post Oct 31 2015, 01:00 PM

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QUOTE(seijiseimura84 @ Oct 31 2015, 12:58 PM)
Ive highligjted the issue in my previous thread. What he mean pro pakatan media like malaysia insifer n malaysiakini dont report. Malaysia today is not pakatan, they are independent so they report
Malaysia today.net?
I am very sure that guy is in bn's side right now
post Oct 31 2015, 01:05 PM

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There is someone who dedicated their life to be "facebook political comentator"? If got allowance i want that job too..
post Oct 31 2015, 01:06 PM

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Lol neutral

What is Lim Sian See stand on 1mdb, donation?
post Oct 31 2015, 01:06 PM

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I used to think that Lim Sian See was rolling2014 since he liked to use former's material in his discussions. I might've been paranoid and delusional.
post Oct 31 2015, 01:10 PM

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obvious lap dog for the bee 'n' thumbup.gif
post Oct 31 2015, 01:12 PM

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QUOTE(and85rew @ Oct 31 2015, 01:06 PM)
Lol neutral

What is Lim Sian See stand on 1mdb, donation?

malas baca
post Oct 31 2015, 01:16 PM

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QUOTE(seijiseimura84 @ Oct 31 2015, 12:58 PM)
Ive highligjted the issue in my previous thread. What he mean pro pakatan media like malaysia insifer n malaysiakini dont report. Malaysia today is not pakatan, they are independent so they report
seijiseimura84 datang lagi.

He specifically used the word "independent".

Why are you even posting this?

post Oct 31 2015, 01:19 PM

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QUOTE(tdzheng @ Oct 31 2015, 01:00 PM)
Malaysia today.net?
I am very sure that guy is in bn's side right now

dun know real politik

post Oct 31 2015, 01:22 PM

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I very neutral, I vote base on logic. Jibby claim he dapat 2.6bil donation from saudi. Kalau macam tu apa sal toll dan minyak naik so much? Fake news ka? Check again I'm bleeding extra money starting from GST up until everything else compare to before GE. Last two GE before also no bleed so fast like now.

And Jibby jawap apa? All those needed so can allocate more Brim. If not no Brim ....

If BeeNd want to get any vote from me they 1st have to kick that thai chee master out of the party first to stop him from drunk driving the whole bus down to a ravine.
post Oct 31 2015, 01:22 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 01:19 PM)

dun know real politik
Give me tldr version of why I don't know real politics please.

Give me that or your brain function can conjure up a few words only?
post Oct 31 2015, 01:33 PM

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QUOTE(tdzheng @ Oct 31 2015, 01:22 PM)
Give me tldr version of why I don't know real politics please.

Give me that or your brain function can conjure up a few words only?
u too simple minded to understand this real politics

there's no tldr version of tis real politic as every story is interconnected with each other directly or indirectly

i'll just say that RPK know what hes doin, & i understand what he's trying to do & why he did it

sumthings to do with previous Mahathir era, connection with RPK before Mahathir & after Mahathir step down, story about Tengku Razaleigh, Pak Lah, Muhyiddin, on why Najib selected, what Tony Pua did on 1mdb fiasco, who involve, etc2

let just say that ure not fit enough to understand it once u concluded that RPK support BN this time around

post Oct 31 2015, 01:35 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 01:33 PM)
u too simple minded to understand this real politics

there's no tldr version of tis real politic as every story is interconnected with each other directly or indirectly

i'll just say that RPK know what hes doin, & i understand what he's trying to do & why he did it

sumthings to do with previous Mahathir era, connection with RPK before Mahathir & after Mahathir step down, story about Tengku Razaleigh, Pak Lah, Muhyiddin, on why Najib selected, what Tony Pua did on 1mdb fiasco, who involve, etc2

let just say that ure not fit enough to understand it once u concluded that RPK support BN this time around
It is just his opinion. This is also your opinion.

I don't know who is right or wrong.

Don't know why you need to go dissing him as too simple minded to understand.

Maybe you feel superior to him or something.
post Oct 31 2015, 01:40 PM

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QUOTE(Stigonboard @ Oct 31 2015, 11:53 AM)
Unlike typical BN trooper,he always use proven facts

In fact he dare people to debunk and debate his fact and give monetary reward but none dare so
But he/she/pandan never ever touch BN's warlords. BN is perfect?
post Oct 31 2015, 01:42 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 01:33 PM)
u too simple minded to understand this real politics

there's no tldr version of tis real politic as every story is interconnected with each other directly or indirectly

i'll just say that RPK know what hes doin, & i understand what he's trying to do & why he did it

sumthings to do with previous Mahathir era, connection with RPK before Mahathir & after Mahathir step down, story about Tengku Razaleigh, Pak Lah, Muhyiddin, on why Najib selected, what Tony Pua did on 1mdb fiasco, who involve, etc2

let just say that ure not fit enough to understand it once u concluded that RPK support BN this time around
If rpk knows what he's doing, he wouldn't joined the opposition n then hop to bn.

Sum thing to do with mahathir's era? Hehe look at what you yourself are saying laugh.gif
Is this what you read from what he's saying? Or from a 3rd party voice? What something? Something..... To Potek? laugh.gif
post Oct 31 2015, 01:45 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 01:35 PM)
It is just his opinion.  This is also your opinion. 

I don't know who is right or wrong. 

Don't know why you need to go dissing him as too simple minded to understand. 

Maybe you feel superior to him or something.
jadi najiboon fenbui have to show superior la abang
post Oct 31 2015, 01:47 PM

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QUOTE(Jyunkai @ Oct 31 2015, 12:22 PM)
I think most people except the hardcore supporters know that pakatan MPs aren't angels, and many of them aren't that much better then BN, but they vote for them not because they love them or believe in their promises, but they just hate BN that much.
Abstained in GE12. Do not approve what BN stands for. But don't see opposition credible as a ruling party. Peoples tend to support underdogs though.

GE13: Opposition gained my vote, cuz they proven themselves. But almost can't stand my friends that bought Anwar agenda through and through.

Then fast forward to see my Facebook wall plastered with dumb brainwashing media from Tony Pua and the likes, the underdogs now become what they detested. Memperbodohkan rakyat with pointless agendas and half truths. Some say opposition is to oppose everything the ruling party stands for. But they fail to follow up by proposing a better way of doing it instead. Wrong is wrong, but RBA loves prejudice like UMNO.

I'm staying away in GE14. Thanks to Red Bean Army and Cybertroopers.

Vote for changes. Think objectively.

Anyway the words of Lim Sian See is obviously leaning to BN. Not so much in this particular article, but in the others.

Opposition propaganda supporters is getting dumber like BN macais. Silent majority will get smart. THE GAME WILL CHANGE.
post Oct 31 2015, 01:48 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 01:35 PM)
It is just his opinion.  This is also your opinion. 

I don't know who is right or wrong. 

Don't know why you need to go dissing him as too simple minded to understand. 

Maybe you feel superior to him or something.
I would have preferred if he rebuke me with a more logical and reliable manner. Then maybe I would say "ok, maybe you're right"

But then he have to say in a manner like he knows everything laugh.gif
Muhammad Syukri
post Oct 31 2015, 01:52 PM

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LOL tak ada bola when comes to Rafizi Ramli.
post Oct 31 2015, 01:52 PM

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QUOTE(tdzheng @ Oct 31 2015, 01:42 PM)
If rpk knows what he's doing, he wouldn't joined the opposition n then hop to bn.

Sum thing to do with mahathir's era? Hehe look at what you yourself are saying laugh.gif
Is this what you read from what he's saying? Or from a 3rd party voice? What something? Something..... To Potek? laugh.gif
LOL u think he's that simple, join sana join sini like DAP/PKR/PAS/BN fag?

there's more than just political parties..

the struggle has been for so long..of cos u will never understand if u lazy to read from history

well, i would be better read directly from his writing rather than read from 3rd party like malaysiakini & such

thanks to RPK, at least now i see a bigger picture of what trully had happened rather than joining PR-fag with their 1mdb brouhaha (where 1mdb is just part of real political theater) & he taught me of how to be a merely voter, not a political party scumbag fan

This post has been edited by keown83: Oct 31 2015, 01:52 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 01:59 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 01:52 PM)
LOL u think he's that simple, join sana join sini like DAP/PKR/PAS/BN fag?

there's more than just political parties..

the struggle has been for so long..of cos u will never understand if u lazy to read from history

well, i would be better read directly from his writing rather than read from 3rd party like malaysiakini & such

thanks to RPK, at least now i see a bigger picture of what trully had happened rather than joining PR-fag with their 1mdb brouhaha (where 1mdb is just part of real political theater) & he taught me of how to be a merely voter, not a political party scumbag fan
The last thing you should say is that i don't read history doh.gif

Ok, I'll b benevolent, how did you see the bigger picture thru rpk?

This post has been edited by tdzheng: Oct 31 2015, 02:00 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 02:03 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 01:45 PM)
jadi najiboon fenbui have to show superior la abang
Only showed that you are arrogant, that's all.
post Oct 31 2015, 02:04 PM

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QUOTE(bereev @ Oct 31 2015, 01:56 PM)
Many ppl here say GE14 will not vote for any , in fact dun vote = vote BN becaue opposition need vote to change there is only one way we can't made our self out of this , either vote BN or not, stay ur self out not vote same as direct vote BN no difference.
OK nothing new. Typical brainwash.

I'm in Seputeh constituency. If not vote=DAP vote. Please stop being stupid. Can or not?
Revealing Edge
post Oct 31 2015, 02:18 PM

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Holy fucking shit someone nominate this guy into the no shit sherlock awards

Politics was never a game for saints, fake dreams serves as a motive to keep everything afloat and undermine all the dirty works. In the end it's all about who's better at keeping their image better because that's all that matters to these people and as for proofs lmao you'd think it'll be that easy when everything's under the iron grip?

Why do you think BN managed to rule this country for over 50 yrs?
post Oct 31 2015, 02:23 PM

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QUOTE(bereev @ Oct 31 2015, 02:15 PM)
brain dun lah think only seputeh i say this for all not for u that's why i no reply u
now i know what u playing here  brows.gif
Oh. OK.
You said if we don't vote is the same as voting for BN. Generalisation.

What if I tell you. If I don't vote, it means both sides also won't get my vote.

There's no game being played. Be a smart voter. That's all.

This post has been edited by rigmortis: Oct 31 2015, 02:26 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 02:36 PM

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QUOTE(bereev @ Oct 31 2015, 02:27 PM)
correct only if u can tell every one i mean every one not vote , if u tell ppl in doubt dun vote sure it was benefit to the existing frequent winner.
First you generalise. Now you want to be specific. OK.

Perhaps you are right then. Major portion of people who voted opposition are people disgruntled at BN.

But personally, I'll vote for a reason. Even if I don't, you don't have to tell me what you do.

This post has been edited by rigmortis: Oct 31 2015, 02:38 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 02:42 PM

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Opposition also need to remember that a lot of voters voted for them coz they don't want BN.
post Oct 31 2015, 03:09 PM

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QUOTE(tdzheng @ Oct 31 2015, 12:49 PM)
Why this lim sian see have attack opposition only n not bn? If not politically affiliated sure attack both sides.

He is red shirt cyberman is it? If not, police won't come to his house just for attacking opposition.
Someone do post this question to him, why on Pakatan? Not BN issue?

His reason is that in chinese community especially there is thousands of people will analyze and debunked any issue related to BN but there seems almost zero people from his community that try to ask question and pointing out what is wrong if it related to Pakatan especially DAP.

He hates that his community swallow everything that come out from opposition party and the so called neutral news portal.

He see himself as balancer to one sided flow, not everything that come out from the opposition is good or better.
post Oct 31 2015, 03:21 PM

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QUOTE(Stigonboard @ Oct 31 2015, 03:09 PM)
Someone do post this question to him, why on Pakatan? Not BN issue?

His reason is that in chinese community especially there is thousands of people will analyze and debunked any issue related to BN but there seems almost zero people from his community that try to ask question and pointing out what is wrong if it related to Pakatan especially DAP.

He hates that his community swallow everything that come out from opposition party and the so called neutral news portal.

He see himself as balancer to one sided flow, not everything that come out from the opposition is good or better.
I think that is a lot of crock.
post Oct 31 2015, 03:28 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 03:21 PM)
I think that is a lot of crock.
LOL sounds like it ya? But every man have their own view and political reason so we should give him the benefit of the doubt.
post Oct 31 2015, 03:34 PM

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QUOTE(Stigonboard @ Oct 31 2015, 03:09 PM)
Someone do post this question to him, why on Pakatan? Not BN issue?

His reason is that in chinese community especially there is thousands of people will analyze and debunked any issue related to BN but there seems almost zero people from his community that try to ask question and pointing out what is wrong if it related to Pakatan especially DAP.

He hates that his community swallow everything that come out from opposition party and the so called neutral news portal.

He see himself as balancer to one sided flow, not everything that come out from the opposition is good or better.
LEL balancer? laugh.gif
We all know that most politicians aren't clean. We chose the opposition cuz they're the lesser evil.
And I would like to see him debunk rafizi ramli's claims.
post Oct 31 2015, 03:38 PM

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QUOTE(seiferalmercy @ Oct 31 2015, 12:17 PM)
there no truly independent news media in Malaysia

U read all and make educated assessment

But some people insist on swallowing wat ever nonsense fed to them
No wonder so many support bijan songlap!!!
post Oct 31 2015, 03:39 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 01:06 PM)
I used to think that Lim Sian See was rolling2014 since he liked to use former's material in his discussions. I might've been paranoid and delusional.
They are on the same team, that's all. laugh.gif
post Oct 31 2015, 03:40 PM

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QUOTE(M4A1 @ Oct 31 2015, 01:12 PM)
Rupanya 1mdb is to help the nation!!!!

I guess mr.low is not partying with our money then..

Nvm as long as its orang kiter brows.gif
post Oct 31 2015, 03:42 PM

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QUOTE(rigmortis @ Oct 31 2015, 01:47 PM)
Abstained in GE12. Do not approve what BN stands for. But don't see opposition credible as a ruling party. Peoples tend to support underdogs though.

GE13: Opposition gained my vote, cuz they proven themselves. But almost can't stand my friends that bought Anwar agenda through and through.

Then fast forward to see my Facebook wall plastered with dumb brainwashing media from Tony Pua and the likes, the underdogs now become what they detested. Memperbodohkan rakyat with pointless agendas and half truths. Some say opposition is to oppose everything the ruling party stands for. But they fail to follow up by proposing a better way of doing it instead. Wrong is wrong, but RBA loves prejudice like UMNO.

I'm staying away in GE14. Thanks to Red Bean Army and Cybertroopers.

Vote for changes. Think objectively.

Anyway the words of Lim Sian See is obviously leaning to BN. Not so much in this particular article, but in the others.

Opposition propaganda supporters is getting dumber like BN macais. Silent majority will get smart. THE GAME WILL CHANGE.

Talk so much just tell you gonna vote bijan songlap la.

What so ashame about it?

Give br1m. Bb1m. So kind. So concerned about the poor.

Tak yah malu malu la.

post Oct 31 2015, 03:43 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 03:39 PM)
They are on the same team, that's all.  laugh.gif
I actually enjoy their posts, even if they're not the same person. After all, a one-sided cybertrooper battle is bad in the long run since PR/PH is no angel. biggrin.gif

Funny how the battles are no longer over facts but over statements and the way those sentences are constructed and construed.
post Oct 31 2015, 03:46 PM

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QUOTE(Stigonboard @ Oct 31 2015, 03:09 PM)
Someone do post this question to him, why on Pakatan? Not BN issue?

His reason is that in chinese community especially there is thousands of people will analyze and debunked any issue related to BN but there seems almost zero people from his community that try to ask question and pointing out what is wrong if it related to Pakatan especially DAP.

He hates that his community swallow everything that come out from opposition party and the so called neutral news portal.

He see himself as balancer to one sided flow, not everything that come out from the opposition is good or better.

Speaking out for bijan regime?

If this is not cybertrooper then i have no idea who is cybertrooper. I guess his is good friend of mr.low then.
post Oct 31 2015, 03:47 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 03:43 PM)
I actually enjoy their posts, even if they're not the same person. After all, a one-sided cybertrooper battle is bad in the long run since PR/PH is no angel.  biggrin.gif

Funny how the battles are no longer over facts but over statements and the way those sentences are constructed and construed.
Anything goes these days.

Lies, propaganda, half truths, fear, bogeyman, etc. etc. Everything including the kitchen sink.
post Oct 31 2015, 03:54 PM

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this is the problem with majority of the Zombies Malaysian nowadays.

1. anyone that doesn't agree with what PKR is doing - BN cybertroopers
2. anyone that criticize PKR - BN cybertroopers
4. When someone trying to debunked PKR stories, RBA goes - Where's the 2.6bil?
5. if you don't vote for BN, you are voting for DAP, vice versa.
6. The Star is twisted, Mkini and Minsider is NEUTRAL.

Again, please understand Electoral Rules before you all even comment about phantom voters / Blackout.

