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 Xiaomi Router Mini with full Unifi support, turn into a beast with custom asus rom!

post Jan 6 2016, 08:02 PM, updated 9y ago

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Warning/Disclaimer: It might brick your device if you don’t understand what you’re doing. I am not responsible for any things that happened to your device or you. It will be much easier for you if you had experience with linux commands and/or flashed a router with custom firmware before.

Xiaomi Router Mini is probly one of the cheapest dual band wifi router you can get in the market and it is very powerful device for its price. Luckily for me, i purchased it for only RM60ish including shipping from china, the promotion is already expired though.

First thing i realized when i got the Xiaomi Router is, it doesn’t work with Unifi due to non customizable VLAN tags on the official firmware which is expected due to I did some research before I purchase the device. Hence, I flashed it with OpenWrt. I was expecting OpenWrt to work perfectly with Xiaomi Router Mini. However, I soon realized i was wrong. After some tinkering, I found that not only wireless AC doesn’t work (unable to get the driver working), i am unable to get Hypptv (issues with vlan tagging but only for iptv specifically, PPPoE works fine) working as well.

After I failed to get it working, I tried PandoraBox as well but PandoraBox can’t even support vlan tagging correctly.

I was almost ready to give up... until i found a promising firmware by hiboyhiboyhiboy ( http://www.right.com.cn/forum/thread-161324-1-1.html it is in chinese if you can read) . I've compiled my own version of Padavan firmware, you can check Files you need (to download) section for the link. It customized based on Padavan ( https://bitbucket.org/padavan/rt-n56u ). If you want, you can compile it from the source by following this guide ( https://bitbucket.org/padavan/rt-n56u/wiki/...wToMakeFirmware ).

08 January 2016, I've compiled my own version of Padavan's firmware with minimum customization, with come with OpenVPN support and remapped the GPIO and some ports accordingly for Xiaomi Miwifi Mini router. It is compiled from latest commit ( ba454a7 )

Files you need (to download)
1. Breed bootloader
2. Custom Padavan firmware megablue edition v1

For those who had experience with flashing a router this is the short version or overview of the guide.
1. Gain access to the router console either telnet or ssh or web based console
2. Installing the custom bootloader - Breed
3. Boot into Breed, install the Padavan firmware
4. Do the basic configures and vlan taggings to get it to work with Unifi or Maxis broadband

Gain access to the router console either telnet or ssh or web based console
there are various ways to gain access the to console, I only show the easiest way that I found on ( https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/xiaomi/mini )

1. Connect to your PC to your router with ethernet cable
2. Power on and setup the Xiaomi router until it reboots and gets IP address
3. Log-in into the router and grab the value of the stok URL parameter (for instance: "9c2428de4d17e2db7e5a6a337e6f57a3")
4. Replace the <STOK> placeholder and load this URL in your browser or curl, this will start telnetd on the router:

5. It should spit out some wifi error code, that is ok, don't worry.
6. Replace the <STOK> placeholder, the current password and the desired root password and load this URL in your browser or curl, this will set the router root password

It should spit out: {"code":0}
7. Telnet to the router, enter user root and NEWPASS chosen above.

Installing the custom bootloader - Breed
1. Now i assuming you have access to your router console/telnet/ssh.
2. This is the risky part, proceed with extreme caution as a broken bootloader could brick your router, the only way for you to revive the router would be 3. physically wire the TTL connection to rewrite the bootloader.
4. Download Breed for Xiaomi router mini ( http://breed.hackpascal.net/r802%20%5b2015...iaomi-mini.bin) .
5. Copy it to the root directory of a usb thumb drive (1GB free space is more than enough) with FAT/FAT32 partition.
6. Plug the thumb drive into the router.
7. at the console, type
cd /extdisks/sda1/
follow by
ls -l
you should be able to see the breed-mt7620-xiaomi-mini.bin
8. type
cat /proc/mtd
it will list out the partitions on the router flash chip.
9. look for "Bootloader" it should be listed as mtd1: 00030000 00010000 "Bootloader"
10. now dump a backup of the partition to your usb drive with following command
dd if=/dev/mtd1 of=/extdisks/sda1/Bootloader.bin

11. you should also create a backup for all other partitions listed with
cat /proc/mtd
as well, just name them accordingly.
12. now you’re ready to install the custom bootloader, type
mtd -r write breed-mt7620-xiaomi-mini.bin Bootloader

13. it should shows rebooting when the installation is complete.

Boot into Breed, install the Padavan firmware
1. download the custom Padavan firmware megablue edition v1 and unzip it (you dont need to unzip it, it is already in the extracted form)
2. power off your router, look for a pinhole at the back of your router, press and hold it with a pin, while holding the button in the pinhole, power on your router.
3. release the pinhole button when you see orange/yellow light is blinking.
4. open your browser (preferably Chrome) and type into the address bar.
7. you should be able to access the Breed web interface (in chinese but i will guide you!).
8. Now select the second button on the menu it should says 固件更新
9. now you should be located at select 固件 and upload the custom Padavan firmware. it should look like this https://i.imgur.com/28pq86W.png
10. wait for the progress bar to complete, it should reboots automatically.
11. you might need to boot into Breed for the second time to reset the default settings for the Padavan firmware. to reset the settings, click the 5th button on the menu, the select Config 區 (公版). It should look like this https://i.imgur.com/oFjNtBm.png
click 執行 to reset the settings,

vlan taggings to get it to work with Unifi & Hypptv
1. now the router should be flashed with the the firmware, it should be accessible at with username: admin and password: admin.
2. now we’re going to configure the basic internet and iptv (for unifi, if you’re using maxis broadband you need to adjust the vlan accordingly) .
3. Click Advanced Settings -> WAN
4. WAN Connection type PPPoE
5. Under PPP VPN client setting key in your unifi account username and password
6. Under Ports Isolation and VLAN Filtering
7. Choose IPTV STB Port: LAN2 (last LAN port counting from left to right)
9. VLAN CPU (Internet) VID 500
10. it should look something like this https://i.imgur.com/Cxmstbg.png
11. click apply
12. now you should be able to access the internet and Hypptv.

while the rest of the router functions pretty much self-explanatory. i am too lazy to continue as the guide is already extremely long for my taste, There are a lot of things you can do with the Padavan firmware (google it for details)

Now enjoy better network performance with highly affordable price smile.gif

This post has been edited by I<3LYN: Jan 14 2016, 02:12 PM
post Jan 6 2016, 08:44 PM

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Great instruction. biggrin.gif

Anyway, how's the wireless performance on the ported Asus firmware as I know wireless performance is hit and miss on most non Xiaomi firmware.
post Jan 6 2016, 08:46 PM

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QUOTE(blacktubi @ Jan 6 2016, 08:44 PM)
Great instruction. biggrin.gif

Anyway, how's the wireless performance on the ported Asus firmware as I know wireless performance is hit and miss on most non Xiaomi firmware.
i am yet to test both 2.4 and 5Ghz in detail.