Wonder why none of the DAP actually commented on the Blackout issues? Because they themselves know it's not true.

but guess what, word spreads, lies spreads too, I'm working in Singapore and everyone in Singapore thought that Blackout issue REALLY happened.

How sad, people are just laughing at us, not bringing each other together for a better future, but being stupid by not verifying the truth.

also, those that say they choose DAP because they are the lesser evil.
simply because they never rule before to let you see their darker evil side, Tun M is corrupted, but he keeps everything in control, Najib is corrupted but he's crossing the line, so he's definitely out of the book, anytime.
but for PKR...?settle their internal issue, before going for the bigger pie.

This post has been edited by Blackdawn: Oct 31 2015, 03:57 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 03:56 PM

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QUOTE(Blackdawn @ Oct 31 2015, 03:54 PM)
this is the problem with majority of the Zombies Malaysian nowadays.

1. anyone that doesn't agree with what PKR is doing - BN cybertroopers
2. anyone that criticize PKR - BN cybertroopers
4. When someone trying to debunked PKR stories, RBA goes - Where's the 2.6bil?
5. if you don't vote for BN, you are voting for DAP, vice versa.
6. The Star is twisted, Mkini and Minsider is NEUTRAL.

Again, please understand Electoral Rules before you all even comment about phantom voters / Blackout.

Wonder why none of the DAP actually commented on the Blackout issues? Because they themselves know it's not true.

but guess what, word spreads, lies spreads too, I'm working in Singapore and everyone in Singapore thought that Blackout issue REALLY happened.

How sad, people are just laughing at us, not bringing each other together for a better future, but being stupid by not verifying the truth.
All your talk above are pointless.

Why are you in singapore? Why leave your family behind?

Truth? What truth? What truth do you want? 2.6billion? Rm4.2: 1usd?

Again. What prompted you to leave your family behind?


This post has been edited by ohman: Oct 31 2015, 03:57 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 04:06 PM

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QUOTE(Blackdawn @ Oct 31 2015, 03:54 PM)
this is the problem with majority of the Zombies Malaysian nowadays.

1. anyone that doesn't agree with what PKR is doing - BN cybertroopers
2. anyone that criticize PKR - BN cybertroopers
4. When someone trying to debunked PKR stories, RBA goes - Where's the 2.6bil?
5. if you don't vote for BN, you are voting for DAP, vice versa.
6. The Star is twisted, Mkini and Minsider is NEUTRAL.

Again, please understand Electoral Rules before you all even comment about phantom voters / Blackout.

Wonder why none of the DAP actually commented on the Blackout issues? Because they themselves know it's not true.

but guess what, word spreads, lies spreads too, I'm working in Singapore and everyone in Singapore thought that Blackout issue REALLY happened.

How sad, people are just laughing at us, not bringing each other together for a better future, but being stupid by not verifying the truth.
1. No
2. No
4. Not me.
5. Could be just refuse to vote. smile.gif
6. The Star is not twisted. It has quite even coverage but at times it portrays the government in quite a favourable light. MalaysiaKini is quite neutral but they report more on problems that BN prefers to be not reported at all. It is more towards the opposition that BN. The Malaysian Insider has gotten it wrong a couple of times.

Not everyone is like that.

But I don't know what is the big deal about being called a BN supporter or a PR supporter in here. So what if one is a BN supporter? Is it something to be ashamed of? Vice versa for a PR supporter.

Blackouts, I wasn't there. But there were some first hand eyewitness accounts of it happening. I don't know if it happened or not. But it quite hard to cheat during the counting. There are so many other better ways to give one side an advantage in an election.

This post has been edited by joe_mamak: Oct 31 2015, 04:15 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 04:14 PM

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QUOTE(Blackdawn @ Oct 31 2015, 03:54 PM)

also, those that say they choose DAP because they are the lesser evil.
simply because they never rule before to let you see their darker evil side, Tun M is corrupted, but he keeps everything in control, Najib is corrupted but he's crossing the line, so he's definitely out of the book, anytime.
but for PKR...?settle their internal issue, before going for the bigger pie.
What if their darker evil side is still way better than the BN "nice" side. laugh.gif

If you want to talk about internal issues, I can see far bigger issues in another party. They have removed a senior leader. They are now contemplating suspending others. A few divisional branches have openly called for their top leader to step down. Someone was sacked when she sued. Even the royalty has applied a bit of pressure to a quick solution to a crisis.

Maybe you should be more concerned with that other party. smile.gif

post Oct 31 2015, 04:18 PM

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Nah, as a rakyat I think we should be more selfish. Whoever does us good in a long term should stay. Sometimes I even question myself whether candies on election is better than no candy. Coz after election, it seems like everyone reverts to the default politic situation.
post Oct 31 2015, 04:18 PM

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QUOTE(Blackdawn @ Oct 31 2015, 03:54 PM)

simply because they never rule before to let you see their darker evil side, Tun M is corrupted, but he keeps everything in control, Najib is corrupted but he's crossing the line, so he's definitely out of the book, anytime.
but for PKR...?settle their internal issue, before going for the bigger pie.
What is your point?

That first sentence is as silly as

'You are a rapist and the reason you havent rape is because no sleeping girls was locked in the same room with you'

As if MACC doesnt exist. As if police doesnt exist.

post Oct 31 2015, 04:20 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 04:14 PM)
What if their darker evil side is still way better than the BN "nice" side.  laugh.gif 

If you want to talk about internal issues, I can see far bigger issues in another party.  They have removed a senior leader.  They are now contemplating suspending others.  A few divisional branches have openly called for their top leader to step down.  Someone was sacked when she sued.  Even the royalty has applied a bit of pressure to a quick solution to a crisis. 

Maybe you should be more concerned with that other party.  smile.gif

He is more concerned because he has no face when people asked about the blackout issue.


Oh well.
post Oct 31 2015, 04:45 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 04:06 PM)
1. No
2. No
4. Not me.
5. Could be just refuse to vote. smile.gif 
6. The Star is not twisted.  It has quite even coverage but at times it portrays the government in quite a favourable light.  MalaysiaKini is quite neutral but they report more on problems that BN prefers to be not reported at all.  It is more towards the opposition that BN.  The Malaysian Insider has gotten it wrong a couple of times. 

Not everyone is like that. 

But I don't know what is the big deal about being called a BN supporter or a PR supporter in here.  So what if one is a BN supporter?  Is it something to be ashamed of?  Vice versa for a PR supporter. 

Blackouts, I wasn't there. But there were some first hand eyewitness accounts of it happening.  I don't know if it happened or not.  But it quite hard to cheat during the counting.  There are so many other better ways to give one side an advantage in an election.
The Star doesn't twist news, yes they might not have reported everything but at least they don't twist the fact, unlike other newsportal, twist it to favour other parties or to give a bad name.
The moment wall street journal say they have super concrete evidence of Najib songlap-ing money, I was damn happy, finally it is time for him to come down, but now they just go silence. Why?
Also, try comparing to Singapore news, oh wait, you can't even see a single bad complain, news are all heavily regulated by the Government here.

Blackouts, you weren't there, your "friends" saw it right?
his their our friends all saw it, my friend facebook and youtube saw it too. Exactly, we don't know if it happened or not and yes it is quite hard to cheat because there are people from both parties observing the count !
Think harder, why didn't people like Tony Pua press SO HARD on it if it really happened, no words from DAP at all regarding the blackout issue. why is that? Think again.
Of course i am concerned, because everyone outside Malaysia, are being twisted by the lies and treat it as a joke, and that affects my country currency, and then you complain more and more and more.

when I say they should settle internal issue, is because for only state that they rule, they already have so many troubles internally, and majority of it is because of power and greed, what's more if they're gonna rule the country, what confidence are they showing to the people now?
No, now here comes Zombie, just because i commented on them not doing well on their state, the PKR protector will come and tell me "F OFF SETTLE YOUR OWN BN ISSUE FIRST BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT MY HEAVENLY PKR", its as if I don't know BN is way too corrupted to be saved in anyway.
post Oct 31 2015, 04:49 PM

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QUOTE(Blackdawn @ Oct 31 2015, 04:45 PM)
The Star doesn't twist news, yes they might not have reported everything but at least they don't twist the fact, unlike other newsportal, twist it to favour other parties or to give a bad name.
The moment wall street journal say they have super concrete evidence of Najib songlap-ing money, I was damn happy, finally it is time for him to come down, but now they just go silence. Why?
Also, try comparing to Singapore news, oh wait, you can't even see a single bad complain, news are all heavily regulated by the Government here.

Blackouts, you weren't there, your "friends" saw it right?
his their our friends all saw it, my friend facebook and youtube saw it too. Exactly, we don't know if it happened or not and yes it is quite hard to cheat because there are people from both parties observing the count !
Think harder, why didn't people like Tony Pua press SO HARD on it if it really happened, no words from DAP at all regarding the blackout issue. why is that? Think again.
Of course i am concerned, because everyone outside Malaysia, are being twisted by the lies and treat it as a joke, and that affects my country currency, and then you complain more and more and more.

when I say they should settle internal issue, is because for only state that they rule, they already have so many troubles internally, and majority of it is because of power and greed, what's more if they're gonna rule the country, what confidence are they showing to the people now?
No, now here comes Zombie, just because i commented on them not doing well on their state, the PKR protector will come and tell me "F OFF SETTLE YOUR OWN BN ISSUE FIRST BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT MY HEAVENLY PKR", its as if I don't know BN is way too corrupted to be saved in anyway.

Who did you voted last time? Nope i did not vote pkr or dap.


Malu la singaporeans looking down at your blackout liao.
post Oct 31 2015, 04:53 PM

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QUOTE(Starbucki @ Oct 31 2015, 12:04 PM)
Why are BN apologists often labeled condescendingly as cybertroopers, while PR apologists are not called the same way?
Coz people with half brain would not support BN
post Oct 31 2015, 04:57 PM

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QUOTE(wanted111who @ Oct 31 2015, 04:53 PM)
Coz people with half brain would not support BN
But but zombie otak udang here said PKR/PaS/Opposition is not perfect.


What can they do?
They can only vote for perfect party.

They can only vote for perfect man

They cannot vote for some potential evil people, since they themselves are potential rapists.

Ph crap. Lets vote back.bee end .

I will vote opposition when they are perfect.

Malu la let my singaporean friends know that i vote less than perfect opposition party.
post Oct 31 2015, 05:01 PM

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QUOTE(ohman @ Oct 31 2015, 04:57 PM)
But but zombie otak udang here said PKR/PaS/Opposition is not perfect.


What can they do? 
They can only vote for perfect party.
They can only vote for perfect man
They cannot vote for some potential evil people, since they themselves are potential rapists.

Ph crap. Lets vote back.bee end .
I will vote opposition when they are perfect.
Malu la let my singaporean friends know that i vote less than perfect opposition party.
don't support bn doesn't mean they will support opposition icon_idea.gif
post Oct 31 2015, 05:09 PM

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QUOTE(Blackdawn @ Oct 31 2015, 04:45 PM)
The Star doesn't twist news, yes they might not have reported everything but at least they don't twist the fact, unlike other newsportal, twist it to favour other parties or to give a bad name.
The moment wall street journal say they have super concrete evidence of Najib songlap-ing money, I was damn happy, finally it is time for him to come down, but now they just go silence. Why?
Also, try comparing to Singapore news, oh wait, you can't even see a single bad complain, news are all heavily regulated by the Government here.

Blackouts, you weren't there, your "friends" saw it right?
his their our friends all saw it, my friend facebook and youtube saw it too. Exactly, we don't know if it happened or not and yes it is quite hard to cheat because there are people from both parties observing the count !
Think harder, why didn't people like Tony Pua press SO HARD on it if it really happened, no words from DAP at all regarding the blackout issue. why is that? Think again.
Of course i am concerned, because everyone outside Malaysia, are being twisted by the lies and treat it as a joke, and that affects my country currency, and then you complain more and more and more.

when I say they should settle internal issue, is because for only state that they rule, they already have so many troubles internally, and majority of it is because of power and greed, what's more if they're gonna rule the country, what confidence are they showing to the people now?
No, now here comes Zombie, just because i commented on them not doing well on their state, the PKR protector will come and tell me "F OFF SETTLE YOUR OWN BN ISSUE FIRST BEFORE YOU TALK ABOUT MY HEAVENLY PKR", its as if I don't know BN is way too corrupted to be saved in anyway.
Err......WSJ reported what they had. They don't have more. Furthermore, they are a global financial newspaper, they cover so many countries and so many topics related to finance, investment, stocks, business.

And Malaysia is just one country. You really expected them to have more reports? Have a reporter assigned to chase up on more leads about 1MDB? Is it even possible as a lot of information is not accessible to anyone? Even in Malaysia, the investigations seem to have gotten nowhere. You expect a US newspaper to do more?

I didn't say The Star twisted the news. I actually said it is not twisted. biggrin.gif

I am familiar with the Singapore newspapers, having read them for years.

Not my friends, but there were so called first hand witnesses. But I don't know whether it is true or not. I have already said that. You want me to dismiss it entirely? I also don't know enough to do that as well.

Why do you single out Tony Pua? Such allegations are hard to prove. Also, I doubt he knows enough to dismiss the allegations either. Just like above.

Besides, the Election Committee claimed that no one reported any blackouts. You want Tony Pua to echo the EC and say "hey, no blackouts occurred according to the EC."?

Maybe you should think a bit about this.

I don't think our currency was affected by allegations of election fraud. If anything, the outcome of the last GE, where BN won again might have brought some confidence to the economy and the Ringgit.

Think about that too, will ya? Think about what is really affecting our currency.

Oh, now I am a zombie is it? You started it by saying -

"settle their internal issue, before going for the bigger pie."

which is similar to -


I am just telling you to also be concerned with the other party. Since you have shown so much concern about PR/PH.

Unless your concern is only for PR/PH.

Why is that so? BN, the party that is in power and would continue to be in power for a while, who is the one that is more likely to affect your life (maybe not yours since you are in SG) but those of us here, is not worthy of your concern at all?

I wonder about your sense of importance here.

This post has been edited by joe_mamak: Oct 31 2015, 05:18 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 05:22 PM

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QUOTE(ohman @ Oct 31 2015, 03:42 PM)

Talk so much just tell you gonna vote bijan songlap la.

What so ashame about it?

Give br1m. Bb1m. So kind. So concerned about the poor.

Tak yah malu malu la.
As much as I hate you red bean armies, I'll never vote BN.

Racist does not have to wear red shirt and be an ultra Malay. They can be other races and wears yellow shirt too.

I'm sure you're in the BR1M bracket. So you will also need Bijan.

I give bad remarks on Jib 90% of the time, never see Seiji or Toyotasupra be in denial mode. When I say something neutral or bad about your RBA lies, you sure come out to reply me.

I'm sure there's some payment from your boss right?
post Oct 31 2015, 05:34 PM

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QUOTE(rigmortis @ Oct 31 2015, 05:22 PM)
As much as I hate you red bean armies, I'll never vote BN.

Racist does not have to wear red shirt and be an ultra Malay. They can be other races and wears yellow shirt too.

I'm sure you're in the BR1M bracket. So you will also need Bijan.

I give bad remarks on Jib 90% of the time, never see Seiji or Toyotasupra be in denial mode. When I say something neutral or bad about your RBA lies, you sure come out to reply me.

I'm sure there's some payment from your boss right?
Ah here comes the personal attack of troopers.

Sorry to disappoint you. Many years ago my first job i was making more than 2.5k a month.

RBA? only mindless drones like you would believe that.

Typical educated penjilat.

Ever wonder why with more people like you educated but the country is not really heading in the right direction?

Why with more peoplelike you getting educated but instead of comparing with taiwan korea in the 70s to 80s, now we dont even have the cheek to compare with indonesia thailand?

Because people like you are just not helping.
post Oct 31 2015, 06:03 PM

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QUOTE(ohman @ Oct 31 2015, 05:34 PM)
Ah here comes the personal attack of troopers.

Sorry to disappoint you. Many years ago my first job i was making more than 2.5k a month.

RBA? only mindless drones like you would believe that.

Typical educated penjilat.

Ever wonder why with more people like you educated but the country is not really heading in the right direction? 

Why with more peoplelike you getting educated but instead of comparing with taiwan korea in the 70s to 80s, now we dont even have the cheek to compare with indonesia thailand?

Because people like you are just not helping.
Apologies then. But in the first case, then talk sensibly like an adult in your initial reply. When I am a little rude in replies, you say I "personal attack" you.
But, it's OK for you to be rude? The way you reply, to anybody who does not support PR/PH (and we are not even BN supporter) is so typical.

But seriously la, my initial salary was lower than yours. If it makes you happier. I am doing fine now, BTW.

PR is not perfect, but voted them. They are better alternative to the one we have now. But if you guys are giving us the rakyats half-truths and sensationalisation of simple matters, this is not going to help your course in the long run.

I said this before and I will say this again (hopefully no saman la), people will get smart. They will not be so easily duped again by sensationalised / twisted news and half-truths. We want a stable economy and it will not be achieved if we cannot think in a mature fashion.

I am not alone. A few of us have spoken out here - and you disagreed totally with us. And we might still vote for PH/PR, but we do not enjoy getting lied to. The Bangla voters lie in GE13 was so preposterous that, even I being a person with just average IQ , could not swallow.

This post has been edited by rigmortis: Oct 31 2015, 06:04 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 06:49 PM

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I thought everyone already know since ages ago that this Lim Sian See is BN lapdog?
He will nickpick on anything and everything that Pakatan/opposition does. Pretty much like some pro UNNO bloggers
post Oct 31 2015, 07:10 PM

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QUOTE(eaglehelang @ Oct 31 2015, 06:49 PM)
I thought everyone already know since ages ago that this Lim Sian See is BN lapdog?
He will nickpick on anything and everything that Pakatan/opposition does. Pretty much like some pro UNNO bloggers
He created a niche market for himself lerrr

Chinese pro BN blogger

I'm envious of him.
post Oct 31 2015, 07:11 PM

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anything that critics on PH = BN cybertrooper

so much for the so-called freedom of choice/freedom of expression

so any RBA who cover behind other name & whacking BN is a OK, in the name of justice

but the same cannot been done by BN or PH scumbag will cry foul

this is just as same as takde telor Tony Pua who challenge Arul Kanda for debate..when Arul accpet the challenge & counter challenge Tony Pua to resign from PAC post, suddenly Tony Pua chickened out..suddenly say debate will give no benefit whatever the outcome..when Arul said its OK can retain the PAC post & continue the debate program, suddenly Tony Pua said it will be only he question while Arul can only answer the question, A BIG NO-NO for two way counter-check conversation

DAP scumbag logic No 1 = I can hit u but u cannot hit me back or i will cry foul

DAP scumbag logic No 2 = I can create dupe to hit BN but BN cannot create dupe to hit me or i will expose it & cry foul

DAP scumbag logic No 3 = I can do & agree to whatever i want without need consent from my political partner but my political partner cannot do the same or i will cry foul & threaten to leave the coaliton or throw my partner out of coalition


post Oct 31 2015, 07:16 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:11 PM)

anything that critics on PH = BN cybertrooper

so much for the so-called freedom of choice/freedom of expression

so any RBA who cover behind other name & whacking BN is a OK, in the name of justice

but the same cannot been done by BN or PH scumbag will cry foul
this is just as same as takde telor Tony Pua who challenge Arul Kanda for debate..when Arul accpet the challenge & counter challenge Tony Pua to resign from PAC post, suddenly Tony Pua chickened out..suddenly say debate will give no benefit whatever the outcome..when Arul said its OK can retain the PAC post & continue the debate program, suddenly Tony Pua said it will be only he question while Arul can only answer the question, A BIG NO-NO for two way counter-check conversation

DAP scumbag logic No 1 = I can hit u but u cannot hit me back or i will cry foul

DAP scumbag logic No 2 = I can create dupe to hit BN but BN cannot create dupe to hit me or i will expose it & cry foul

DAP scumbag logic No 3 = I can do & agree to whatever i want without need consent from my political partner but my political partner cannot do the same or i will cry foul & threaten to leave the coaliton or throw my partner out of coalition
Interesting that you see it as Tony Pua chickening out.

Arul imposed a condition. Why should Tony Pua agree to that condition? And when he doesn't agree, it is viewed as chickening out?

Lets say you challenge me to a debate. I say sure, but you must debate in the nude. You don't agree. Are you chickening out? laugh.gif

Also, lets not forget that Tony Pua wanted a talk show. But Arul said debate.

As for the rest of your post, I won't bother to address it as your premise is already off.

post Oct 31 2015, 07:16 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 02:03 PM)
Only showed that you are arrogant, that's all.
i saw enough a lot of /k/tard in many tered becum very hostile towards PAS, towards UMNO, toward BN, & sometime even towards PKR when they didnt agree with the parties

so why cant i becum hostile too..???

so having an independent opinion that differ from ur opinion is considered arrogant?? only ur opinion matters? mine is not?

i cant practice my freedom of choice?
post Oct 31 2015, 07:18 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:16 PM)
i saw enough a lot of /k/tard in many tered becum very hostile towards PAS, towards UMNO, toward BN, & sometime even towards PKR when they didnt agree with the parties

so why cant i becum hostile too..???

so having an independent opinion that differ from ur opinion is considered arrogant?? only ur opinion matters? mine is not?

i cant practice my freedom of choice?
You can. Just that you were arrogant.

Oh, please. You went way beyond just having a different opinion as mine.

Go look back on your post.

post Oct 31 2015, 07:24 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 07:16 PM)
Interesting that you see it as Tony Pua chickening out. 

Arul imposed a condition.  Why should Tony Pua agree to that condition?  And when he doesn't agree, it is viewed as chickening out? 

Lets say you challenge me to a debate.  I say sure, but you must debate in the nude.  You don't agree.   Are you chickening out?  laugh.gif 

Also, lets not forget that Tony Pua wanted a talk show.  But Arul said debate. 

As for the rest of your post, I won't bother to address it as your premise is already off.
becos Tony Pua is still in the PAC that related directly to 1MDB issue..he cannot be judge, jury and executioner all at the same time..see the logic..??

& what Arul did is just what a brassball guy will do, A COUNTER CHALLENGE..he accepted a challenge from Tony Pua for debate & he counter challenge Tony Pua to resign from PAC, meaning that Tony Pua must becum a neutral person..see the logic...???

bu did Tony Pua accept the challenge..?? NO...he chickened out

when Arul in the end accept that Tony Pua doesnt need to resign his post, Tony Pua said it will not be a debate but a question-answer session where it will only Tony Pua question & Arul can only answer without any counter-check conversation with Tony Pua

this is what i called a scumbag attitude; I can challenge u but u cannot counter challenge me..I can hit u but u cannot hit me back..I can question u but u cannot question me back..

so much for a oxford uni grad level

talk-show..????????????????/ pleaseeeeee.........................its Tony Pua who said it 1st that its a DEBATE, A DEBATE..after that then he change to a 'talk-show'

This post has been edited by keown83: Oct 31 2015, 07:27 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 07:29 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:24 PM)
becos Tony Pua is still in the PAC that related directly to 1MDB issue..he cannot be judge, jury and executioner all at the same time..see the logic..??

& what Arul did is just what a brassball guy will do, A COUNTER CHALLENGE..he accepted a challenge from Tony Pua for debate & he counter challenge Tony Pua to resign from PAC, meaning that Tony Pua must becum a neutral person..see the logic...???

bu did Tony Pua accept the challenge..?? NO...he chickened out

when Arul in the end accept that he doesnt need to resign his post, Tony Pua said it will not be a debate but a question-answer session where it will only Tony Pua question & Arul can only answer without any counter-check conversation with Tony Pua

this is what i called a scumbag attitude; I can challenge u but u cannot counter challenge me..I can hit u but u cannot hit me back..I can question u but u cannot question me back..

so much for a oxford uni grad level
Eh..I thought I already cleared that up.

Tony Pua did not chicken out. Arul attached a condition, i.e. Tony Pua resign from PAC. Tony Pua did not agree (it was not a reasonable condition anyway). That is not chickening out.

Same analogy as you debating in the nude. laugh.gif

post Oct 31 2015, 07:32 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:24 PM)

talk-show..????????????????/ pleaseeeeee.........................its Tony Pua who said it 1st that its a DEBATE, A DEBATE..after that then he change to a 'talk-show'
I believe it was talk show.

See -


“YB Tony Pua has challenged me this morning to a live talk show with him. I hereby accept his challenge and look forward to answering his questions,” he said in a statement today.

Astro Awani neutral enough for you? laugh.gif
post Oct 31 2015, 07:39 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 07:29 PM)
Eh..I thought I already cleared that up. 

Tony Pua did not chicken out.  Arul attached a condition, i.e. Tony Pua resign from PAC.  Tony Pua did not agree (it was not a reasonable condition anyway).  That is not chickening out. 

Same analogy as you debating in the nude.  laugh.gif
how does resign from PAC is considered become nude..???

u want a debate, u need to be neutral

look at Arul response;

It is a known fact that YB Tony Pua is a member of the Public Accounts Committee, which is in the midst of conducting an investigation into 1MDB. In order to maintain the integrity of the PAC’s investigation, and to avoid any conflict of interest, YB Tony Pua must first resign from the PAC.

see..?? Tony Pua cannot be judge, jury and executioner all at the same time..

it was like a police who involved directly to some criminal case challenge the criminal for a debate..u want a debate, u ask other neutral party or u resign from ur post

how about Tony's recent goal post's shift?? at 1st said that it is a debate...suddenly said its a talk-show, even that so its a 1-way comm, only Tony can question & Arul can only answer

now how we cant see this as a scumbag attitude...???
post Oct 31 2015, 07:42 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 07:32 PM)
I believe it was talk show. 

See -

Astro Awani neutral enough for you?  laugh.gif
ya la..but 1-way comm only..Only Tony can question while Arul can only answer

u think its fair..??? Arul cannot counter question on Tony..???

what is this??? is this a talk show or is this a live interrogation..???

This post has been edited by keown83: Oct 31 2015, 07:45 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 07:44 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:42 PM)
ya la..but 1-way comm only..Only Tony can question while Arul can answer

u think its fair..??? Arul cannot counter question on Tony..???
some people attack whichever parties that they feel is wrong

some people only attack 1

u know which are you.
post Oct 31 2015, 07:45 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:39 PM)
how does resign from PAC is considered become nude..???

u want a debate, u need to be neutral

look at Arul response;
see..?? Tony Pua cannot be judge, jury and executioner all at the same time..

it was like a police who involved directly to some criminal case challenge the criminal for a debate..u want a debate, u ask other neutral party or u resign from ur post

how about Tony's recent goal post's shift?? at 1st said that it is a debate...suddenly said its a talk-show, even that so its a 1-way comm, only Tony can question & Arul can only answer

now how we cant see this as a scumbag attitude...???
Analogy lah.

You won't debate in the nude. I won't call you chicken lah.

Tony Pua already said PAC is far more important than a talk show. Getting to the bottom of 1MDB is far more important than a talk show. Arul can just show up and talk and talk and talk but we still might not be any closer to getting to the bottom of the truth about 1MDB.

OK, you keep insisting that Tony offered to debate. I already provided Astro Awani's report. Can you provide something to substantiate your claim?

Else, there is no shifting of the goal post lah.

And if you keep insisting that there is without anything to substantiate it, that would really be a scumbag attitude which you detest so much. Well, at least you appear to detest so much. laugh.gif
post Oct 31 2015, 07:45 PM

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He offer RM50K reward. I want to ask, is from own pocket or somewhere else?
post Oct 31 2015, 07:47 PM

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QUOTE(samlee860407 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:44 PM)
some people attack whichever parties that they feel is wrong

some people only attack 1

u know which are you.

imma najiboon fenbui btw so i wont mind

u can even ignore buttoned me if u like

i just becum hostile just as gud as /k/tard here who acted the same thing

freedom of expression, anyone...???

or is it only applicable when it please ur kind...???
post Oct 31 2015, 07:51 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:42 PM)
ya la..but 1-way comm only..Only Tony can question while Arul can only answer

u think its fair..??? Arul cannot counter question on Tony..???

what is this??? is this a talk show or is this a live interrogation..???
So, you AGREE it is now a TALK SHOW and NOT A DEBATE? laugh.gif

Lets go back a bit further to how all this started.


Excerpt -

Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua has offered to host a live talk show for 1MDB president Arul Kanda in which the DAP lawmaker will also serve as the interviewer.

Pua made the offer after Arul's live interview with Bernama TV, which he described as a continuation of 1MDB’s public relations campaign using 'recycled answers that have been discredited'.

“Since Arul proudly proclaimed that there is absolutely no cover-up to 1MDB, may I humbly propose that the 1MDB president attends a ‘live’ talk show which I will host and ask the questions.

“He will be given every opportunity and as much time as he likes to answer these questions.

“In fact, I will bear no grudges if he succeeds in embarrassing me by showing evidence from any 1MDB financial documents which disprove my allegations.

“The question is, will he have the courage to accept the challenge or will he stick to the safe comfort of the pliant mainstream media?” Pua said in a statement late last night.
Tony made the challenge after Arul's live interview with Bernama TV.

That one already like talk show. So, Tony Pua offered his services to be the one being the interviewer.

Arul was fine being interviewed on Bernama TV.

Lets see how well he would do with Tony Pua as the interviewer.

Sounds like a decent challenge to me.

Fair too as Arul had an easy time with Bernama TV.

post Oct 31 2015, 07:51 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:47 PM)

imma najiboon fenbui btw so i wont mind

u can even ignore buttoned me if u like

i just becum hostile just as gud as /k/tard here who acted the same thing

freedom of expression, anyone...???

or is it only applicable when it please ur kind...???
talk about freedom of speech so much

but then so marah with a simple statement from me.

you are the same as those u marah marah , or those u use as excuse to justify ur action. 2 wrong won't make 1 correct

post Oct 31 2015, 07:52 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 07:45 PM)
Analogy lah. 

You won't debate in the nude.  I won't call you chicken lah. 

Tony Pua already said PAC is far more important than a talk show. Getting to the bottom of 1MDB is far more important than a talk show.  Arul can just show up and talk and talk and talk but we still might not be any closer to getting to the bottom of the truth about 1MDB. 

OK, you keep insisting that Tony offered to debate.  I already provided Astro Awani's report.  Can you provide something to substantiate your claim? 

Else, there is no shifting of the goal post lah. 

And if you keep insisting that there is without anything to substantiate it, that would really be a scumbag attitude which you detest so much.  Well, at least you appear to detest so much.  laugh.gif
so only Tony Pua can challenge Arul & give condition but Arul cannot..???

ok its a talk-show if u wanna call it even if its actually a debate..

what no goal-post shifting..Tony suddenly give new condition that it will only he question while Arul can only answer..Arul cannot do counter check with Tony in the talk-show

apa ni..??? talk show ka soal-siasat live on TV...???

Tony Pua responded to Arul Kanda’s acceptance by saying, “It should be a question-and-answer session and not a debate because I am asking the questions. There’s nothing for him to ask me.”

"I can hit u but u cant hit me"
post Oct 31 2015, 07:54 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 07:51 PM)
So, you AGREE it is now a TALK SHOW and NOT A DEBATE?  laugh.gif

Lets go back a bit further to how all this started.


Excerpt -
Tony made the challenge after Arul's live interview with Bernama TV. 

That one already like talk show.  So, Tony Pua offered his services to be the one being the interviewer. 

Arul was fine being interviewed on Bernama TV. 

Lets see how well he would do with Tony Pua as the interviewer. 

Sounds like a decent challenge to me. 

Fair too as Arul had an easy time with Bernama TV.
I think you should give up. 3 posts and he still refuses to accept that the latest challenge which Arul replied and agreed to was a televised talk show and not a debate. Whether or not Arul and the media intentionally turned it into a debate is uncertain at the moment. laugh.gif

QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:52 PM)
so only Tony Pua can challenge Arul & give condition but Arul cannot..???

ok its a talk-show if u wanna call it even if its actually a debate..

what no goal-post shifting..Tony suddenly give new condition that it will only he question while Arul can only answer..Arul cannot do counter check with Tony in the talk-show

apa ni..??? talk show ka soal-siasat live on TV...???
"I can hit u but u cant hit me"
He has been consistent that it'll be a talk show to allow 1mdb to answer his questions. It was never a debate. It's Arul and the media who are saying it's a debate all of a sudden. Why is that Tony's fault? He didn't set any condition for the live talk show challenge. You can attack him for not being bold enough but you can't say he's shifting the goal post.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Oct 31 2015, 07:56 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 07:58 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 07:52 PM)
so only Tony Pua can challenge Arul & give condition but Arul cannot..???

ok its a talk-show if u wanna call it even if its actually a debate..

what no goal-post shifting..Tony suddenly give new condition that it will only he question while Arul can only answer..Arul cannot do counter check with Tony in the talk-show

apa ni..??? talk show ka soal-siasat live on TV...???
"I can hit u but u cant hit me"
Arul can challenge. I never said Arul cannot challenge. Go look through my posts.

You called Tony Pua chicken, I disagreed with that, that is all. laugh.gif

Still insisting it is a debate ah? Takpelah, if that is your attitude.

I already provided two articles that say it is a talk show and not a debate. Even Arul used the words talk show initially.

Soal-siasat ke, interbiu ke. Takpelah. As long as we get closer to the truth about 1MDB, that would be good.

post Oct 31 2015, 08:02 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 07:51 PM)
So, you AGREE it is now a TALK SHOW and NOT A DEBATE?  laugh.gif

Lets go back a bit further to how all this started.


Excerpt -
Tony made the challenge after Arul's live interview with Bernama TV. 

That one already like talk show.  So, Tony Pua offered his services to be the one being the interviewer. 