I will report back once i did some bandwidth and stability test.
post Jan 6 2016, 08:56 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 6 2016, 08:46 PM)
i am yet to test both 2.4 and 5Ghz in detail.

I will report back once i did some bandwidth and stability test.
Great! Please share the wireless performance.

I am still stuck with Xiaomi stock firmware and having to use a VLAN switch for Unifi. sweat.gif
post Jan 6 2016, 10:50 PM

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QUOTE(blacktubi @ Jan 6 2016, 08:56 PM)
Great! Please share the wireless performance.

I am still stuck with Xiaomi stock firmware and having to use a VLAN switch for Unifi. sweat.gif
just did some testing

got weird results though

my router is at my living room.

the signal strength within the line of sight (few meters away) is about -40 dBm

furthest corners away from the router at 2nd floor is about -60 ~ -65 dBm

650MB within line of sight @ 3m25s (2.4G wireless mode N)
650MB within line of sight @ 2m06s (5G wireless mode N)

650MB room at 2nd floor directly above the router @ 2m50s (2.4G wireless mode N)
5G 650MB room at 2nd floor directly above the router @ 1m54s (5G wireless mode N)

the latency is stable for most places in my house (just standard double story house), except for the further corner away from the router.

I have no other comparisons, but It is much better than the router (D-Link L7-N-R2000) that TM provided though.

It is also much better than vanilla OpenWRT firmware.

This post has been edited by I<3LYN: Jan 6 2016, 10:52 PM
post Jan 6 2016, 11:29 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 6 2016, 10:50 PM)
just did some testing

got weird results though

my router is at my living room.

the signal strength within the line of sight (few meters away) is about -40 dBm

furthest corners away from the router at 2nd floor is about -60 ~ -65 dBm

650MB within line of sight @ 3m25s (2.4G wireless mode N)
650MB within line of sight @ 2m06s (5G wireless mode N)

650MB room at 2nd floor directly above the router @ 2m50s (2.4G wireless mode N)
5G 650MB room at 2nd floor directly above the router @ 1m54s (5G wireless mode N)

the latency is stable for most places in my house (just standard double story house), except for the further corner away from the router.

I have no other comparisons, but It is much better than the router (D-Link L7-N-R2000) that TM provided though. 

It is also much better than vanilla OpenWRT firmware.
I calculated and it is around 41Mbit/s for 5Ghz 2m06s. hmm.gif

Do you have 802.11AC enabled as that's where the problem is.
post Jan 6 2016, 11:52 PM

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QUOTE(blacktubi @ Jan 6 2016, 11:29 PM)
I calculated and it is around 41Mbit/s for 5Ghz 2m06s. hmm.gif

Do you have 802.11AC enabled as that's where the problem is.
there are 2 issues, i've AC enabled on router but the devices I test on don't support AC, secondly the pc that upload the file might be hit a bottleneck due to the hdd and network speed. I need to change my approach to at least try to maximize the speed of N mode doh.gif
post Jan 6 2016, 11:54 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 6 2016, 11:52 PM)
there are 2 issues, i've AC enabled on router but the devices I test on don't support AC, secondly the pc that upload the file might be hit a bottleneck due to the hdd and network speed. I need to change my approach  to at least try to maximize the speed of N mode doh.gif
I just remember that the Xiaomi MiWiFi Mini only support Fast Ethernet. sweat.gif

Thanks for the great discovery anyway, I am going to try it out soon.
post Jan 7 2016, 01:10 AM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 6 2016, 11:52 PM)
there are 2 issues, i've AC enabled on router but the devices I test on don't support AC, secondly the pc that upload the file might be hit a bottleneck due to the hdd and network speed. I need to change my approach  to at least try to maximize the speed of N mode doh.gif
Check out your phone? If your phone uses qualcomm most likely it has 802.11ac in it

post Jan 7 2016, 09:49 AM

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QUOTE(wcypierre @ Jan 7 2016, 01:10 AM)
Check out your phone? If your phone uses qualcomm most likely it has 802.11ac in it
good suggestion... but i need another source that able to split out data at 1300mbps and also support wireless AC doh.gif
post Jan 7 2016, 04:59 PM

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Can you do a test how is the WiFi coverage and performance compared to pandorabox?
I tried the latest openwrt chaos calmer, the WiFi really sucks compared to both official firmware and pandorabox.
post Jan 7 2016, 05:18 PM

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QUOTE(zhuoyang @ Jan 7 2016, 04:59 PM)
Can you do a test how is the WiFi coverage and performance compared to pandorabox?
I tried the latest openwrt chaos calmer, the WiFi really sucks compared to both official firmware and pandorabox.
the signal is definitely better than openwrt.. i say it is on par with PandoraBox/official firmware.

It is compiled with the proprietary wifi driver as far as i know. hence the better performance compared with openwrt which is using generic driver.

are you using unifi? how did you get pandorabox running with unifi? blink.gif

This post has been edited by I<3LYN: Jan 7 2016, 05:20 PM
post Jan 7 2016, 05:48 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 7 2016, 05:18 PM)
the signal is definitely better than openwrt.. i say it is on par with PandoraBox/official firmware.

It is compiled with the  proprietary wifi driver as far as i know. hence the better performance compared with openwrt which is using generic driver.
are you using unifi? how did you get pandorabox running with unifi?  blink.gif
I am using it just for access point. My router still using tm provided dir-615 (running dd-wrt for ultimate stability)
post Jan 8 2016, 11:37 AM

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QUOTE(zhuoyang @ Jan 7 2016, 05:48 PM)
I am using it just for access point. My router still using tm provided dir-615 (running dd-wrt for ultimate stability)
i see.

Personally, i think it is better to use Xiaomi for the entire setup, since it has much better hardware ( and wifi? i don't know, i was using D-Link DIR614 and it is crap) . Otherwise it is a waste of the hardware to use it just as an AP.
post Jan 8 2016, 11:53 AM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 8 2016, 11:37 AM)
i see.

Personally, i think it is better to use Xiaomi for the entire setup, since it has much better hardware ( and wifi? i don't know, i was using D-Link DIR614 and it is crap) . Otherwise it is a waste of the hardware to use it just as an AP.
Yea planning to install this custom firmware soon
post Jan 8 2016, 03:05 PM

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QUOTE(zhuoyang @ Jan 8 2016, 11:53 AM)
Yea planning to install this custom firmware soon
i am compiling my own version from the Padavan source code for security reasons brows.gif

so you will get the clean version of padavan's firmware with minimum modification (without the chinese addons) for the xiaomi-mini router.

I probly can get it uploaded by tonight or so if there are no problem with the compile process and test runs.

stay tuned.

I've compiled my own version, everything is working fine so far, make sure you select the correct Wifi country code (just select any country with 1-13 channels) /channel otherwise it could auto selecting the channel 14 which is not supported in most countries including ours.

This post has been edited by I<3LYN: Jan 8 2016, 04:49 PM
post Jan 12 2016, 08:41 AM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 8 2016, 03:05 PM)
i am compiling my own version from the Padavan source code for security reasons brows.gif

so you will get the clean version of padavan's firmware with minimum modification (without the chinese addons) for the xiaomi-mini router.

I probly can get it uploaded by tonight or so if there are no problem with the compile process and test runs.

stay tuned.

I've compiled my own version, everything is working fine so far, make sure you select the correct Wifi country code (just select any country with 1-13 channels) /channel otherwise it could auto selecting the channel 14 which is not supported in most countries including ours.
Can I flash when my router is now stock firmware. ( xiaomi firmware )
post Jan 12 2016, 11:30 AM

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QUOTE(kelvin @ Jan 12 2016, 08:41 AM)
Can I flash when my router is now stock firmware. ( xiaomi firmware ) 
yes, you can. You can flash it from any firmware as long as it is the same router.
post Jan 12 2016, 11:55 AM

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Mind to share your compiled version ?
post Jan 12 2016, 01:30 PM

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QUOTE(goolias @ Jan 12 2016, 11:55 AM)

Mind to share your compiled version ?
already shared the first post.
post Jan 12 2016, 01:33 PM

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08 January 2016, I've compiled my own version of Padavan's firmware with minimum customization, with come with OpenVPN support and remapped the GPIO and some ports accordingly for Xiaomi Miwifi Mini router. It is compiled from latest commit ( ba454a7 )
You mean this link: ba454a7 ?
post Jan 12 2016, 03:48 PM

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QUOTE(goolias @ Jan 12 2016, 01:33 PM)
You mean this link: ba454a7 ?
Custom Padavan firmware megablue edition v1
post Jan 12 2016, 03:49 PM

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Just a TP-Link Smart Easy Switch to do the VLAN taggings.
post Jan 12 2016, 04:00 PM

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QUOTE(acbc @ Jan 12 2016, 03:49 PM)
Just a TP-Link Smart Easy Switch to do the VLAN taggings.
not worth it for me to buy another equipment just to do the VLAN taggings, kind of defeat the purpose of getting a cheap and powerful router, furthermore i dont need gigabit ethernet.
post Jan 12 2016, 10:21 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 12 2016, 04:00 PM)
not worth it for me to buy another equipment just to do the VLAN taggings, kind of defeat the purpose of getting a cheap and powerful router, furthermore i dont need gigabit ethernet.
The switch not even RM 100.

I prefer stock firmware.
post Jan 13 2016, 09:31 AM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 12 2016, 11:30 AM)
yes, you can. You can flash it from any firmware as long as it is the same router.
I want to make sure that all the steps work as in your guide before I flash my Xiaomi mini router. I tested with a TP - Link TL-WDR4300 flash with openwrt. I copy the 2 files to a USB pendrive format with Fat32 and plug in to the USB of the TP Link router. SSH to the router and I issue the command cd /extdisks/sda1 , but it says cannot cd to extdisks . Is there something that I miss out ?
post Jan 13 2016, 11:32 AM

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QUOTE(acbc @ Jan 12 2016, 10:21 PM)
The switch not even RM 100.

I prefer stock firmware.
Why would you comment on this thread then, when it's a custom firmware thread ?
Also why would we to need spend extra RM100 for a switch just for vlan tagging , when we already have a hardware capable of doing so.

post Jan 13 2016, 05:30 PM

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QUOTE(zhuoyang @ Jan 13 2016, 11:32 AM)
Why would you comment on this thread then, when it's a custom firmware thread ?
Also why would we to need spend extra RM100 for a switch just for vlan tagging , when we already have a hardware capable of doing so.
thanks for saying that. I was going to say something similar but kind of hold back a bit to avoid argument tongue.gif

if i were to buy another equipment just to have better out of the box experience, i might as well as just a router that does all that with vanilla setup rather than spending it on 2 piece of equipments. doh.gif

for me choosing xiaomi mini router because it is highly hackable and cheap.

This post has been edited by I<3LYN: Jan 13 2016, 05:51 PM
post Jan 13 2016, 05:34 PM

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QUOTE(kelvin @ Jan 13 2016, 09:31 AM)
I want to make sure that all the steps work as in your guide before I flash my Xiaomi mini router. I tested with a TP - Link TL-WDR4300 flash with openwrt. I copy the 2 files to a USB pendrive format with Fat32 and plug in to the USB of the TP Link router. SSH to the router and I issue the command cd /extdisks/sda1 , but it says cannot cd to extdisks . Is there something that I miss out ?
because every firmware mount the drives at different locations

you can try to follow every steps with your xiaomi router prior
mtd -r write breed-mt7620-xiaomi-mini.bin Bootloader

because it is the exact step that would cause your router to brick if you did something wrong.

anything prior this doesn't write anything to your router that could cause your router brick.

you're safe to to familiarize yourself, find out anythings that you're uncertain then you could just raise the questions in this thread.

This post has been edited by I<3LYN: Jan 13 2016, 05:50 PM
post Jan 14 2016, 09:17 AM

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After finish flash the ROM and refresh, but "Page No Found". When turn On the router, no yellow light, straight away the blue light up. Tried 2 times, the same problem happen. Is my flashing step wrong or anything I done it not correct?
post Jan 14 2016, 02:11 PM

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QUOTE(kelvin @ Jan 14 2016, 09:17 AM)
After finish flash the ROM and refresh, but "Page No Found". When turn On the router, no yellow light, straight away the blue light up. Tried 2 times, the same problem happen. Is my flashing step wrong or anything I done it not correct?
which step were you at?

did you manage to boot into Breed?

are you sure it is "Page not found" instead of other error? if it is page not found make sure the url in your address bar is exactly instead of being redirected. access it from incognito mode if you want to be sure.
Also try, http://my.router/

This post has been edited by I<3LYN: Jan 14 2016, 02:19 PM
post Jan 14 2016, 02:51 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 14 2016, 02:11 PM)
which step were you at?

did you manage to boot into Breed?

are you sure it is "Page not found" instead of other error? if it is page not found make sure the url in your address bar is exactly instead of being redirected. access it from incognito mode if you want to be sure.
Also try, http://my.router/
I was at step 10 of your guide. I manage to boot to breed, select option no. 2 to update the firmware. It updated until the bar is complete, then at the bar, some Chinese character says if it do not reboot, you need to refresh. This is where I am stuck. After refresh, I do not get the page, it only show me a pink color page, i forgot the error written there. At the same time the routet blue light is flashing. What should I do now
post Jan 14 2016, 03:10 PM

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QUOTE(kelvin @ Jan 14 2016, 02:51 PM)
I was at step 10 of your guide. I manage to boot to breed, select option  no. 2 to update the firmware. It updated until the bar is complete, then at the bar, some Chinese character says if it do not reboot, you need to refresh. This is where I am stuck. After refresh, I do not get the page, it only show me a pink color page,    i forgot the error written there. At the same time the routet blue light is flashing. What should I do now
dont worry, as long as you still can access to breed, most things can be recovered.

how long did you wait after the progress bar reached the end? give it 10 minutes before you reboot.