Arul was fine being interviewed on Bernama TV. 

Lets see how well he would do with Tony Pua as the interviewer. 

Sounds like a decent challenge to me. 

Fair too as Arul had an easy time with Bernama TV.
u call it talk-show, i call it a debate..it OK

1st, u still didnt answer on how its logically possible for a PAC member to do a talk-show with 1MDB..??? it was like a police handling a criminal case having a talk-show with a suspect..?? do u ever see it happening anywhere..??

he said interview session..but then he requested that it will only he question while Arul answer..so Arul cannot counter-check with Tony meh..?? Arul cannot ask the credibility of Tony's information like Tony's connection with Justo for example..??

as u know Justo already being for a trial in Thailand as its a confirm the data he received is a fabricated data

BTW, Tony Pua recently in the end backed down on the so-called TALK-SHOW with Arul

post Oct 31 2015, 08:06 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 08:02 PM)
u call it talk-show, i call it a debate..it OK

1st, u still didnt answer on how its logically possible for a PAC member to do a talk-show with 1MDB..??? it was like a police handling a criminal case having a talk-show with a suspect..?? do u ever see it happening anywhere..??

he said interview session..but then he requested that it will only he question while Arul answer..so Arul cannot counter-check with Tony meh..?? Arul cannot ask the credibility of Tony's information like Tony's connection with Justo for example..??

as u know Justo already being for a trial in Thailand as its a confirm the data he received is a fabricated data

BTW, Tony Pua recently in the end backed down on the so-called TALK-SHOW with Arul

Arul has now said yes. It is LOGICALLY possible already. laugh.gif

Tony Pua has defined the boundaries right from the start. Refer to the earlier MalaysiaKini article. I repost the pertinent parts.

“Since Arul proudly proclaimed that there is absolutely no cover-up to 1MDB, may I humbly propose that the 1MDB president attends a ‘live’ talk show which I will host and ask the questions.

“He will be given every opportunity and as much time as he likes to answer these questions.

No shifting of goal posts.

But I can cite this, cite that but seems you are just sticking to the same arguments as before.
post Oct 31 2015, 08:17 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 08:06 PM)
Arul has now said yes.  It is LOGICALLY possible already.   laugh.gif 

Tony Pua has defined the boundaries right from the start.  Refer to the earlier MalaysiaKini article.  I repost the pertinent parts.

“Since Arul proudly proclaimed that there is absolutely no cover-up to 1MDB, may I humbly propose that the 1MDB president attends a ‘live’ talk show which I will host and ask the questions.

“He will be given every opportunity and as much time as he likes to answer these questions.

No shifting of goal posts. 

But I can cite this, cite that but seems you are just sticking to the same arguments as before.
becos Arul know there's nothing to hide even though its illogical to make it happen

“Today, I stand before you to say openly to Tony Pua I withdraw my condition. I will meet YB Tony Pua for live discussion, or talk show, or debate, without any condition,” the 1MDB president said.

literally he said, "OK Tony..talk-show, debate, disscussion, whatever..bring it on"

but now Tony Pua already backed down on his so-called Talk-Show with only a question & answer session..so Arul cannot question on any of Tony's information integrity..more like its even OK for Tony to ask a 'gossip-level' of question as Arul cannot counter check the integrity..I ask, U answer, thats all & thats it

doesnt that sound like an interrogation live on TV..??? why Arul cannot counter question Tony..??? why Arul cannot question Tony's connection with Justo for example..???

if that is not a chicken, i dun know what is

This post has been edited by keown83: Oct 31 2015, 08:19 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 08:25 PM

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QUOTE(ilikeweetbix @ Oct 31 2015, 12:28 PM)
"My primary objective is to help sift the propaganda and lies from the truth."

And yet when umno and bijan obviously songlap he or she totally ignores or justifies it, please la dont pretend to be neutral when you are anything but.

The truth? Ptui!
post Oct 31 2015, 08:25 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 08:17 PM)
becos Arul know there's nothing to hide even though its illogical to make it happen
literally he said, "OK Tony..talk-show, debate, disscussion, whatever..bring it on"

but now Tony Pua already backed down on his so-called Talk-Show with only a question & answer session..so Arul cannot question on any of Tony's information integrity..more like its even OK for Tony to ask a 'gossip-level' of question as Arul cannot counter check the integrity..I ask, U answer, thats all & thats it

doesnt that sound like an interrogation live on TV..??? why Arul cannot counter question Tony..??? why Arul cannot question Tony's connection with Justo for example..???

if that is not a chicken, i dun know what is
Why do you insist that Arul must be able to question Tony?

What do Arul have to ask to Tony? Does the suspect in a trial question the judge or jury or lawyer?

post Oct 31 2015, 08:27 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Oct 31 2015, 08:06 PM)
Arul has now said yes.  It is LOGICALLY possible already.  laugh.gif 

Tony Pua has defined the boundaries right from the start.  Refer to the earlier MalaysiaKini article.  I repost the pertinent parts.

“Since Arul proudly proclaimed that there is absolutely no cover-up to 1MDB, may I humbly propose that the 1MDB president attends a ‘live’ talk show which I will host and ask the questions.

“He will be given every opportunity and as much time as he likes to answer these questions.

No shifting of goal posts. 

But I can cite this, cite that but seems you are just sticking to the same arguments as before.
I mildly agree that it is not the right time for a member of PAC investigation team to reveal the findings; sensitive matters will be blurted out in the heat of any debate, regardless if the format is a debate or talk-show. I mostly get news sources from Star and it's still mentioned as debate though.

You are on point that PAC role of accounting for the 1MDB scandal by far outweighs any gain from a talk show. A public talk-show request will always be popular to the public for entertainment purpose, but popular move in this instance is not the right move.

As for the judge, jury and executioner role of Tony, it's not even worth pointing out by Keown. There may not even have been any neutrality amongst the investigators. And we are pretty sure Tony has pre-assumption that Arul and party is guilty until proven innocent. His role in PAC is more like to expose any bias from the BN team of investigators.
post Oct 31 2015, 08:45 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 07:54 PM)
I think you should give up. 3 posts and he still refuses to accept that the latest challenge which Arul replied and agreed to was a televised talk show and not a debate. Whether or not Arul and the media intentionally turned it into a debate is uncertain at the moment. laugh.gif
He has been consistent that it'll be a talk show to allow 1mdb to answer his questions. It was never a debate. It's Arul and the media who are saying it's a debate all of a sudden. Why is that Tony's fault? He didn't set any condition for the live talk show challenge. You can attack him for not being bold enough but you can't say he's shifting the goal post.
Oklah u win
still u dont have any conscience kah
what wromg having a debate in the first place...i see that more gentleman fighting n more justice rather than one ask, one answer but cant ask back

All malaysian want is the truth...should malaysiaj do the demanding for a live debate. That will be great, no? Instead u just follos tony blindky
post Oct 31 2015, 08:45 PM

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QUOTE(askingquestion @ Oct 31 2015, 08:25 PM)
Why do you insist that Arul must be able to question Tony?

What do Arul have to ask to Tony? Does the suspect in a trial question the judge or jury or lawyer?

connection with Justo is one of it..why arul cant do integrity counter-check with Tony's source of info from Tony's question...???


see....now i wana ask...is this a "TALK-SHOW" or is this an "INTERROGATION LIVE ON TV"..???

see...Tony cant be all at the same time.

see Arul's statement;

It is a known fact that YB Tony Pua is a member of the Public Accounts Committee, which is in the midst of conducting an investigation into 1MDB. In order to maintain the integrity of the PAC’s investigation, and to avoid any conflict of interest, YB Tony Pua must first resign from the PAC.

Despite his efforts to do so, YB Tony Pua cannot be judge, jury and executioner. As such, I trust he will have the courage to do the right thing and resign from the PAC in order for us to have, in his words, a “no-holds barred” discussion on live television.

if u wanna know all the truth, then be neutral & independent..its not a court, its a live TV show...so be professional

& suddenly Tony say its a question-answer session only..Tony ask, Arul answer, whatever silly the question is

post Oct 31 2015, 08:45 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 07:54 PM)
I think you should give up. 3 posts and he still refuses to accept that the latest challenge which Arul replied and agreed to was a televised talk show and not a debate. Whether or not Arul and the media intentionally turned it into a debate is uncertain at the moment. laugh.gif
He has been consistent that it'll be a talk show to allow 1mdb to answer his questions. It was never a debate. It's Arul and the media who are saying it's a debate all of a sudden. Why is that Tony's fault? He didn't set any condition for the live talk show challenge. You can attack him for not being bold enough but you can't say he's shifting the goal post.
In August, Tony Pua shared in his Facebook page a M'kini article headline "MP (Tony) dares Arul to debate after ‘open book’ claim" and said, in his own words, "So I'm sure Malaysians would be very interested to see an open dialogue or debate between Arul and myself."

This was in August so he did shift from open dialogue or debate format to, as reported by Malaysiakini, where he said “It should be a question-and-answer session and not a debate, because I am asking the questions".

But of course Arul does want to ask about Tony Pua's involvement with Claire Brown whom he (Tony) admmited to have met.

This is in relation to Thai police's revelation.On 18th July, Lt General Prawuth Thavornsiri, of Thai police, told Singapore's The Straits Times that a group obtained stolen 1MDB data from Justo and then "tampered with the data to discredit the (Malaysian) PM". Thai police said the group included a Malaysia-born woman who had moved to Britain and now own a news blog and someone from Najib's own party.

This post has been edited by rolling2014: Oct 31 2015, 08:53 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 08:47 PM

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QUOTE(askingquestion @ Oct 31 2015, 08:25 PM)
Why do you insist that Arul must be able to question Tony?

What do Arul have to ask to Tony? Does the suspect in a trial question the judge or jury or lawyer?
Arul prolly want to ask about Tony Pua's involvement with Claire Brown whom he (Tony) admmited to have met.

This is in relation to Thai police's revelation.On 18th July, Lt General Prawuth Thavornsiri, of Thai police, told Singapore's The Straits Times that a group obtained stolen 1MDB data from Justo and then "tampered with the data to discredit the (Malaysian) PM". Thai police said the group included a Malaysia-born woman who had moved to Britain and now own a news blog
post Oct 31 2015, 08:50 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 07:54 PM)
I think you should give up. 3 posts and he still refuses to accept that the latest challenge which Arul replied and agreed to was a televised talk show and not a debate. Whether or not Arul and the media intentionally turned it into a debate is uncertain at the moment. laugh.gif
He has been consistent that it'll be a talk show to allow 1mdb to answer his questions. It was never a debate. It's Arul and the media who are saying it's a debate all of a sudden. Why is that Tony's fault? He didn't set any condition for the live talk show challenge. You can attack him for not being bold enough but you can't say he's shifting the goal post.
u wanna know the truth, the 'no hold barred' truth or u wwanna know the truth that only suits Tony Pua & the likes...???

Arul ask Tony to be professional..why...??? becos Tony also have his hand dirty with Justo fiasco...but then Tony is in PAC..so if u wanna know real truth, then be professional & be neutral, let two-way comm decide the truth

its an open-secret that its a debate before its being called a "talk show" with only Tony ask & Arul answer & no other way around for counter-balance of truth & facts

Tony takut ka..???

chicken or not he is..???

This post has been edited by keown83: Oct 31 2015, 09:04 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 08:55 PM

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QUOTE(seijiseimura84 @ Oct 31 2015, 08:45 PM)
Oklah u win
still u dont have any conscience kah
what wromg having a debate in the first place...i see that more gentleman fighting n more justice rather than one ask, one answer but cant ask back

All malaysian want is the truth...should malaysiaj do the demanding for a live debate. That will be great, no? Instead u just follos tony blindky
u wan debate ask your bapak aka dear leader TO FIRST SHOW UP for once
post Oct 31 2015, 09:03 PM

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Lim sek see lah...
post Oct 31 2015, 09:07 PM

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first timer non political inclined yet all he highlight are opposition .. kek.. so government very clean lar? so the majority malaysia who voted opposition all bodo bodo belaka.. ok.. only him pandai..
post Oct 31 2015, 09:10 PM

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QUOTE(seijiseimura84 @ Oct 31 2015, 08:45 PM)
Oklah u win
still u dont have any conscience kah
what wromg having a debate in the first place...i see that more gentleman fighting n more justice rather than one ask, one answer but cant ask back

All malaysian want is the truth...should malaysiaj do the demanding for a live debate. That will be great, no? Instead u just follos tony blindky
2 different issues. I was responding to the debate vs talk show issue.

QUOTE(rolling2014 @ Oct 31 2015, 08:45 PM)
In August, Tony Pua shared in his Facebook page a M'kini article headline "MP (Tony) dares Arul to debate after ‘open book’ claim" and said, in his own words, "So I'm sure Malaysians would be very interested to see an open dialogue or debate between Arul and myself."

This was in August so he did shift from open dialogue or debate format to, as reported by Malaysiakini, where he said “It should be a question-and-answer session and not a debate, because I am asking the questions".

But of course Arul does want to ask about Tony Pua's involvement with Claire Brown whom he (Tony) admmited to have met.

This is in relation to Thai police's revelation.On 18th July, Lt General Prawuth Thavornsiri, of Thai police, told Singapore's The Straits Times that a group obtained stolen 1MDB data from Justo and then "tampered with the data to discredit the (Malaysian) PM". Thai police  said the group included a Malaysia-born woman who had moved to Britain and now own a news blog and someone from Najib's own party.
They are 2 different challenges. The August one was to a dialogue or a debate which Arul did not respond to. The latest one from 2 days ago was a televised talk show challenge that Tony posed to Arul and the latter responded. I think his alleged meetings with both Claire and Justo are irrelevant when the argument is on debate vs talk show.

QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 08:50 PM)
u wanna know the truth, the 'no hold barred' truth or u wwanna know the truth that only suits Tony Pua & the likes...???

Arul ask Tony to be professional..why...??? becos Tony also have his hand dirty with Justo fiasco...but then Tony is in PAC..so if u wanna know real truth, then be professional & be neutral, let two-way comm decide the truth

its an open-secret that its a debate before its being called a "talk show" with only Tony ask & Arul answer & no other way around for counter-balance of truth & facts

Tony takut ka..???

chicken or not he is..???
If you wanna talk about professionalism, shouldn't Najib step down as both PM and FM since he has the ability to hinder investigations into him and his pet project? The issues of Tony's professionalism or conduct are not relevent to your earlier assertion that Tony is chickening out from his challenge. Refer to my earlier reply regarding the 2 different challenges that Joe has also furnished you with. That's like you offering to loan me RM 50 in August but I refuse. You offer to loan me RM 30 in September and I agree but I ask where's the balance RM 20.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Oct 31 2015, 09:12 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 09:15 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 09:10 PM)
2 different issues. I was responding to the debate vs talk show issue.
They are 2 different challenges. The August one was to a dialogue or a debate which Arul did not respond to. The latest one from 2 days ago was a televised talk show challenge that Tony posed to Arul and the latter responded. I think his alleged meetings with both Claire and Justo are irrelevant when the argument is on debate vs talk show.
If you wanna talk about professionalism, shouldn't Najib step down as both PM and FM since he has the ability to hinder investigations into him and his pet project? The issues of Tony's professionalism or conduct are not relevent to your earlier assertion that Tony is chickening out from his challenge. Refer to my earlier reply regarding the 2 different challenges that Joe has also furnished you with. That's like you offering to loan me RM 50 in August but I refuse. You offer to loan me RM 30 in September and I agree but I ask where's the balance RM 20.
U want debate which more honor n justice
or want talk show which only one side communicatiom only
post Oct 31 2015, 09:18 PM

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QUOTE(seijiseimura84 @ Oct 31 2015, 09:15 PM)
U want debate which more honor n justice
or want talk show which only one side communicatiom only
Doesn't matter what I want. At this moment, Arul agreed to Tony's latest challenge to answer questions on a live talk show and it was not a debate. If Arul did accept Tony's earlier proposal from August, then it's up to Arul to make it clear that it was in response to that and for Tony not to chicken out.
post Oct 31 2015, 09:24 PM

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Actually both side are also not reporting the whole truth. That is just how the world works.

But what i don't like more about Lim Sian See as compared to other clear pro-opposition figures is that he/she always professed able to shift through the propaganda and the lies, yet he/she hides his identities and is clearly pro-BN yet all the while complaining about propaganda ?

Pffts with such convictions, his/her opinion is worth as much as the nonsense we write here as anon. It doesn't carry weight.
post Oct 31 2015, 09:26 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 09:18 PM)
Doesn't matter what I want. At this moment, Arul agreed to Tony's latest challenge to answer questions on a live talk show and it was not a debate. If Arul did accept Tony's earlier proposal from August, then it's up to Arul to make it clear that it was in response to that and for Tony not to chicken out.
dont lie la...Arul statement confirmed that he also didnt know there's such condition as 1-sided "Question-Answer" on the so-called Talk-Show;

Today, 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) president Arul Kanda Kandasamy accepted DAP MP Tony Pua’s challenge for a live debate on television. Arul Kanda also said he withdraws his earlier precondition for Tony Pua’s resignation from the PAC before the live debate on 1MDB can be held.

“Today, I stand before you to say openly to Tony Pua I withdraw my condition. I will meet YB Tony Pua for live discussion, or talk show, or debate, without any condition,” the 1MDB president said.

he didn't know what kind of the discussion is..for his logic, it shud be a talk from both side, be it discussion, debate, talk show, whatever the TV show called is

suddenly Tony Pua replied that it will be a 1-sided Question-Answer show..if that is, how can Arul counter-check facts & truth with Tony's information integrity..???

its obvious Tony chickened out
post Oct 31 2015, 09:31 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 09:10 PM)
2 different issues. I was responding to the debate vs talk show issue.
They are 2 different challenges. The August one was to a dialogue or a debate which Arul did not respond to. The latest one from 2 days ago was a televised talk show challenge that Tony posed to Arul and the latter responded. I think his alleged meetings with both Claire and Justo are irrelevant when the argument is on debate vs talk show.
If you wanna talk about professionalism, shouldn't Najib step down as both PM and FM since he has the ability to hinder investigations into him and his pet project? The issues of Tony's professionalism or conduct are not relevent to your earlier assertion that Tony is chickening out from his challenge. Refer to my earlier reply regarding the 2 different challenges that Joe has also furnished you with. That's like you offering to loan me RM 50 in August but I refuse. You offer to loan me RM 30 in September and I agree but I ask where's the balance RM 20.
the 1st one is unofficial statement from Tony through his fb page..the 2nd one is official invitation with different name..Arul responded the official invitation

put najib out of this..its Tony who wanna debate with Arul, not debate with Najib

must remember that Tony is a member of PAC that investigate 1MDB..Tony must become neutral as he's the one who ask for the show\

ur metaphor of loan RM50 & Rm30 is irrelevant

This post has been edited by keown83: Oct 31 2015, 09:36 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 09:32 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 09:10 PM)
2 different issues. I was responding to the debate vs talk show issue.
They are 2 different challenges. The August one was to a dialogue or a debate which Arul did not respond to. The latest one from 2 days ago was a televised talk show challenge that Tony posed to Arul and the latter responded. I think his alleged meetings with both Claire and Justo are irrelevant when the argument is on debate vs talk show.
If you wanna talk about professionalism, shouldn't Najib step down as both PM and FM since he has the ability to hinder investigations into him and his pet project? Refer to my earlier reply regarding the 2 different challenges that Joe has also furnished you with. That's like you offering to loan me RM 50 in August but I refuse. You offer to loan me RM 30 in September and I agree but I ask where's the balance RM 20.
On 30th Oct, Malaysiakini reported "Pua: My PAC role more important than 1MDB debate" in response to Arul's initial condition that Pua must resign from PAC for the live talk show to happen. Tony Pua was quoted to have said "If I go on a debate (with Arul Kanda), even if he tells the truth, there's nothing I can do other than just that," https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/317783

It was only on 31st Oct, after Arul dropped the condition, when Pua said “It should be a question-and-answer session and not a debate, because I am asking the questions".

So Pua never said it was 2 different issues (open dialouge ordebate and talk show) until today. But anyways watching live talk shows, the communication is always two ways eg open dialouge where both sides can ask questions, make comment back n forth etc

Anyways the Claire Brown connection is in regards to questions Arul would want to ask Tony Pua.

This post has been edited by rolling2014: Oct 31 2015, 09:42 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 09:47 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 09:26 PM)
dont lie la...Arul statement confirmed that he also didnt know there's such condition as 1-sided "Question-Answer" on the so-called Talk-Show;
he didn't know what kind of the discussion is..for his logic, it shud be a talk from both side, be it discussion, debate, talk show, whatever the TV show called is

suddenly Tony Pua replied that it will be a 1-sided Question-Answer show..if that is, how can Arul counter-check facts & truth with Tony's information integrity..???

its obvious Tony chickened out
QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 09:31 PM)
the 1st one is unofficial statement from Tony through his fb page..the 2nd one is official with different name..Arul responded the official invitation

put najib out of this..its Tony who wanna debate with Arul, not debate with Najib

must remember that Tony is a member of PAC that investigate 1MDB..Tony must become neutral as he's the one who ask for the show
Please read joe's posts. This isn't a question of logic but based on the words used. I don't know who's responsible for the mix up but the challenge issued on October 29 concerned a live talk show.

QUOTE(rolling2014 @ Oct 31 2015, 09:32 PM)
On 30th Oct, Malaysiakini reported "Pua: My PAC role more important than 1MDB debate" in response to Arul's initial condition that Pua must resign from PAC for the live talk show to happen. Tony Pua was quoted to have said "If I go on a debate (with Arul Kanda), even if he tells the truth, there's nothing I can do other than just that," https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/317783

It was only on 31st Oct, after Arul dropped the condition, when Pua said “It should be a question-and-answer session and not a debate, because I am asking the questions".

So Pua never said it was 2 different issues (debate and talk show) until today.

Anyways the Claire Brown connection is in regards to questions Arul would want to ask Tony Pua.
Since you're using Malaysiakini as your reference, this is from October 29:

Arul's reply on the same day:

Whether it was the media, Arul or Tony who made the mix up is uncertain. I can't view the entire Malaysiakini transcript but this appeared in Malay Mail:

“Stop giving stupid conditions, accept my challenge like a man and let’s meet on live television,” Pua told a news conference here.
“I am not surprised by his statement accepting my challenge but putting conditions which do not make sense.
“No rule of law says I cannot pursue matters of public interest outside of the PAC,”

Interestingly, the title of the article includes the word 'debate' and I think his first statement on October 29 is quite clear since he mentioned 'live talk show' and not 'debate'.

No mention of the debate is mentioned in this article by the Star on the 29th either:

Either way, Tony has fallen for the trap and I'm starting to suspect that Malaysiakini is partly responsible for this mishap.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Oct 31 2015, 09:48 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 09:56 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 09:47 PM)
Please read joe's posts. This isn't a question of logic but based on the words used. I don't know who's responsible for the mix up but the challenge issued on October 29 concerned a live talk show.
Since you're using Malaysiakini as your reference, this is from October 29:

Arul's reply on the same day:

Whether it was the media, Arul or Tony who made the mix up is uncertain. I can't view the entire Malaysiakini transcript but this appeared in Malay Mail:

“Stop giving stupid conditions, accept my challenge like a man and let’s meet on live television,” Pua told a news conference here.
“I am not surprised by his statement accepting my challenge but putting conditions which do not make sense.
“No rule of law says I cannot pursue matters of public interest outside of the PAC,”

Interestingly, the title of the article includes the word 'debate' and I think his first statement on October 29 is quite clear since he mentioned 'live talk show' and not 'debate'.

No mention of the debate is mentioned in this article by the Star on the 29th either:

Either way, Tony has fallen for the trap and I'm starting to suspect that Malaysiakini is partly responsible for this mishap.
Anyhow... watching live talk shows, the communication is always two ways eg open dialouge, where interviewer and interviewee can ask questions, make comment back n forth,debate etc. Never seen such a strict live talk show where interviewee cannot ask questions, and it is strictly a Q&A
post Oct 31 2015, 09:57 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 09:47 PM)
Please read joe's posts. This isn't a question of logic but based on the words used. I don't know who's responsible for the mix up but the challenge issued on October 29 concerned a live talk show.
already stated that Tony Pua made statement unofficially on his fb page..Arul as a professional wont have to respond to Tony as its not even an official invitation

later, Tony officially invite Arul for the "Talk-Show" without any condition..Arul responded he can accept the invitation but Tony must 1st release his post in PAC..Tony decline..later Arul say its OK for Tony not to release his post in PAC & he accept to attend the "Talk-Show"..but then Tony reply that the show will base on 1-sided Question-Answer event

If Tony give full explanation of how the Talk-Show will be during the initial official invitation, do u think Arul will accept it in the 1st place..??? its a very silly rule..& obviously Tony chickened out when Arul dare to accept his invitation unconditionally so he change the rule

This post has been edited by keown83: Oct 31 2015, 10:00 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 10:02 PM

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QUOTE(rolling2014 @ Oct 31 2015, 09:56 PM)
Anyhow... watching live talk shows, the communication is always two ways eg open dialouge, where interviewer and interviewee can ask questions, make comment back n forth,debate etc. Never seen such a strict live talk show where interviewee cannot ask questions, and it is strictly a Q&A
Tony would've earned extra brownie points if he agreed with the debate despite the confusion. I do agree with him that there's nothing much for him to answer other than questions regarding Clare, Justo and the alleged PAC leak which Nur Jazlan has denied.

QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 09:57 PM)
already stated that Tony Pua made statement unofficially on his fb page..Arul as a professional wont have to respond to Tony as its not even an official invitation

later, Tony officially invite Arul for the "Talk-Show" without any condition..Arul responded he can accept the invitation but Tony must 1st release his post in PAC..Tony decline..later Arul say its OK for Tony not to release his post in PAC & he accept to attend the "Talk-Show"..but then Tony reply that the show will base on 1-sided Question-Answer event

If Tony give full explanation of how the Talk-Show will be during the initial official invitation, do u think Arul will accept it in the 1st place..??? its a very silly rule..& obviously Tony chickened out when Arul dare to accept his invitation unconditionally so he change the rule
You've answered your own question.

talk show
noun: talk show; plural noun: talk shows; modifier noun: talk-show; noun: talkshow; plural noun: talkshows

a television or radio show in which various topics are discussed informally and listeners, viewers, or the studio audience are invited to participate in the discussion.

Tony doesn't want it to be a debate like those reported in the media but he could've used a better choice of words.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Oct 31 2015, 10:03 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 10:10 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 10:02 PM)
You've answered your own question.

talk show
noun: talk show; plural noun: talk shows; modifier noun: talk-show; noun: talkshow; plural noun: talkshows

    a television or radio show in which various topics are discussed informally and listeners, viewers, or the studio audience are invited to participate in the discussion.

Tony doesn't want it to be a debate like those reported in the media but he could've used a better choice of words.

whatever..already mention that the 1st statement is unofficial..the 2nd one is official..just that Tony wanna call it a 'Talk-Show', whatever that men..but Tony never reveal what kind of Talk-Show it will be, thus made Arul respond like this;

“Today, I stand before you to say openly to Tony Pua I withdraw my condition. I will meet YB Tony Pua for live discussion, or talk show, or debate, without any condition,” the 1MDB president said.

OK..what is a Talk Show..???

from wiki;
A talk show or chat show is a television programming or radio programming genre in which one person (or group of people) discusses various topics put forth by a talk show host.[1]

now, what is discuss..???

from wiki;

talk about (something) with another person or group of people.
"I discussed the matter with my wife"
synonyms:talk over, talk about, talk through, converse about, debate, confer about, deliberate about, chew over, consider, consider the pros and cons of, thrash out; informalkick around, hash out, bat around
"I discussed the matter with my wife"

so where from both reference said that Talk-Show means that its a 1-way Question-Answer comm only...??? or is it a chicken Talk-Show..???

dafak now wanna spin on choice of word between 'debate' & 'talk-show' pulak doh.gif

This post has been edited by keown83: Oct 31 2015, 10:11 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 10:10 PM

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tony clearly no ball. chikened out after arul accept his challenge and remove the condition. and malaysia kini change all title and news to talk show. all coward just like najib.
post Oct 31 2015, 10:41 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 10:10 PM)

whatever..already mention that the 1st statement is unofficial..the 2nd one is official..just that Tony wanna call it a 'Talk-Show', whatever that men..but Tony never reveal what kind of Talk-Show it will be, thus made Arul respond like this;
OK..what is a Talk Show..???

from wiki;
now, what is discuss..???

from wiki;
so where from both reference said that Talk-Show means that its a 1-way Question-Answer comm only...??? or is it a chicken Talk-Show..???

dafak now wanna spin on choice of word between 'debate' & 'talk-show' pulak  doh.gif
If you found the wikipedia for talk show, then you've answered your own question as well. I don't know if you've watched talk shows before. The guests do question the host but it's usually within the topic.

"A talk show or chat show is a television programming or radio programming genre in which one person (or group of people) discusses various topics put forth by a talk show host."

Compare these 2:

talk show
noun: talk show; plural noun: talk shows; modifier noun: talk-show; noun: talkshow; plural noun: talkshows

a television or radio show in which various topics are discussed informally and listeners, viewers, or the studio audience are invited to participate in the discussion.

noun: debate; plural noun: debates

a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.
synonyms: discussion, discourse, parley, dialogue; More
argument, counterargument, dispute, wrangle, war of words;
argumentation, disputation, dissension, disagreement, contention, conflict;
negotiations, talks;
informalconfab, powwow
"a debate on the reforms"
an argument about a particular subject, especially one in which many people are involved.
"the national debate on abortion"

verb: debate; 3rd person present: debates; past tense: debated; past participle: debated; gerund or present participle: debating

argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner.
"the board debated his proposal"
synonyms: discuss, talk over/through, talk about, thrash out, hash out, argue, dispute; More
informalkick around, bat around
"they will debate the future of rail transport"
consider a possible course of action in one's mind before reaching a decision.
"he debated whether he should leave the matter alone or speak to her"
synonyms: consider, think over/about, chew over, mull over, ponder, revolve, deliberate, contemplate, muse, meditate; formalcogitate
"he debated whether to call her"

This isn't about the meaning of words or their synonyms literally but to what set of rules, setting and context they adhere to. For example, the word 'forum' used to mean a physical gathering for a discussion but among the youngsters they would infer it as an online forum. The word forum is also synonymous with court/tribunal but that's not what people usually associate with. By the way, the world talk is also synonymous with discuss.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Oct 31 2015, 10:47 PM
post Oct 31 2015, 10:56 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Oct 31 2015, 10:41 PM)
If you found the wikipedia for talk show, then you've answered your own question as well. I don't know if you've watched talk shows before. The guests do question the host but it's usually within the topic.

"A talk show or chat show is a television programming or radio programming genre in which one person (or group of people) discusses various topics put forth by a talk show host."

Compare these 2:

talk show
noun: talk show; plural noun: talk shows; modifier noun: talk-show; noun: talkshow; plural noun: talkshows

    a television or radio show in which various topics are discussed informally and listeners, viewers, or the studio audience are invited to participate in the discussion.

noun: debate; plural noun: debates

    a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.
    synonyms: discussion, discourse, parley, dialogue; More
    argument, counterargument, dispute, wrangle, war of words;
    argumentation, disputation, dissension, disagreement, contention, conflict;
    negotiations, talks;
    informalconfab, powwow
    "a debate on the reforms"
        an argument about a particular subject, especially one in which many people are involved.
        "the national debate on abortion"

verb: debate; 3rd person present: debates; past tense: debated; past participle: debated; gerund or present participle: debating

    argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner.
    "the board debated his proposal"
    synonyms: discuss, talk over/through, talk about, thrash out, hash out, argue, dispute; More
    informalkick around, bat around
    "they will debate the future of rail transport"
        consider a possible course of action in one's mind before reaching a decision.
        "he debated whether he should leave the matter alone or speak to her"
        synonyms: consider, think over/about, chew over, mull over, ponder, revolve, deliberate, contemplate, muse, meditate; formalcogitate
        "he debated whether to call her"

This isn't about the meaning of words or their synonyms literally but to what set of rules and context they adhere to. For example, the word 'forum' used to mean a physical gathering for a discussion but among the youngsters they would infer it as an online forum. The word forum is also synonymous with court/tribunal but that's not what people usually associate with.

but never a strict 1-way Question-Answer session..& an academical Talk-Show never had strict 1-way Question-Answer session..its always 2-way comm of discussion..please give me an example of a real academical/professional talk-show with a strict 1-way question-answer only without any discussion..remember, it is NOT a discussion if its only 1-way Question-Answer

even court also have debate, not just 1 session of 1-way question-answer..what more with a more-freedom talk-show

the reason Tony change the rule is because he know he will having a hard time to protect himself from Arul's rebuttal

im not defending Arul..i just feel disgusted with Tony Pua who likes to act arrogantly lansi but when his opponent stand up & fight he chickened out suddenly balls shinking changing rule here & there
post Nov 1 2015, 02:12 AM

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QUOTE(rigmortis @ Oct 31 2015, 08:27 PM)
I mildly agree that it is not the right time for a member of PAC investigation team to reveal the findings; sensitive matters will be blurted out in the heat of any debate, regardless if the format is a debate or talk-show. I mostly get news sources from Star and it's still mentioned as debate though.

You are on point that PAC role of accounting for the 1MDB scandal by far outweighs any gain from a talk show. A public talk-show request will always be popular to the public for entertainment purpose, but popular move in this instance is not the right move.