Please do the step 11 as well.

you might need to boot into Breed for the second time to reset the default settings for the Padavan firmware. to reset the settings, click the 5th button on the menu, the select Config 區 (公版). It should look like this https://i.imgur.com/oFjNtBm.png
click 執行 to reset the settings,

Also, you should try to access your route from incognito mode

In some cases, some cache that your previous router/firmware left behind could redirect the default page to the wrong url.

This post has been edited by I<3LYN: Jan 14 2016, 03:13 PM
post Jan 14 2016, 03:27 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 14 2016, 03:10 PM)
dont worry, as long as you still can access to breed, most things can be recovered.

how long did you wait after the progress bar reached the end? give it 10 minutes before you reboot.

Please do the step 11 as well.
Also, you should try to access your route from incognito mode

In some cases, some cache that your previous router/firmware left behind could redirect the default page to the wrong url.
Thks for the prompt reply, i waited like 25 mins after the progress bar reachef the end. Still the screen remain the same. Anyway I will try again tonight in incognito mode and keep you inform on the progress.
I was curious why the blue light kerp blinking. Normslly when ypu on the routet, it is yellow then turn to blue, but my case , it will straight go to blue blinking when i turn it on
post Jan 14 2016, 03:35 PM

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QUOTE(kelvin @ Jan 14 2016, 03:27 PM)
Thks for the prompt reply, i waited like 25 mins after the progress bar reachef the end. Still the screen remain the same. Anyway I will try again tonight in incognito mode and keep you inform on the progress.
I was curious why the blue light kerp blinking. Normslly when ypu on the routet, it is yellow then turn to blue, but my case , it will straight go to blue blinking when i turn it on
the behavior of the LEDs got changed with the bootloader & firmware.
post Jan 14 2016, 03:57 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 14 2016, 03:35 PM)
the behavior of the LEDs got changed with the bootloader & firmware.
One more question, if i successfully reboot to breed and do srep 11,i. e reseting the configuration to default, then i rebbot. After rebooting, the gui will be in english to set the settings for unifi, cos now is in breed mode , there is no advance setting as i your guide in the last step
post Jan 14 2016, 04:35 PM

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QUOTE(kelvin @ Jan 14 2016, 03:57 PM)
One more question, if i successfully reboot to breed and do srep 11,i. e reseting the configuration to default, then i rebbot. After rebooting, the gui will be in english to set the settings for unifi, cos now is in breed mode , there is no advance setting as i your guide in the last step
yes, the UI will be in English.
post Jan 14 2016, 07:28 PM

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Thanks for all the advice, finally got it connected to unifi with iptv. Use incognito mode, then only can access the router. Thanks again, now trying out and monitor the performance of this router
post Jan 16 2016, 09:43 AM

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Is it possible to SSH again to the router once upgraded. I just wamt to check the wireless setting /etc/config/wireless. I just cannot Ssh when i try to use putty. Thanks.
post Jan 16 2016, 05:05 PM

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QUOTE(kelvin @ Jan 16 2016, 09:43 AM)
Is it possible to SSH again to the router once upgraded. I just wamt to check the wireless setting /etc/config/wireless. I just cannot Ssh when i try to use putty. Thanks.
Administration -> Services -> Enable SSH server
post Jan 16 2016, 07:04 PM

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Login as root, tried the password when i install breed , message is wrong password. tried a few password that i know , butt all to no avail. Any solution? Thanks
post Jan 16 2016, 10:00 PM

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QUOTE(kelvin @ Jan 16 2016, 07:04 PM)
Login as root, tried the password when i install breed , message is wrong password. tried a few password that i know , butt all to no avail. Any solution? Thanks
dude... your username is admin... doh.gif why you use root to login
post Jan 16 2016, 10:07 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 16 2016, 10:00 PM)
dude... your username is admin...  doh.gif  why you use root to login
because this is a linux device, and historically root is the username for admin so that's why he put root laugh.gif
post Jan 16 2016, 10:39 PM

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Got it, thanks
post Jan 17 2016, 09:37 PM

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Hi there,

Thank you for compiling this.
Was running one of Padavan's previous builds but did not have Hypptv & OpenVPN support.
post Jan 19 2016, 10:19 AM

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Installed to my router , everything works fine!
Anyway to get ipv6 working ?
and also no QoS support ?

This post has been edited by zhuoyang: Jan 19 2016, 10:21 AM
post Jan 19 2016, 03:07 PM

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Hi, just want to ask if i install follow the instructions and install the breed bootloader and padavan's firmware... can i install OpenWrt Chaos Calmer stable version directly?

Because we flash the breed bootloader , can i revert it back to stock firmware with the normal way?

And what is the <CURRENTPASS> ?

This post has been edited by ramnkc: Jan 19 2016, 07:31 PM
post Jan 19 2016, 11:18 PM

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QUOTE(zhuoyang @ Jan 19 2016, 10:19 AM)
Installed to my router , everything works fine!
Anyway to get ipv6 working ?
and also no QoS support ?
yes ipv6 works fine, but you have to configure it.

I didn't play with QoS yet, the version that i had compiled doesn't have QoS enabled.
post Jan 19 2016, 11:20 PM

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QUOTE(ramnkc @ Jan 19 2016, 03:07 PM)
Hi, just want to ask if i install follow the instructions and install the breed bootloader and padavan's firmware... can i install OpenWrt Chaos Calmer stable version directly?

Because we flash the breed bootloader , can i revert it back to stock firmware with the normal way?

And what is the <CURRENTPASS> ?
if you just want to install openwrt, there are easier way, just follow the openwrt wiki.

post Jan 20 2016, 01:36 AM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 19 2016, 11:18 PM)
yes ipv6 works fine, but you have to configure it.

I didn't play with QoS yet, the version that i had compiled doesn't have QoS enabled.
How to configure ? I was able to get ipv6 public ip but looks like there's something wrong with DHCPv6 because ipv6 test failed
post Jan 20 2016, 02:30 PM

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Hi I<3LYN, I've completed the setup but for strange reasons, the LAN1 port doesn't work if I change the VLAN LAN(number) for either ports. The effect could also apply to LAN2 port.

This post has been edited by UserU: Jan 20 2016, 04:32 PM
post Jan 20 2016, 07:41 PM

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QUOTE(zhuoyang @ Jan 20 2016, 01:36 AM)
How to configure ? I was able to get ipv6 public ip but looks like there's something wrong with DHCPv6 because ipv6 test failed
This is my config,

user posted image

ignore the DNSv6 server 1 since i am running my own DNS server.

you can use google dns if you want.
post Jan 20 2016, 07:44 PM

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QUOTE(UserU @ Jan 20 2016, 02:30 PM)
Hi I<3LYN, I've completed the setup but for strange reasons, the LAN1 port doesn't work if I change the VLAN LAN(number) for either ports. The effect could also apply to LAN2 port.
what do you mean by LAN port doesn't work? what are you trying to do with it?

can you post a screenshot for the section?

post Jan 20 2016, 08:43 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 20 2016, 07:44 PM)
what do you mean by LAN port doesn't work? what are you trying to do with it?

can you post a screenshot for the section?
I'm connecting two PCs to the router via Ethernet cables.

Will upload the screenshots soon.
post Jan 20 2016, 09:08 PM

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I<3LYN, here they are:
Attached Image
Attached Image

Even if I were to fill in the last field for LAN1, the error switches side (Limited Connectivity). Troubleshooting the affected client returned the ("Ethernet Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration") error.

For instance, PC1 Ethernet (LAN2) has the limited connectivity. If I configure the settings (add values), PC2 Ethernet (LAN1) would now have the limited connectivity, with PC1 connected to the network.

This post has been edited by UserU: Jan 20 2016, 09:11 PM
post Jan 21 2016, 10:46 AM

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QUOTE(UserU @ Jan 20 2016, 09:08 PM)
I<3LYN, here they are:
Attached Image
Attached Image

Even if I were to fill in the last field for LAN1, the error switches side (Limited Connectivity). Troubleshooting the affected client returned the ("Ethernet Doesn't Have A Valid IP Configuration") error.

For instance, PC1 Ethernet (LAN2) has the limited connectivity. If I configure the settings (add values), PC2 Ethernet (LAN1) would now have the limited connectivity, with PC1 connected to the network.
hence you're not using hypptv right? then you should just disable the STB port, by selecting Choose IPTV STB Port -> No
post Jan 21 2016, 11:22 AM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 21 2016, 10:46 AM)
hence you're not using hypptv right? then you should just disable the STB port, by selecting Choose IPTV STB Port -> No
Not using it at all.

Thanks, it worked smile.gif
post Jan 22 2016, 03:52 AM

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i had flashed the padawan successfully, however after entering my unifi id and pw, the connection status is "waiting for ppp client connection"
post Jan 22 2016, 10:40 AM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 20 2016, 07:41 PM)
This is my config,

user posted image

ignore the DNSv6 server 1 since i am running my own DNS server.

you can use google dns if you want.
I tried to put in google DNS

And tried, the system show i grab but when i tried to access to Sarawak report new portal site, its still blocking it. I turn off the ipV6 setting then its working... custom DNS for ipv6 not working?

And mine to share the source file and where you made the customization? Or you have the latest padavan firmware customize build?

This post has been edited by ramnkc: Jan 22 2016, 11:18 PM
post Jan 27 2016, 02:19 PM

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hiya, is there a way to do this for the smaller version of xiaomi router? the youth version? that one is without USB slot, so how can i perform this flashing without the USB?
post Jan 28 2016, 01:55 AM

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QUOTE(myghimh @ Jan 27 2016, 02:19 PM)
hiya, is there a way to do this for the smaller version of xiaomi router? the youth version? that one is without USB slot, so how can i perform this flashing without the USB?
Not suite sure with the youth version.
post Jan 29 2016, 11:08 AM

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i am using this padavan thing now, but i wanted to know, why after changing my admin password to enter the router, the section to change password now dissapears. i am able to login using the new password, but i can't seem to find back the section to change the password. I checked in the Administration page, but the only field available there is device name, then straight away System Time at the bottom. There is no change password section there anymore. Is it normal?
post Jan 29 2016, 11:56 AM

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QUOTE(myghimh @ Jan 29 2016, 11:08 AM)

i am using this padavan thing now, but i wanted to know, why after changing my admin password to enter the router, the section to change password now dissapears. i am able to login using the new password, but i can't seem to find back the section to change the password. I checked in the Administration page, but the only field available there is device name, then straight away System Time at the bottom. There is no change password section there anymore. Is it normal?
no, it is not normal.

you should still able to see it.

this is my interface.

user posted image
post Jan 29 2016, 12:16 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 29 2016, 11:56 AM)
no, it is not normal.

you should still able to see it.

this is my interface.

user posted image
hiya thanks. are you accessing it from remote? or from local, means 192.168.x.x
post Jan 29 2016, 12:20 PM

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QUOTE(myghimh @ Jan 29 2016, 12:16 PM)
hiya thanks. are you accessing it from remote? or from local, means 192.168.x.x
i think i know why already. if you access from remote, that part is missing. if you access from 192.168.x.x or locally, the section appears.. i think should be some kind of security measure. anyway, thanks.

i was asking this question because sometimes, i get the prompt that i am already logged in from other ip. but i just wait a few minutes, then i can login again. i'm pretty sure i have logged out of the other sessions, so not sure why it keep popping up. do you happen to see this behaviour on your router?
post Feb 1 2016, 01:25 PM

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Found this in russian forum http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=6...0#entry41511968

I think its related to XiaoMi Mi router 5ghz EEProm pacthing which fix the low signal issue.... but no idea what should i do about it.

take a look.

post Feb 1 2016, 03:04 PM

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QUOTE(ramnkc @ Feb 1 2016, 01:25 PM)

Found this in russian forum http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=6...0#entry41511968

I think its related to XiaoMi Mi router 5ghz EEProm pacthing which fix the low signal issue.... but no idea what should i do about it.

take a look.
alright thank you, i probly will take a look soon (sorry i am quite busy lately)
post Feb 17 2016, 07:53 PM

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Thank You rclxms.gif working perfectly
post Feb 18 2016, 11:37 AM

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I have a question here,

If i turn Xiaomi Router into an access point, can I still use the USB port connected with an external HD ?

*which mean when i turned off DHCP and give this router a fixed IP. hmm.gif

This post has been edited by Pegasus88: Feb 18 2016, 11:38 AM
post Feb 18 2016, 05:19 PM

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QUOTE(Pegasus88 @ Feb 18 2016, 11:37 AM)
I have a question here,

If i turn Xiaomi Router into an access point, can I still use the USB port connected with an external HD ?