As for the judge, jury and executioner role of Tony, it's not even worth pointing out by Keown. There may not even have been any neutrality amongst the investigators. And we are pretty sure Tony has pre-assumption that Arul and party is guilty until proven innocent. His role in PAC is more like to expose any bias from the BN team of investigators.
Well, Tony Pua would have to watch his big fat mouth that he does not blurt anything out that he learnt from PAC. I think he can and is careful enough.

However, in the case of Arul, he is happily giving interviews, making speeches (like yesterday's). He doesn't seem to mind spilling as much as he can. Lets see how well he performs with a hostile interviewer like Tony.

I am actually looking at this as another step in the long windy road to get to the bottom of 1MDB. We have been starved for more info and are eager for a speedy outcome because it has dragged on for months and months, made worse by the suspension of PAC, the "retirement" of the AG, investigation of MACC officers, etc. etc. Not only that our economy has been somewhat affected by the uncertainties surrounding 1MDB. It isn't just for entertainment, although it is mildly entertaining.

PAC is going to be the jury, it might deliver some "justice" but it doesn't have any prosecutorial powers. It can only make recommendations for further action. So, judge, jury and executioner is stretching it. Oh and Tony Pua is just one member of the PAC.

post Nov 1 2015, 07:40 AM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Oct 31 2015, 10:56 PM)

but never a strict 1-way Question-Answer session..& an academical Talk-Show never had strict 1-way Question-Answer session..its always 2-way comm of discussion..please give me an example of a real academical/professional talk-show with a strict 1-way question-answer only without any discussion..remember, it is NOT a discussion if its only 1-way Question-Answer

even court also have debate, not just 1 session of 1-way question-answer..what more with a more-freedom talk-show

the reason Tony change the rule is because he know he will having a hard time to protect himself from Arul's rebuttal

im not defending Arul..i just feel disgusted with Tony Pua who likes to act arrogantly lansi but when his opponent stand up & fight he chickened out suddenly balls shinking changing rule here & there
Tony isn't changing the rules at all. There are tons of talk shows where the host asks questions and the guest answers but they're usually pre-recorded. I agree that a live show would definitely be 2-way communication regardless since we're talking about 2 people within the same vicinity talking to each other but it's not the same as debating each other. This is what Tony said:

“It should be a question-and-answer session and not a debate, because I am asking the questions.
“There’s nothing for him (Arul) to ask me,”

It's not the same as Tony explicitly refusing to answer questions outright, which we will not know till the actual show. Tony won't be able to stop Arul from asking him questions anyway.
post Nov 1 2015, 09:19 AM

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see, we are using play of words here, just to justify the saint tony pua's action.

comonnnnn really?

from what i see, simple thing, lets put the word debate or talkshow out.
1. Tony asked for live session with Arul
2. Arul say he accepted challenge with condition that Tony resign from PAC
3. Tony disagree and ask him to accept it without condition like a man
4. Arul say fine he will accept it without that condition.
5. Tony chickened out and say Only i can ask questions, Arul got no questions for me.

to be honest, there wasn't any clear "i ask question only session" mentioned in the first place. it only happens after Arul accepted it without condition. Else, why would someone(Arul) accept to such outrageous request that he will be on a live prosecution trial?

Tony says Arul afraid to go live like a man, but why is Tony afraid to let Arul ask any questions like a man as well? is he afraid of not being able to answer question imposed?

This is another example of "you BN you are wrong to start with so I have all the rights to question you, i PKR i got nothing wrong and rakyat favours me so you cannot question me.

well well, talk is cheap, lets wait till the debate/talkshow/liveQ&A and we will know.

But if i predict correctly, Tony will have a preset question, and whenever Arul answer it he will hentam it and change to another question immediately, to look strong on himself, leaving Arul speechless. Somehow that's what I see about Tony, yes i do hate him for his big mouth, and no I don't like big mouth like him that put the DAP in a risky position with his words without action.

post Nov 1 2015, 09:24 AM

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QUOTE(Blackdawn @ Nov 1 2015, 09:19 AM)
see, we are using play of words here, just to justify the saint tony pua's action.

comonnnnn really?

from what i see, simple thing, lets put the word debate or talkshow out.
1. Tony asked for live session with Arul
2. Arul say he accepted challenge with condition that Tony resign from PAC
3. Tony disagree and ask him to accept it without condition like a man
4. Arul say fine he will accept it without that condition.
5. Tony chickened out and say Only i can ask questions, Arul got no questions for me.

to be honest, there wasn't any clear "i ask question only session" mentioned in the first place. it only happens after Arul accepted it without condition. Else, why would someone(Arul) accept to such outrageous request that he will be on a live prosecution trial?

Tony says Arul afraid to go live like a man, but why is Tony afraid to let Arul ask any questions like a man as well? is he afraid of not being able to answer question imposed?

This is another example of "you BN you are wrong to start with so I have all the rights to question you, i PKR i got nothing wrong and rakyat favours me so you cannot question me.

well well, talk is cheap, lets wait till the debate/talkshow/liveQ&A and we will know.

But if i predict correctly, Tony will have a preset question, and whenever Arul answer it he will hentam it and change to another question immediately, to look strong on himself, leaving Arul speechless. Somehow that's what I see about Tony, yes i do hate him for his big mouth, and no I don't like big mouth like him that put the DAP in a risky position with his words without action.
Does this answer your question? Excerpt from October 29.

“Since Arul proudly proclaimed that there is absolutely no cover-up to 1MDB, may I humbly propose that the 1MDB president attends a ‘live’ talk show which I will host and ask the questions.
“He will be given every opportunity and as much time as he likes to answer these questions.

You guys are free to whack him for not being courageous enough and I agree with that but claiming he's shifting the goal post is untrue.
post Nov 1 2015, 11:03 AM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 09:24 AM)
Does this answer your question? Excerpt from October 29.

“Since Arul proudly proclaimed that there is absolutely no cover-up to 1MDB, may I humbly propose that the 1MDB president attends a ‘live’ talk show which I will host and ask the questions.
“He will be given every opportunity and as much time as he likes to answer these questions.

You guys are free to whack him for not being courageous enough and I agree with that but claiming he's shifting the goal post is untrue.
shifting the goal post is still valid

Tony didnt gave any detail information of what kind of Talk-Show it will be during the initial invitation..that statement that u quoted from Tony Pua is AFTER Arul accepted the invitation unconditionally in the end, WITHOUT knowing what kind of the "Talk-Show" is Tony Pua talked about.

thats why Arul responded like this;

“Today, I stand before you to say openly to Tony Pua I withdraw my condition. I will meet YB Tony Pua for live discussion, or talk show, or debate, without any condition,” the 1MDB president said.

Tony Pua is chickened out..thats the proof
post Nov 1 2015, 11:09 AM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 07:40 AM)
Tony isn't changing the rules at all. There are tons of talk shows where the host asks questions and the guest answers but they're usually pre-recorded. I agree that a live show would definitely be 2-way communication regardless since we're talking about 2 people within the same vicinity talking to each other but it's not the same as debating each other. This is what Tony said:

“It should be a question-and-answer session and not a debate, because I am asking the questions.
There’s nothing for him (Arul) to ask me,”

It's not the same as Tony explicitly refusing to answer questions outright, which we will not know till the actual show. Tony won't be able to stop Arul from asking him questions anyway.
u already stated there what kind of talk-show Tony will conduct

Tony will be the one to ask question but Arul must not counter-check Tony

why can't Tony just make it 'no hold barred' total freedom disscussion (if u dont like the word debate) if the goal is to get the REAL TRUTH...???

All is see is Tony Pua attempting to gain his own political milage by conducting a a circus talk-show where he knows the result will get to no where, it won't solve the actual problem but will give bad image to 1MDB (as Arul cannot counter-check with Tony) & positive image to DAP

sounds like UMNO, isnt it..??? dont i already said many times that DAP is an UMNO-mirror image..??
post Nov 1 2015, 11:21 AM

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QUOTE(ilikeweetbix @ Oct 31 2015, 12:28 PM)
"My primary objective is to help sift the propaganda and lies from the truth."

And yet when umno and bijan obviously songlap he or she totally ignores or justifies it, please la dont pretend to be neutral when you are anything but.

The truth? Ptui!
and double ptui to that!
post Nov 1 2015, 11:31 AM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 11:03 AM)
shifting the goal post is still valid

Tony didnt gave any detail information of what kind of Talk-Show it will be during the initial invitation..that statement that u quoted from Tony Pua is AFTER Arul accepted the invitation unconditionally in the end, WITHOUT knowing what kind of the "Talk-Show" is Tony Pua talked about.

thats why Arul responded like this;
Tony Pua is chickened out..thats the proof
QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 11:09 AM)
u already stated there what kind of talk-show Tony will conduct

Tony will be the one to ask question but Arul must not counter-check Tony

why can't Tony just make it 'no hold barred' total freedom disscussion (if u dont like the word debate) if the goal is to get the REAL TRUTH...???

All is see is Tony Pua attempting to gain his own political milage by conducting a a circus talk-show where he knows the result will get to no where, it won't solve the actual problem but will give bad image to 1MDB (as Arul cannot counter-check with Tony) & positive image to DAP

sounds like UMNO, isnt it..??? dont i already said many times that DAP is an UMNO-mirror image..??
I see you are also adept at shifting the goal post. The excerpt I've posted and the one you've quoted are from the challenge Tony issued BEFORE Arul responded with his conditions and that excerpt already clearly mentions what kind of talk show it would be. Like I said in the other reply and which most people have already grasped, while there will be 2-way communication the format is not a debate where 2 parties propose arguments and counter them. There's nothing stopping Arul from questioning Tony but the crux of the talk show is still 1mdb and the questions regarding their operations. Here are excerpts from Malaysiakini, although from the article it seems like Tony issued the challenge the night before, I can't find any time reference.

29 Oct 2015, 7:54 am
"Since Arul proudly proclaimed that there is absolutely no cover-up to 1MDB, may I humbly propose that the 1MDB president attends a ‘live’ talk show which I will host and ask the questions.
“He will be given every opportunity and as much time as he likes to answer these questions.

29 Oct 2015, 11:40 am
1MDB president Arul Kanda today accepted DAP Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua's challenge to participate in a live talk show with him but only on the condition the latter resigns from the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Nov 1 2015, 11:36 AM
post Nov 1 2015, 11:34 AM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 11:31 AM)
I see you are also adept at shifting the goal post. The excerpt I've posted and the one you've quoted are from the challenge Tony issued BEFORE Arul responded with his conditions and that excerpt already clearly mentions what kind of talk show it would be. Like I said in the other reply and which most people have already grasped, while there will be 2-way communication the format is not a debate where 2 parties propose arguments and counter them. There's nothing stopping Arul from questioning Tony but the crux of the talk show is still 1mdb and the questions regarding their operations.
Did Tony said that..??? may i know in which statement Tony said Arul have the right to question him during the show...??? can u show the proof..???

This post has been edited by keown83: Nov 1 2015, 11:35 AM
post Nov 1 2015, 11:39 AM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 11:34 AM)
Did Tony said that..??? may i know in which statement Tony said Arul have the right to question him during the show...??? can u show the proof..???
He did not explicitly state that he can't be questioned and he did not explicitly state that he can be questioned. The argument was on whether Tony changed his stance after issuing his challenge which is untrue. Can you prove that Tony changed his stance, then? It must be explicitly stated as well.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Nov 1 2015, 11:40 AM
post Nov 1 2015, 11:57 AM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 11:39 AM)
He did not explicitly state that he can't be questioned and he did not explicitly state that he can be questioned. The argument was on whether Tony changed his stance after issuing his challenge which is untrue. Can you prove that Tony changed his stance, then? It must be explicitly stated as well.
so that means u just made up that statement isn it..?? another lie................

then its still a valid statement that Tony didnt want to let Arul question him..He already stressed that it will be he who question Arul, Arul didnt have anything to question him..or may be u wanna tell me that Tony have a very good twisted tongue..his statement about TSKI before & after Kajang Move is a testament of this

already stated before that the stance have change..from debate to talk-show..from a normal talk-show to a 1-way Question-answer Talk-Show..so i shouldnt explain further

Tony obviously didnt want a true picture of 1MDB scandal to be revealed..it shud be a 'no holds barred' discusssion, to reveal the truth for us, as what we want it to be...not a silly circus-like of 'I ask question & u answer only' talk-show which obviously will take us to nowhere, only to damage 1MDB image further..it is just like we charge 1MDB guilty before an actual trial even started

chicken is still chicken

This post has been edited by keown83: Nov 1 2015, 11:59 AM
post Nov 1 2015, 12:22 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 11:57 AM)
so that means u just made up that statement isn it..?? another lie................

then its still a valid statement that Tony didnt want to let Arul question him..He already stressed that it will be he who question Arul, Arul didnt have anything to question him..or may be u wanna tell me that Tony have a very good twisted tongue..his statement about TSKI before & after Kajang Move is a testament of this

already stated before that the stance have change..from debate to talk-show..from a normal talk-show to a 1-way Question-answer Talk-Show..so i shouldnt explain further

Tony obviously didnt want a true picture of 1MDB scandal to be revealed..it shud be a 'no holds barred' discusssion, to reveal the truth for us, as what we want it to be...not a silly circus-like of 'I ask question & u answer only' talk-show which obviously will take us to nowhere, only to damage 1MDB image further..it is just like we charge 1MDB guilty before an actual trial even started

chicken is still chicken
I have a feeling you've already made up your mind and no amount of proof or statements from both Arul and Tony is gonna change that. I can see why joe gave up.

I did not make up any statements or lie. It was an assumption, but the fact remains that Tony did not change the format from a debate to a talk show. The onus is on you to prove otherwise. Tony has clearly mentioned that it'll be a talk show where he'll be the host asking Arul questions regarding 1mdb on October 29, before Arul set some conditions and withdrew those conditions.

Can you explicitly prove that Tony is out to intentionally damage 1mdb's image by quoting any of his previous statements? Or is that an assumption based on his actions and statements so far? An assumption is not an explicit proof, yet you use assumptions in your argument but others can't, eh? rclxms.gif Both Arul and Tony are good at reading between the lines, perhaps you should too.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Nov 1 2015, 12:22 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 12:46 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 12:22 PM)
I have a feeling you've already made up your mind and no amount of proof or statements from both Arul and Tony is gonna change that. I can see why joe gave up.

I did not make up any statements or lie. It was an assumption, but the fact remains that Tony did not change the format from a debate to a talk show. The onus is on you to prove otherwise. Tony has clearly mentioned that it'll be a talk show where he'll be the host asking Arul questions regarding 1mdb on October 29, before Arul set some conditions and withdrew those conditions.

Can you explicitly prove that Tony is out to intentionally damage 1mdb's image by quoting any of his previous statements? Or is that an assumption based on his actions and statements so far? An assumption is not an explicit proof, yet you use assumptions in your argument but others can't, eh? rclxms.gif Both Arul and Tony are good at reading between the lines, perhaps you should too.
u made assumption...OK...so its not impossible also that Tony did not want to let Arul rebut him..hey, Tony already respond that only he question arul & arul cannot do the same

justo & claire & petrosaudi fabricated doc is a valid rebuttal to 1MDB scandal as its directly related to it..Arul have every right to rebut Tony if any question Tony ask related to data he received from the said document

this is why its essential to have a 'no holds barred' discussion/debate/talk-show

....& now u trying to justified Tony with the "TALK-SHOW" wording & its format....

everyone know this talk-show will lead to nowhere with current format setup..

now answer my question regarding this talk-show of 1MDB:

do u want to know the real truth, the 'no holds barred' truth, the actual better picture for what is happening inside out


do u want a truth according to Tony Pua format & standard..???

OK let just say i made that assumption even though from the news already shows that Tony wanna hit Arul but didnt wan to get hit back..u made assumption & i made assumption..so its fair, isnt it..???

nobody can change anybody in internet..u & DAP-fag made up ur mind that what Tony did is right..i with lots of non-DAP-fag out there seen how chicken Tony Pua is..everybody have their own thought anyway

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This post has been edited by keown83: Nov 1 2015, 01:01 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 01:39 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 12:46 PM)
u made assumption...OK...so its not impossible also that Tony did not want to let Arul rebut him..hey, Tony already respond that only he question arul & arul cannot do the same

justo & claire & petrosaudi fabricated doc is a valid rebuttal to 1MDB scandal as its directly related to it..Arul have every right to rebut Tony if any question Tony ask related to data he received from the said document

this is why its essential to have a 'no holds barred' discussion/debate/talk-show

....& now u trying to justified Tony with the "TALK-SHOW" wording & its format....

everyone know this talk-show will lead to nowhere with current format setup..

now answer my question regarding this talk-show of 1MDB:

do u want to know the real truth, the 'no holds barred' truth, the actual better picture for what is happening inside out


do u want a truth according to Tony Pua format & standard..???