*which mean when i turned off DHCP and give this router a fixed IP. hmm.gif
Yes, You can. I am using it that way.
post Feb 18 2016, 05:38 PM

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I tried with beta firmware from xiaomi, it can dial to Streamyx.
But no guaranteed it will work, because in the stable firmware the default dial-up option has been predefined to China and Taiwan ISP only, no option to define phone number., strangely though if I not mistaken beta firmware can define phone no.
post Feb 19 2016, 11:10 AM

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5GHz wifi has nothing to do with Streamyx, it depends on the device that connected supported or not.
post Feb 19 2016, 01:41 PM

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QUOTE(goolias @ Feb 18 2016, 05:19 PM)
Yes, You can. I am using it that way.
Thank you. rclxms.gif
post Feb 29 2016, 01:21 PM

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Thanks for the guide I<3LYN. This is my first time trying to flash Padavan. Just want to make sure, is there anyway to flash Padavan without Breed?
post Mar 1 2016, 12:22 PM

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got it working.. excellent firmware. thanks all
post Mar 5 2016, 08:37 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ Jan 19 2016, 11:18 PM)
yes ipv6 works fine, but you have to configure it.

I didn't play with QoS yet, the version that i had compiled doesn't have QoS enabled.
Bro I<3LYN, do you think you could build the latest commit with QOS enabled? It would be a huge help for my 2mbps connection.
post Mar 6 2016, 10:56 AM

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HI. Just asking if I plug this modem into unifi and it won't work without the custom rom right?
post Mar 6 2016, 01:50 PM

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QUOTE(iz1011 @ Mar 6 2016, 10:56 AM)
HI. Just asking if I plug this modem into unifi and it won't work without the custom rom right?
It won't. You've to void the warranty to make it compatible.
post Mar 8 2016, 01:56 PM

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QUOTE(UserU @ Mar 6 2016, 02:50 PM)
It won't. You've to void the warranty to make it compatible.
I like the answer. Guess i'm going to sell it then

post Mar 8 2016, 02:08 PM

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QUOTE(iz1011 @ Mar 8 2016, 01:56 PM)
I like the answer. Guess i'm going to sell it then
still, xiaomi don't sell this model locally so basically you don't have warranty anyway (except from the vendor that you bought it from if they honor it)
post Mar 8 2016, 03:31 PM

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sell it to me cheap cheap
post Mar 8 2016, 11:52 PM

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QUOTE(irwan6179 @ Mar 8 2016, 04:31 PM)
sell it to me cheap cheap
How much you want?
post Mar 9 2016, 07:39 PM

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rm80. kl area pickup
post Mar 9 2016, 09:41 PM

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People, what's the cheapest local source for the Xiaomi Mini? Thinking of getting one to play with. So cheap for dual band.
post Mar 12 2016, 03:33 AM

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QUOTE(soonwai @ Mar 9 2016, 09:41 PM)
People, what's the cheapest local source for the Xiaomi Mini? Thinking of getting one to play with. So cheap for dual band.
RM99, can go lower with coupon but only for a limited period/stock

followed I<3LYN's guide, built padavan's firmware from commit 821f6cd
internet, hypptv, ipv6 works thumbup.gif
post Mar 12 2016, 09:54 PM

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does this work on maxis fibre bb?
post Mar 13 2016, 12:24 AM

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Guys Please help why I cant download the http://breed.hackpascal.net/r802%20%5B2015...omi-mini.bin%29
post Mar 13 2016, 11:27 AM

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QUOTE(KIT39 @ Mar 13 2016, 12:24 AM)
Guys Please help why I cant download the http://breed.hackpascal.net/r802%20%5B2015...omi-mini.bin%29
post Mar 15 2016, 12:09 AM

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soonwai irwan6179

hello guys i am selling my blue colored xiaomi mini WiFi because of this problem


I ragequit and i want to buy Asus lol, if you want to buy you can PM me lol

bought last week (Friday)

This post has been edited by adix4: Mar 15 2016, 12:10 AM
post Mar 17 2016, 03:30 PM

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Dual band router = faster internet speed? Or stability?
post Mar 31 2016, 11:47 PM

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I don't need hypptv, stock firmware work with internet and ipv6 for unifi?
post Apr 7 2016, 03:08 PM

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QUOTE(weiheng @ Mar 31 2016, 11:47 PM)
I don't need hypptv, stock firmware work with internet and ipv6 for unifi?
Not sure on ipv6 but Unifi should work fine.

post Apr 7 2016, 03:23 PM

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QUOTE(weiheng @ Mar 31 2016, 11:47 PM)
I don't need hypptv, stock firmware work with internet and ipv6 for unifi?
QUOTE(sil3ntHunt3r @ Apr 7 2016, 03:08 PM)
Not sure on ipv6 but Unifi should work fine.
no, unifi cant work on official firmware.
post Apr 9 2016, 09:48 PM

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Hi ... Sorry, I m new in this ... Does this apply to Mi Router 2 1TB (The white color box) ? Same firmware ?
post Apr 10 2016, 05:36 PM

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QUOTE(powez @ Apr 9 2016, 09:48 PM)
Hi ... Sorry, I m new in this ... Does this apply to Mi Router 2 1TB (The white color box) ? Same firmware ?
no, it wont work on Mi Router 2.
post Apr 27 2016, 06:41 PM

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Anyone managed to add network printer using this firmware?
post Apr 28 2016, 04:20 PM

ich bin eine Katze :3
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Hi guys im still selling my router for RM80 if you want

open box just for testing condition, works fine (After sent to seller to check one more time)

post Apr 29 2016, 05:46 PM

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does this work on adsl connection ??
post Apr 29 2016, 07:46 PM

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Hello guys, just bought this router for bridging purposes. I'm using TP-LINK Archer T2U wifi adapter as a receiver on my desktop. However, my adapter cannot detect the 5Ghz while it can connect on 2.4Ghz without probs. My phone can connect to 5Ghz. I know this is the problem on the adapter itself. Just want to ask what adapter you guys use (for Windows 10) only.. thanks in advance..
post May 5 2016, 03:17 PM

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Just bought this router online. Can't wait to try it. smile.gif

Edit: My Blue Xiaomi Router is working perfertly. Thanks I<3LYN!

This post has been edited by fli_guy84: May 9 2016, 10:15 PM
post May 10 2016, 12:30 PM

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I<3LYN and others:

routerclub.ru seems to have their own Padavan nightly builds for the router. Link

Have anyone tried it?