OK let just say i made that assumption even though from the news already shows that Tony wanna hit Arul but didnt wan to get hit back..u made assumption & i made assumption..so its fair, isnt it..???

nobody can change anybody in internet..u & DAP-fag made up ur mind that what Tony did is right..i with lots of non-DAP-fag out there seen how chicken Tony Pua is..everybody have their own thought anyway

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There were 2 different challenges. The first one from August was a non-televised (it was not mentioned at all) debate or open dialogue which wasn't accepted. The latest challenge was to attend a live talk show with Tony as the host in response to Arul attending such an event on Bernama TV on the 28th of October and this challenge was posed on the 29th of October 2015 or maybe the night before which I can't verify. It was to this challenge that Arul responded to, set conditions, withdrew those conditions and accepted as is. Whether or not the live talk show is sufficient to deal with this issue a different matter.

Now, did Tony move the goal post/chicken out or were you wrong to assume that when there are press statements and media reports that have consistently mentioned a live talk show?
post Nov 1 2015, 01:55 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 01:39 PM)
There were 2 different challenges. The first one from August was a non-televised (it was not mentioned at all) debate or open dialogue which wasn't accepted. The latest challenge was to attend a live talk show with Tony as the host in response to Arul attending such an event on Bernama TV on the 28th of October and this challenge was posed on the 29th of October 2015 or maybe the night before which I can't verify. It was to this challenge that Arul responded to, set conditions, withdrew those conditions and accepted as is. Whether or not the live talk show is sufficient to deal with this issue a different matter.

Now, did Tony move the goal post/chicken out or were you wrong to assume that when there are press statements and media reports that have consistently mentioned a live talk show?
hmm..u didnt answer my question..OK..

again..ur rebuttal is still surrounding on the so-called wording & date of the "TALK-SHOW/DEBATE" challenge

hey, its Tony that made the statement, not me...obviously both challenge is related..u trying so hard on justifying tony statement using the date, when all i see both challenge all regarding 1MDB..why u say its not related..??? both challenge is about recent statement from Arul that Tony disagree about so he made that several challenges..can u tell me why both challenge is not related to 1MDB especially with what Tony disagree about with Arul statement..???

if Talk-Show is what Tony want he will stated it from his fb page earlier, and not a DEBATE..clearly Tony twisting word

& the real issue remain the same..did Tony dare to a 'no holds barred' talk-show/discussion/debate/whatever or not...??? can he gives a 100% guarantee that he will not interfere or remain silent if Arul rebut him & he will answer accordingly just as what he expect from Arul to answer his question..??? becos tat is what a professional talk-show is all about..a revelation from both side

aiyoooo dun la just becos he is DAP & he is Tony Pua so everything he did even if its ridiculous u still defended it..it makes u no better than those protek2 UMNO goon

This post has been edited by keown83: Nov 1 2015, 01:57 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 02:28 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 01:55 PM)
hmm..u didnt answer my question..OK..

again..ur rebuttal is still surrounding on the so-called wording & date of the "TALK-SHOW/DEBATE" challenge

hey, its Tony that made the statement, not me...obviously both challenge is related..u trying so hard on justifying tony statement using the date, when all i see both challenge all regarding 1MDB..why u say its not related..??? both challenge is about recent statement from Arul that Tony disagree about so he made that several challenges..can u tell me why both challenge is not related to 1MDB especially with what Tony disagree about with Arul statement..???

if Talk-Show is what Tony want he will stated it from his fb page earlier, and not a DEBATE..clearly Tony twisting word

& the real issue remain the same..did Tony dare to a 'no holds barred' talk-show/discussion/debate/whatever or not...??? can he gives a 100% guarantee that he will not interfere or remain silent if Arul rebut him & he will answer accordingly just as what he expect from Arul to answer his question..??? becos tat is what a professional talk-show is all about..a revelation from both side
aiyoooo dun la just becos he is DAP & he is Tony Pua so everything he did even if its ridiculous u still defended it..it makes u no better than those protek2 UMNO goon
Of course the date is important. That's the context of this discussion and the challenge Tony made. Both challenges are similar yet different. That's like me offering you a RM 50 loan 4 months ago but you refuse. I offer you a loan for RM 30 today and you accuse me of giving you RM 20 less.

August 14
Tony Pua challenges Arul to a debate or open dialogue

October 28
Arul appears on Bernama TV's special talk show to answer questions on 1mdb

October 29 7.54 am
Tony challenges Arul to a live talk show with him as the host

October 29 11.40 pm
Arul asks Tony to quit the PAC first

October 29 12.20 pm
Tony declines and says PAC is more important

October 31 11:14 am
Arul withdraws conditions, says ok

October 31 11:35 am
Pua re-asserts that it'll be a talk show and not a debate as reported by some media.

I didn't answer your other question because it's not relevant to your initial statement that Tony changed the format from debate to talk show. Like I've said, whether or not it's appropriate or sufficient is another question. Whether or not Tony will refuse to answer questions posed by Arul remains to be seen as his statement so far is only this:

“It should be a question-and-answer session and not a debate, because I am asking the questions. There’s nothing for him (Arul) to ask me,”

He hasn't come out and explicitly stated that Arul cannot ask him questions or that he won't answer them yet. You came to that conclusion based on those 2 sentences but I didn't.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Nov 1 2015, 02:30 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 02:50 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 01:55 PM)
hmm..u didnt answer my question..OK..

again..ur rebuttal is still surrounding on the so-called wording & date of the "TALK-SHOW/DEBATE" challenge

hey, its Tony that made the statement, not me...obviously both challenge is related..u trying so hard on justifying tony statement using the date, when all i see both challenge all regarding 1MDB..why u say its not related..??? both challenge is about recent statement from Arul that Tony disagree about so he made that several challenges..can u tell me why both challenge is not related to 1MDB especially with what Tony disagree about with Arul statement..???

if Talk-Show is what Tony want he will stated it from his fb page earlier, and not a DEBATE..clearly Tony twisting word

& the real issue remain the same..did Tony dare to a 'no holds barred' talk-show/discussion/debate/whatever or not...??? can he gives a 100% guarantee that he will not interfere or remain silent if Arul rebut him & he will answer accordingly just as what he expect from Arul to answer his question..??? becos tat is what a professional talk-show is all about..a revelation from both side
aiyoooo dun la just becos he is DAP & he is Tony Pua so everything he did even if its ridiculous u still defended it..it makes u no better than those protek2 UMNO goon
I think this statement from Tony a few minutes ago can put this discussion to rest:

“It does not matter who wins or loses in the debate or talk show with Arul. What is important is that the information can be put out there so the people can have a better understanding of the 1MDB issue.”

Tony found his balls.
post Nov 1 2015, 02:52 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 02:28 PM)
Of course the date is important. That's the context of this discussion and the challenge Tony made.

August 14
Tony Pua challenges Arul to a debate or open dialogue

October 28
Arul appears on Bernama TV's special talk show to answer questions on 1mdb

October 29 7.54 am
Tony challenges Arul to a live talk show with him as the host

October 29 11.40 pm
Arul asks Tony to quit the PAC first

October 29 12.20 pm
Tony declines and says PAC is more important

October 31 11:14 am
Arul withdraws conditions, says ok

October 31 11:35 am
Pua re-asserts that it'll be a talk show and not a debate as reported by some media.

I didn't answer your other question because it's not relevant to your initial statement that Tony changed the format from debate to talk show. Like I've said, whether or not it's appropriate or sufficient is another question. Whether or not Tony will refuse to answer questions posed by Arul remains to be seen as his statement so far is only this:

“It should be a question-and-answer session and not a debate, because I am asking the questions. There’s nothing for him (Arul) to ask me,”

He hasn't come out and explicitly stated that Arul cannot ask him questions or that he won't answer them yet. You came to that conclusion based on those 2 sentences but I didn't.
meaning that both challenge did related isnt it...??? just 1 is debate, the other is 'talk-show', but both becos of 1mdb, both is a challenge for the same purpose, the same topic

it does prove my point..so ur argument using date & the word is just a waste of time..it still proved that Tony chickened out from asking if Arul dare to debate him, to suddenly invite for a talk-show for the same freaking topic, the 1mdb topic

i came on the conclusion base on what Tony said..imma just using the same statement from Tony..my point is clearer becos Tony explicitly stated there that it is he who will question Arul..Tony never said that he wouldn't mind if Arul rebut him..He already made an escape statement that Arul didnt have anything to ask him..WHAT IF ARUL DID HAVE A QUESTION..??? can Tony give guarantee that he can reply accordingly...??? i didnt twist any word..it came straight form Tony's statement

it is u who made assumption that Tony wouldnt mind if Arul rebut his question when Tony never say it so in his statement..& it makes me also made assumption that Tony trying to give discredit towards 1MDB, this is my assumption as u can made urs

even if u said that Tony didnt change the format (which it is, just that he cleverly didnt give in detail on how the show will be during the initial invitation, its just a simple "TALK-SHOW WHERE HE WILL BE THE HOST & ASKING ARUL QUESTION" & only reveal it later that "IT WILL ONLY TONY ASK QUESTION & ARUL DIDNT HAVE ANYTHING TO QUESTION HIM"), it still didnt answer the question on why Tony suddenly change from challenging a debate, to just a "talk-show"..

why cant just straight away 'no holds barred' discussion/debate so that we can see the whole picture of whats happening in 1mdb..???

but if u still insist on 2 different challenges form Tony, then i dun have anything more to say..its obvious both challenges IS about 1MDB, about the same topic, the same issue Tony had with Arul, but u didnt wanna accept it..so its up to u..the picture is too clear that Tony chickened out, most people saw this already, only DAP-fag still in denial syndrome

This post has been edited by keown83: Nov 1 2015, 02:54 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 02:55 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 02:52 PM)
meaning that both challenge did related isnt it...??? just 1 is debate, the other is 'talk-show', but both becos of 1mdb, both is a challenge for the same purpose, the same topic

it does prove my point..so ur argument using date & the word is just a waste of time..it still proved that Tony chickened out from asking if Arul dare to debate him, to suddenly invite for a talk-show for the same freaking topic, the 1mdb topic

i came on the conclusion base on what Tony said..imma just using the same statement from Tony..my point is clearer becos Tony explicitly stated there that it is he who will question Arul..Tony never said that he wouldn't mind if Arul rebut him..He already made an escape statement that Arul didnt have anything to ask him..WHAT IF ARUL DID HAVE A QUESTION..??? can Tony give guarantee that he can reply accordingly...??? i didnt twist any word..it came straight form Tony's statement

it is u who made assumption that Tony wouldnt mind if Arul rebut his question when Tony never say it so in his statement..& it makes me also made assumption that Tony trying to give discredit towards 1MDB, this is my assumption as u can made urs

even if u said that Tony didnt change the format (which it is, just that he cleverly didnt give in detail on how the show will be during the initial invitation, its just a simple "TALK-SHOW WHERE HE WILL BE THE HOST & ASKING ARUL QUESTION" & only reveal it later that "IT WILL ONLY TONY ASK QUESTION & ARUL DIDNT HAVE ANYTHING TO QUESTION HIM"), it still didnt answer the question on Tony suddenly change from challenging a debate, to just a "talk-show"..

why cant just straight away 'no holds barred' discussion/debate so that we can see the whole picture of whats happening in 1mdb..???
but if u still insist on 2 different challenges form Tony, then i dun have anything more to say..its obvious both challenges IS about 1MDB, about the same topic, the same issue Tony had with Arul, but u didnt wanna accept it..so its up to u..the picture is too clear that Tony chickened out, only DAP-fag still in denial syndrome
2 different topic. 2 different challenge. Do not try to link them together. Just like how you can name 2 grandfathers but they're not the same person. I asked you to prove that Tony changed the format, but you couldn't. Besides, Tony's latest statement seems to imply that he'll go ahead even if it's a debate.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Nov 1 2015, 02:56 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 03:04 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 02:55 PM)
2 different topic. 2 different challenge. Do not try to link them together. Just like how you can name 2 grandfathers but they're not the same person. I asked you to prove that Tony changed the format, but you couldn't. Besides, Tony's latest statement seems to imply that he'll go ahead even if it's a debate.

i already show u the proof..& u harping on "owh both challenge is different topic la" so not worth anymore

both is about 1mdb..both is about the same issue..why said different topic..??? so the other challenge is on what topic..???

gud la if Tony Pua agreed for a real debate..make this happen..make it 'no holds barred'..Tony must also reply accordingly on Arul's rebuttal..then we can see a better picture
post Nov 1 2015, 03:24 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 03:04 PM)

i already show u the proof..& u harping on "owh both challenge is different topic la" so not worth anymore

both is about 1mdb..both is about the same issue..why said different topic..??? so the other challenge is on what topic..???

gud la if Tony Pua agreed for a real debate..make this happen..make it 'no holds barred'..Tony must also reply accordingly on Arul's rebuttal..then we can see a better picture
And I've also shown you proof that Tony challenged Arul to a live talk show on October 29, the day after Arul attended a similar show on Bernama TV. The topic is the same but the challenge is different. 2 different challenges made at 2 different times. Same topic, different setting. I did not say the discussion/live show/debate challenges were on 2 different topics. We can argue on your comprehension all day. I have time.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Nov 1 2015, 03:25 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 04:03 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 03:24 PM)
And I've also shown you proof that Tony challenged Arul to a live talk show on October 29, the day after Arul attended a similar show on Bernama TV. The topic is the same but the challenge is different. 2 different challenges made at 2 different times. Same topic, different setting. I did not say the discussion/live show/debate challenges were on 2 different topics. We can argue on your comprehension all day. I have time.
QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 02:55 PM)
2 different topic. 2 different challenge. Do not try to link them together. Just like how you can name 2 grandfathers but they're not the same person. I asked you to prove that Tony changed the format, but you couldn't. Besides, Tony's latest statement seems to imply that he'll go ahead even if it's a debate.
I think u better spend time visiting doctor to see if u having a short memory problem rather than wasting time contradicting ur statement again & again

dun worry about my comprehension..i think imma quite OK with my comprehension
post Nov 1 2015, 04:23 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 04:03 PM)
I think u better spend time visiting doctor to see if u having a short memory problem rather than wasting time contradicting ur statement again & again

dun worry about my comprehension..i think imma quite OK with my comprehension
When I said topic, I wasn't referring to the topic of the discussion/debate/live talk show but how the August challenge and the October challenge are 2 separate topics for our discussion. Our discussion, not theirs. Topic 1; August challenge. Topic 2; October challenge.

noun: topic; plural noun: topics

a matter dealt with in a text, discourse, or conversation; a subject.
"her favorite topic of conversation is her partner"
synonyms: subject, subject matter, theme, issue, matter, point, talking point, question, concern, argument, thesis, text, keynote
"today's topic is skin care"

Perhaps difficulty distinguishing context? Not to mention you're attacking my sentence instead of proving that the August challenge and the October challenge are the one and the same. I admit that it's partially my fault for not making it clear that it wasn't about the topic of the debate/talk show.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Nov 1 2015, 04:28 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 04:45 PM

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That fella is clearly a paid trooper. No point reasoning with people like this since they are practically lowlifes with no dignity and conscience.
post Nov 1 2015, 04:53 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 04:23 PM)
When I said topic, I wasn't referring to the topic of the discussion/debate/live talk show but how the August challenge and the October challenge are 2 separate topics for our discussion. Our discussion, not theirs. Topic 1; August challenge. Topic 2; October challenge.

noun: topic; plural noun: topics

    a matter dealt with in a text, discourse, or conversation; a subject.
    "her favorite topic of conversation is her partner"
    synonyms: subject, subject matter, theme, issue, matter, point, talking point, question, concern, argument, thesis, text, keynote
    "today's topic is skin care"

Perhaps difficulty distinguishing context? Not to mention you're attacking my sentence instead of proving that the August challenge and the October challenge are the one and the same. I admit that it's partially my fault for not making it clear that it wasn't about the topic of the debate/talk show.
what..??? what the........????????????????????? rclxub.gif rclxub.gif rclxub.gif

how much further u wanna spin with ur words bro..???

that comment u made is a replied to my previous comment when i say both same topic, the 1mdb topic..now u spin that the topic is about two different topic of two challenges yada yada yada

u really trying that hard dont u..???

i already show to u that both challenge is related with each other...Tony ask if its possible for a debate/dialogue with Arul & if Arul dare to take the challenge...then later he officially invite Arul for a "Talk-Show", with the same topic of 1MDB from previous challenge of debate..& the rest is how he chickened out..its all in the chronology

it's obviously related...budak kecik pun boleh faham...& u here trying so hard to play with words, dates, & now a new comprehension of topic 1; august challenge topic 2; october challenge thingy

how much further u wanna go...???
post Nov 1 2015, 04:54 PM

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Lss got /k account?
post Nov 1 2015, 05:02 PM

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user posted image

who report...???? hmm.gif cool2.gif

post Nov 1 2015, 05:10 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 04:53 PM)
what..??? what the........????????????????????? rclxub.gif  rclxub.gif  rclxub.gif

how much further u wanna spin with ur words bro..???

that comment u made is a replied to my previous comment when i say both same topic, the 1mdb topic..now u spin that the topic is about two different topic of two challenges yada yada yada

u really trying that hard dont u..???

i already show to u that both challenge is related with each other...Tony ask if its possible for a debate/dialogue with Arul & if Arul dare to take the challenge...then later he officially invite Arul for a "Talk-Show", with the same topic of 1MDB from previous challenge of debate..& the rest is how he chickened out..its all in the chronology

it's obviously related...budak kecik pun boleh faham...& u here trying so hard to play with words, dates, & now a new comprehension of topic 1; august challenge topic 2; october challenge thingy

how much further u wanna go...???
I apologize for that mishap. It was my fault for using the word 'topic' in that reply without making it clear what it was and for overlooking your use of that word in your reply. I wholeheartedly agree that the subject of contention between Tony and Arul has always been 1MDB. Now, let's get back to to our discussion. Can you prove that the August challenge and the October challenge are the one and the same? They're related. They're on the same topic which is 1mdb. Yet they're not the same. These are the 2 statements:

August 14:
"So I'm sure Malaysians would be very interested to see an open dialogue or debate between Arul and myself".

October 29:
“Since Arul proudly proclaimed that there is absolutely no cover-up to 1MDB, may I humbly propose that the 1MDB president attends a ‘live’ talk show which I will host and ask the questions.

Do they look exactly the same to you?
Subject: 1mdb.
Participants: Tony Pua & Arul Kandasamy

What about the format?
August 14: Open dialogue or debate
October 29: live talk show

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

Are you implying that Arul agreed to Tony's August challenge in October? Please take into account these 2 articles from pro-government mainstream newspapers.

Arul Kanda Kandasamy has agreed to meet the challenge by Tony Pua to appear on a "live talk show" to dispel any allegations made against 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
This came after Pua, the DAP national publicity secretary, said Arul had merely "recycled" responses to the allegations during a live interview on Bernama TV, and Malaysians were "no nearer to the truth" on the matter.
Pua said he would host the show and ask the questions, and would give Arul "every opportunity and as much time as he likes to answer these questions".
In an immediate reply, Arul agreed to the challenge.

1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) president and group executive director Arul Kanda has accepted DAP member of parliament Tony Pua's challenge to a discussion on live television. In a statement today, Arul said he accepted the challenge and looked forward to answering Pua's questions. Pua had earlier challenged Arul to a live talk show to settle once and for all the allegations leveled against 1MDB. This follows Arul's appearance on Bernama TV last night, in which Arul had addressed several issues concerning the state investment fund.

So if these 2 newspapers and countless others interpreted Arul as accepting Tony's October 29 challenge, why do you claim otherwise?

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Nov 1 2015, 05:21 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 05:23 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 05:10 PM)
I apologize for that mishap. It was my fault for using the word 'topic' in that reply without making it clear what it was and for overlooking your use of that word in your reply. I wholeheartedly agree that the subject of contention between Tony and Arul has always been 1MDB. Now, let's get back to to our discussion. Can you prove that the August challenge and the October challenge are the one and the same? They're related. They're on the same topic which is 1mdb. Yet they're not the same. These are the 2 statements:

August 14:
"So I'm sure Malaysians would be very interested to see an open dialogue or debate between Arul and myself".

October 29:
“Since Arul proudly proclaimed that there is absolutely no cover-up to 1MDB, may I humbly propose that the 1MDB president attends a ‘live’ talk show which I will host and ask the questions.

Do they look exactly the same to you?
Subject: 1mdb.
Participants: Tony Pua & Arul Kandasamy

What about the format?
August 14: Open dialogue or debate
October 29: live talk show

noun: debate; plural noun: debates

    a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.

talk show
noun: talk show; plural noun: talk shows; modifier noun: talk-show; noun: talkshow; plural noun: talkshows

    a television or radio show in which various topics are discussed informally and listeners, viewers, or the studio audience are invited to participate in the discussion.

Are you implying that Arul agreed to Tony's August challenge in October?

i did said that both challenge is related, several times..even from my comment that u quoted...did u read it properly...???

i did said stated earlier that the 1st challenge Arul didnt answer & didnt have to answer because its an unofficial statement from Tony on his fb page..Arul only reply the 2nd challenge as its an official invitation, just that before this its a challenge of debate, but then the 2nd one is a challenge for talk-show..where did i stated that Arul accepted the 1st challenge on October...??? can u show me...???

btw no need to discuss this any further as Tony finally accepted to do debate with Arul, if this news is accurate on the word "DEBATE", not "TALK-SHOW"

Im Ready To Debate With Arul: Tony Pua

so now its not a talk-show anymore, right..??? then no need for us to argue anymore

editted: shit..i didn't read the date & time..now dun know if its really a debate or still a talk-show doh.gif

This post has been edited by keown83: Nov 1 2015, 05:30 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 05:34 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 05:23 PM)

i did said that both challenge is related, several times..even from my comment that u quoted...did u read it properly...???

i did said stated earlier that the 1st challenge Arul didnt answer & didnt have to answer because its an unofficial statement from Tony on his fb page..Arul only reply the 2nd challenge as its an official invitation, just that before this its a challenge of debate, but then the 2nd one is a challenge for talk-show..where did i stated that Arul accepted the 1st challenge on October...??? can u show me...??? 
btw no need to discuss this any further as Tony finally accepted to do debate with Arul, if this news is accurate on the word "DEBATE", not "TALK-SHOW"

Im Ready To Debate With Arul: Tony Pua

so now its not a talk-show anymore, right..??? then no need for us to argue anymore
Err no. Tony and Arul can argue later but we're not done yet. tongue.gif Our argument was on whether Tony chickened out and changed the format from debate to live show. You have stated multiple times that Tony asked for a debate and Arul accepted it, after which Tony changed the format to a live show where he'll ask the questions. You even posted a screenshot of Tony's facebook post from back in August 2015 to support your claim. I'm pointing out that Arul wasn't replying in kind to the August challenge but the October challenge where the format differs and the newspapers have also reported as such. If you insist that Arul accepted the debate challenge implies that you think either both the challenges are one and the same or that Arul was referring to the August challenge. Since you claimed to comprehend the statements, I assumed the latter. No hard feelings.

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Nov 1 2015, 05:36 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 05:48 PM

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QUOTE(neoexcaliber @ Nov 1 2015, 05:34 PM)
Err no. The argument was on whether Tony chickened out and changed the format from debate to live show. You have implied multiple times that Tony asked for a debate and Arul accepted it, after which Tony changed the format to a live show where he'll ask the questions. You even posted a screenshot of Tony's facebook post from back in August 2015 to support your claim. I'm pointing out that Arul wasn't replying in kind to the August challenge but the October challenge where the format differs. If you insist that Arul accepted the debate challenge implies that you think either both the challenges are one and the same or that Arul was referring to the August challenge. Since you claim to comprehend the statements, I assumed the latter.
then ur assumption is wrong..my point is base on the same topic on how Tony disagree with Arul statement on 1mdb so he made a challenge & on how the two challenges is inter-related..my point is base on the whole picture, from starting to the latest, & i never said that Arul accepted the 1st august challenge on october

its not the same challenge, but its inter-related, becos both related to the same 1mdb topic..i call him chicken becos Tony wouldnt dare to insist with debate/dialogue like what he said unofficially on his fb page, instead the 2nd challenge became a talk-show..its not a different topic becos both are inter-related to what Tony disagree with Arul on 1mdb

even if u insisted that both are different topic, it didnt clear up on why Tony dare not to openly-debate with Arul live on TV

& with yesterday malaysian insider news report, i didnt know anymore if it is a debate or still a talk-show

can u confirm with me, is it still a talk-show or did Tony really accepted a debate finally..??? if its confirmed Tony accepted a debate & not a talk-show where he question & arul can only answer, then my discussion here is over

my argument is just becos Tony did not dare to debate Arul from the whole picture, thats all & thats it

This post has been edited by keown83: Nov 1 2015, 05:50 PM
post Nov 1 2015, 06:03 PM

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QUOTE(keown83 @ Nov 1 2015, 05:48 PM)
then ur assumption is wrong..my point is base on the same topic on how Tony disagree with Arul statement on 1mdb so he made a challenge & on how the two challenges is inter-related..my point is base on the whole picture, from starting to the latest, & i never said that Arul accepted the 1st august challenge on october

its not the same challenge, but its inter-related, becos both related to the same 1mdb topic..i call him chicken becos Tony wouldnt dare to insist with debate/dialogue like what he said unofficially on his fb page, instead the 2nd challenge became a talk-show..its not a different topic becos both are inter-related to what Tony disagree with Arul on 1mdb

even if u insisted that both are different topic, it didnt clear up on why Tony dare not to openly-debate with Arul live on TV

& with yesterday malaysian insider news report, i didnt know anymore if it is a debate or still a talk-show

can u confirm with me, is it still a talk-show or did Tony really accepted a debate finally..??? if its confirmed Tony accepted a debate & not a talk-show where he question & arul can only answer, then my discussion here is over

my argument is just becos Tony did not dare to debate Arul from the whole picture, thats all & thats it
I agree it's all related but I look at it as separate sub-topics within the larger subject. Whether or not Tony chickened out wasn't what I was defending but the format which Tony has been consistent about since October 29 but it's been spun, either intentionally or just a regular misunderstanding concerning synonyms, into him changing the format by the mass media and social media userst.

That being said, I also agree that our argument is purely academic at this point as Tony has to accept a debate if Arul insists on it and it seems like he'll go through with it. I feel kinda bad for attacking your comprehension and contextualization though so I'm sorry about that.

Time to bill Tony for my services today. tongue.gif

This post has been edited by neoexcaliber: Nov 1 2015, 06:03 PM
post Nov 2 2015, 11:18 AM

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why has this turned to a grammar nazi thread?

why does Tony have to come up with such condition explicitly that Arul cannot question anything him, right after Arul accepted the challenge WITHOUT condition?
So fishy?

Firstly, there's a trial going on for 1MDB already, and Tony is sitting on the committee, there's actually no need for Arul to go on live TV show as requested by Tony, but Arul still accepted it without condition.
From what I can see, putting BN/DAP aside of this, Arul is being a man while Tony chickened out.

anyway, when will this debate start ah?

post Nov 2 2015, 11:20 AM

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QUOTE(Blackdawn @ Nov 2 2015, 11:18 AM)
why has this turned to a grammar nazi thread?

why does Tony have to come up with such condition explicitly that Arul cannot question anything him, right after Arul accepted the challenge WITHOUT condition?
So fishy?

Firstly, there's a trial going on for 1MDB already, and Tony is sitting on the committee, there's actually no need for Arul to go on live TV show as requested by Tony, but Arul still accepted it without condition.
From what I can see, putting BN/DAP aside of this, Arul is being a man while Tony chickened out.

anyway, when will this debate start ah?
Go read through the thread.

Your questions already answered. And your remarks, possibly refuted. biggrin.gif

post Nov 2 2015, 01:17 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Nov 2 2015, 11:20 AM)
Go read through the thread. 

Your questions already answered.  And your remarks, possibly refuted.  biggrin.gif
all the quoting of wording definition?
or this?

August 14
Tony Pua challenges Arul to a debate or open dialogue

October 28
Arul appears on Bernama TV's special talk show to answer questions on 1mdb

October 29 7.54 am
Tony challenges Arul to a live talk show with him as the host

October 29 11.40 pm
Arul asks Tony to quit the PAC first

October 29 12.20 pm
Tony declines and says PAC is more important

October 31 11:14 am
Arul withdraws conditions, says ok

October 31 11:35 am
Pua re-asserts that it'll be a talk show and not a debate as reported by some media.
that re-asserts, reaffirmed everyone that he's chicken, end of story, why need to even re-assert such thing? what about #nothing2hide?

and please, the ultimate objective is to find out the truth behind 1MDB, regardless of WHEN did Tony ask for debate / talk show / Q&A, and how the format it should be, so why it needs to be only one sided Q&A? and gotta re-asserts it? IMHO, Tony wants to safeguard himself from Arul and if Arul ask any questions, he can say "I told you and everyone before that only I can ask question".

Rightfully correct? Perhaps.
Chicken? Definitely.

Let the debate begin, no point in this topic. What happened to LSS?
post Nov 2 2015, 01:28 PM

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QUOTE(Blackdawn @ Nov 2 2015, 01:17 PM)
all the quoting of wording definition?
or this?
that re-asserts, reaffirmed everyone that he's chicken, end of story, why need to even re-assert such thing? what about #nothing2hide?

and please, the ultimate objective is to find out the truth behind 1MDB, regardless of WHEN did Tony ask for debate / talk show / Q&A, and how the format it should be, so why it needs to be only one sided Q&A? and gotta re-asserts it? IMHO, Tony wants to safeguard himself from Arul and if Arul ask any questions, he can say "I told you and everyone before that only I can ask question".

Rightfully correct? Perhaps.
Chicken? Definitely.

Let the debate begin, no point in this topic. What happened to LSS?
I can't agree with you.

Arul didn't even agree to the first invitation, so all bets are off.

Tony Pua made a new offer after seeing Arul happily go on Bernama TV. This is important to note.
I am guessing Tony Pua thinks he can do a far better job than the Bernama TV interviewer. laugh.gif

Hence, the new offer or challenge.

Nothing chicken about that.

If Arul is given free rein, I think the show would feature questions from Arul such as -

"Did you meet Justo?"
"Did you expose any information that you know first hand from PAC meetings?"
Etc. etc.

And we won't be any closer to finding out the truth about 1MDB.

post Nov 2 2015, 01:28 PM

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Don't really care much about LSS. biggrin.gif
post Nov 2 2015, 01:56 PM

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you guys expect to see intelligent debate or talk show in Malaysia? lol

Arul for sure will throw potshots and discredit Tony with Justo link.

You see why the main agenda now for LSS/BN cybertrooper is to play up this debate/talk show issue?

This post has been edited by tohff7: Nov 2 2015, 01:58 PM
post Nov 2 2015, 02:02 PM

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QUOTE(tohff7 @ Nov 2 2015, 01:56 PM)
you guys expect to see intelligent debate or talk show in Malaysia? lol

Arul for sure will throw potshots and discredit Tony with Justo link.

You see why the main agenda now for LSS/BN cybertrooper is to play up this debate/talk show issue?
It's a trap!
post Nov 2 2015, 02:11 PM

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QUOTE(joe_mamak @ Nov 2 2015, 01:28 PM)
I can't agree with you. 

Arul didn't even agree to the first invitation, so all bets are off. 

Tony Pua made a new offer after seeing Arul happily go on Bernama TV.  This is important to note. 
I am guessing Tony Pua thinks he can do a far better job than the Bernama TV interviewer.  laugh.gif 

Hence, the new offer or challenge. 

Nothing chicken about that. 

If Arul is given free rein, I think the show would feature questions from Arul such as -

"Did you meet Justo?"
"Did you expose any information that you know first hand from PAC meetings?"
Etc. etc.

And we won't be any closer to finding out the truth about 1MDB.
If it needs to be a Q & A, a prosecution trial style, they have PAC to do it, and you can't say its not helpful because Tony himself is sitting on the board, so why the need to have another repeated process for such trial? I mean...what is the impact for doing the same thing at 2 different place?
If you say it is a both side Q&A, then it is different from questioning like what they can do in PAC, and everyone can know the truth for both side, then it is worth doing it infront of public.

and I don't think tony will be afraid of those questions? OR is he?

comon la, Tony is like a bull, running into every single trap laid by najib and his cronies, please ask him to think twice before spitting out a statement, after all his statement have public impact, unlike /k/ where people can kopitiam whatever they can.

don't really care about LSS also thumbup.gif

post Nov 2 2015, 02:21 PM

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Holy crap. Who bumped this thread? Did I just waste my Sunday? shakehead.gif
post Nov 2 2015, 03:12 PM

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QUOTE(Blackdawn @ Nov 2 2015, 02:11 PM)
If it needs to be a Q & A, a prosecution trial style, they have PAC to do it, and you can't say its not helpful because Tony himself is sitting on the board, so why the need to have another repeated process for such trial? I mean...what is the impact for doing the same thing at 2 different place?
If you say it is a both side Q&A, then it is different from questioning like what they can do in PAC, and everyone can know the truth for both side, then it is worth doing it infront of public.

and I don't think tony will be afraid of those questions? OR is he?

comon la, Tony is like a bull, running into every single trap laid by najib and his cronies, please ask him to think twice before spitting out a statement, after all his statement have public impact, unlike /k/ where people can kopitiam whatever they can.

don't really care about LSS also thumbup.gif
Why not?

I already mentioned before the important point -

Tony made the offer after seeing Arul appear on Bernama TV.

I didn't watch that one.

But I am guessing Arul had an easy time. Evidently Tony Pua thought so. Hence the challenge.

Tony Pua did say he would ask the questions that Malaysians are dying to ask.

Malaysians are not dying to ask Tony Pua questions. They are dying to ask Arul questions about 1MDB.

Tony Pua mgiht still end up with egg on his face. Well, he made his bed he has to lie in it.

But I sure hope we would be closer to the truth about 1MDB.
post Jul 21 2016, 01:44 PM

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I think pseudonym. biggrin.gif

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