This post has been edited by fli_guy84: May 10 2016, 12:32 PM
post May 10 2016, 03:42 PM

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QUOTE(fli_guy84 @ May 10 2016, 12:30 PM)
I<3LYN and others:

routerclub.ru seems to have their own Padavan nightly builds for the router. Link

Have anyone tried it?

nope i didn't. maybe you could try it out and let us know?

post May 10 2016, 04:04 PM

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Do you provide the service to do that? PM me.
post May 10 2016, 05:01 PM

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QUOTE(nicks @ May 10 2016, 04:04 PM)

Do you provide the service to do that? PM me.
sorry i dont do that.
post May 10 2016, 05:41 PM

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QUOTE(I<3LYN @ May 10 2016, 03:42 PM)
nope i didn't. maybe you could try it out and let us know?
Kinda worried it might brick my router or something. tongue.gif

I'll just wait for your future builds. (Y)
post May 11 2016, 05:39 PM

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kinda easy actually to build the firmware yourself
just need to get the board profile for MI-MINI since its not included as this model is not officially supported
post May 12 2016, 12:52 AM

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nice thanks rclxms.gif

This post has been edited by Juan86: May 12 2016, 03:16 AM
post May 22 2016, 09:23 AM

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hello ... any idea if this method works with the 1TB router by xiaomi as well?
post May 24 2016, 02:32 PM

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I successfully flashed to padavan firmware, everything work fine.
But I find that the web interface seem buggy, switch between menu option will be unreponsive required re-login to proceed.
post May 25 2016, 09:56 AM

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QUOTE(cancer_kid @ May 22 2016, 09:23 AM)
hello ... any idea if this method works with the 1TB router by xiaomi as well?
Nope, padavan only support Ralink SoC based router only. Broadcom based SoC commonly used in Xiaomi 1T is not supported.
post May 25 2016, 09:58 AM

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How do I build for Xiaomi Mini platform?
I have followed the padavan build firmware guide, I completed the tool-chain build, I am in config now, according to padavan the config is for N56U, how do I config for xiaomi mini then?

This post has been edited by goolias: May 25 2016, 09:59 AM
post May 25 2016, 10:59 AM

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QUOTE(goolias @ May 25 2016, 09:56 AM)
Nope, padavan only support Ralink SoC based router only. Broadcom based SoC commonly used in Xiaomi 1T is not supported.
Thanks @goolias! any clue if we have any other ways to make it work broadcom SoC? much appreciated. thanks!
post May 25 2016, 11:30 AM

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QUOTE(cancer_kid @ May 25 2016, 10:59 AM)
Thanks @goolias! any clue if we have any other ways to make it work broadcom SoC? much appreciated. thanks!
No chance at all!
The creator has no interest in Broadcom based chipset.
Unless you wanna custom compile from Xiaomi source, not sure if it available.

post May 28 2016, 05:05 PM

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compiled from commit d1ac127 if anyone interested
also contains sample config and board profile for this router

MI-MINI board profile folder and content goes here: rt-n56u/trunk/configs/boards/
inside MI-MINI folder, create symlink to libc.config : ln -s ../uclibc-mipsel.config ./libc.config
post May 29 2016, 03:31 PM

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QUOTE(trix @ May 28 2016, 05:05 PM)
compiled from commit d1ac127 if anyone interested
also contains sample config and board profile for this router

MI-MINI board profile folder and content goes here: rt-n56u/trunk/configs/boards/
inside MI-MINI folder, create symlink to libc.config : ln -s ../uclibc-mipsel.config ./libc.config
Cool! Do you know how do i add our own packages into the firmware?
post May 29 2016, 06:32 PM

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QUOTE(cancer_kid @ May 22 2016, 09:23 AM)
hello ... any idea if this method works with the 1TB router by xiaomi as well?
Hi, if you can read chinese pls refer here to use Tomato for 1st Gen xiaomi 1T router.
Strictly for 1st gen only.
You can use google translate if you dun read Chinese.
BTW, the author said after flash with Tomato firmware they can't control the fan speed, fan is always at low speed, the unit temp is running high, I mean very high!
Proceed with caution, anyway if you decide to take the plunge pls tell us your result and findings.

post May 31 2016, 11:54 AM

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QUOTE(goolias @ May 25 2016, 09:58 AM)

How do I build for Xiaomi Mini platform?
I have followed the padavan build firmware guide, I completed the tool-chain build, I am in config now, according to padavan the config is for N56U, how do I config for xiaomi mini then?
You can use Prometheus tool (prometheus.freize.net).
I have build one, but need to find spare MI MINI to test.

Currently using TS build firmware for my Unifi and so far running fine. Much stable than given TM Innatech RGX4400.

This post has been edited by sil3ntHunt3r: May 31 2016, 11:55 AM
post May 31 2016, 11:12 PM

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QUOTE(sil3ntHunt3r @ May 31 2016, 11:54 AM)
You can use Prometheus tool (prometheus.freize.net).
I have build one, but need to find spare MI MINI to test.

Currently using TS build firmware for my Unifi and so far running fine. Much stable than given TM Innatech RGX4400.
Hi, thanks for info. The entire site in Russian, i saw the screen shot in Russian too.
I don't read Russian, and don't understand it cry.gif
post Jun 1 2016, 11:02 AM

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QUOTE(goolias @ May 31 2016, 11:12 PM)
Hi, thanks for info. The entire site in Russian, i saw the screen shot in Russian too.
I don't read Russian, and don't understand it  cry.gif
You can translate the web using Google Chrome.
The script itself have dual language, Russian and English.

I've build one yesterday and successfully flashed in into my MINI MI. biggrin.gif
post Jun 1 2016, 01:39 PM

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cool! do u know is there anyway we can include our package into it?
post Jun 1 2016, 02:28 PM

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trix & sil3ntHunt3r

Great stuffs. I'll try them after work.
post Jun 1 2016, 05:02 PM

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QUOTE(goolias @ Jun 1 2016, 01:39 PM)
cool! do u know is there anyway we can include our package into it?
This the config available from Prometheus tool.

user posted image
user posted image
post Jun 1 2016, 09:50 PM

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QUOTE(sil3ntHunt3r @ Jun 1 2016, 05:02 PM)
This the config available from Prometheus tool.

user posted image
user posted image
Which option u choose?
It seem we can only select from predefined package. Possible to define our own packages?
post Jun 1 2016, 10:33 PM

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QUOTE(goolias @ Jun 1 2016, 09:50 PM)
Which option u choose?
It seem we can only select from predefined package. Possible to define our own packages?
Not sure on that. I just add OpenVPN as I did not see the real usage for other config for my need.
Probably you can try to contact the tool author. smile.gif

Here I share my build with the latest source (1619d13). I'm not taking any responsibility if you brick your router. I just share this for those who like to try.

Only for XIAOMI MI MINI Router

1. MI-MINI_3.4.3.9-099_1619d13_NO-VPN.trx
Config: No VPN, Themed
(tested on my own MI MINI, IPTV not working (probably wrong config)).

2. MI-MINI_3.4.3.9-099_1619d13_OPEN-VPN.trx
Config: OpenVPN, Themed
(haven't test yet)

This post has been edited by sil3ntHunt3r: Jun 20 2016, 02:10 PM
post Jun 2 2016, 05:01 PM

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I wanted to compile the firmware myself last night but I realised that trix has compiled it based on the latest commit.

Been using it since last night and everything works fine. biggrin.gif

Link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8s...Z1U&usp=sharing
post Jun 11 2016, 09:00 PM

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Thanks for the latest firmware. Using it now. Any tips on how to include QOS on the built?
post Jun 12 2016, 11:46 AM

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QUOTE(irwan6179 @ Jun 11 2016, 09:00 PM)
Thanks for the latest firmware. Using it now. Any tips on how to include QOS on the built?
QoS is unsupported on this firmware
if you really want to, need to disable hardware NAT and configure QoS through command line

https://bitbucket.org/padavan/rt-n56u/wiki/...%B5%D0%B9%20QoS (in russian, translate to english)
post Jun 12 2016, 08:30 PM

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Hi, can this works on Xiaomi Router 3?
post Jun 13 2016, 12:28 PM

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QUOTE(kclee08 @ Jun 12 2016, 08:30 PM)
Hi, can this works on Xiaomi Router 3?
Saw Padavan build for MI Router 3 but never test it as I did not have the hardware.
post Jun 13 2016, 03:41 PM

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MiWifi Mini 3 using Nand Flash, the rest is the same as MiWifi mini 2
Is bleed boot loader available for this model?
post Jun 15 2016, 12:29 AM

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QUOTE(kclee08 @ Jun 12 2016, 08:30 PM)
Hi, can this works on Xiaomi Router 3?
yes it does, confirmed just now successfully flashed padavan firmware on mi router 3
download developer firmware from here and flash it first otherwise you can't enable ssh to proceed with the rest of the flashing steps

better use prometheus, as from the progress status, the firmware was split into 2 part and flashed into MTD devices kernel1 and rootfs0

probably i can go through prometheus' script to find out how its actually performed, but maybe for another day

anyway, here's what i found from a chinese forum on how to enable ssh after you have flashed developer firmware;stok=<...0nvram%20commit;stok=<...it.d%2Fdropbear;stok=<...ropbear%20start;stok=<...<NEWPASS>

Attached thumbnail(s)
Attached Image
post Jun 21 2016, 03:50 PM

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but by using this do we forgo the fixed line service provided?
post Jun 25 2016, 01:29 PM

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Hello folks.

Got the latest version of padavan on my router.....got it swapped out for my old one...have a 8 port gigabit switch hooked up to it...wired connections are working fine and getting net as they should but for whatever reason both the 2.4 and 5ghz clients are showing "no internet" after successfully connection. I've looked but I don't see anything I think I need to set...I'd think the wifi connections would auto bridge to the lan unless you told them different?


Got things squared away. Had a bad default gateway.

This post has been edited by FameWolf: Jun 25 2016, 02:36 PM
post Jun 26 2016, 12:46 PM

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QUOTE(trix @ Jun 15 2016, 12:29 AM)
yes it does, confirmed just now successfully flashed padavan firmware on mi router 3
download developer firmware from here and flash it first otherwise you can't enable ssh to proceed with the rest of the flashing steps

better use prometheus, as from the progress status, the firmware was split into 2 part and flashed into MTD devices kernel1 and rootfs0

probably i can go through prometheus' script to find out how its actually performed, but maybe for another day

anyway, here's what i found from a chinese forum on how to enable ssh after you have flashed developer firmware;stok=<...0nvram%20commit;stok=<...it.d%2Fdropbear;stok=<...ropbear%20start;stok=<...<NEWPASS>
Hi, by successfully flashing it, mean that u r now able to connect your miwifi router 3 to unifi, arent u?
post Jun 26 2016, 06:44 PM

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QUOTE(fish_pg @ Jun 26 2016, 12:46 PM)
Hi, by successfully flashing it, mean that u r now able to connect your miwifi router 3 to unifi, arent u?
yup, working fine. hypptv, ipv6 also works, just like mi mini + padavan

post Jun 26 2016, 08:06 PM

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QUOTE(trix @ Jun 26 2016, 06:44 PM)
yup, working fine. hypptv, ipv6 also works, just like mi mini + padavan
Mind to share a tutorial for a newbie like me?
post Jun 26 2016, 09:02 PM

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QUOTE(trix @ Jun 26 2016, 05:44 AM)
yup, working fine. hypptv, ipv6 also works, just like mi mini + padavan
Did you also install breed bootloader?

Notice any major improvements over the Xiomi Mi mini?

Youtube reviews seem to indicate more flash and 4 antennas but folks didn't notice a big difference in coverage area although it might handle more simultaneous users at once.

Primary Rom is chinese only or at least it was on May 26th when reviewed so Padavan in english would be a good step up...of course you lose the mi wifi app (which IS in english..go figure).

This post has been edited by FameWolf: Jun 27 2016, 04:38 AM
post Jun 27 2016, 02:18 PM

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QUOTE(trix @ May 28 2016, 04:05 AM)
compiled from commit d1ac127 if anyone interested
also contains sample config and board profile for this router

MI-MINI board profile folder and content goes here: rt-n56u/trunk/configs/boards/
inside MI-MINI folder, create symlink to libc.config : ln -s ../uclibc-mipsel.config ./libc.config
Do you enable smb client in your builds so the router can mount local network storage?
post Jun 27 2016, 10:21 PM

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QUOTE(fish_pg @ Jun 26 2016, 08:06 PM)
Mind to share a tutorial for a newbie like me?
in russian, but should be understandable to follow
let me know if you need clarification on any part
1. install developer firmware so ssh can be enabled
2. setup VM for linux (if you already have linux machine, then use that instead. and doesn't have to be vmware workstation, can use others instead like virtualbox)
3. download and run prometheus
4. gain ssh access on router (if this doesn't work, use the steps i gave previously)
5. prometheus to pull source from padavan
6. build toolchain (only needed once, unless there's any update on toolchain source code)
7. configure and build firmware
8. flash firmware

QUOTE(FameWolf @ Jun 26 2016, 09:02 PM)
Did you also install breed bootloader?

Notice any major improvements over the Xiomi Mi mini?

Youtube reviews seem to indicate more flash and 4 antennas but folks didn't notice a big difference in coverage area although it might handle more simultaneous users at once.

Primary Rom is chinese only or at least it was on May 26th when reviewed so Padavan in english would be a good step up...of course you lose the mi wifi app (which IS in english..go figure).
not using breed bootloader, prometheus installed u-boot instead
i'm using mi-mini and mi-3 at 2 different houses, so can't compare them side by side.
but mi-3 replaces tp-link tl-wr1043nd v1, and coverage is much better for 2.4GHz network.
i don't really use the available flash space for anything else, so no comment on that part

QUOTE(FameWolf @ Jun 27 2016, 02:18 PM)
Do you enable smb client in your builds so the router can mount local network storage?
previous build, nope
latest (cc58fc3), yes
i've removed QoS since its unsupported and can't be configured from webgui
config file used to build the firmware is also there on my google drive for reference
post Jun 27 2016, 11:50 PM

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QUOTE(trix @ Jun 27 2016, 09:21 AM)
not using breed bootloader, prometheus installed u-boot instead
i'm using mi-mini and mi-3 at 2 different houses, so can't compare them side by side.
but mi-3 replaces tp-link tl-wr1043nd v1, and coverage is much better for 2.4GHz network.
i don't really use the available flash space for anything else, so no comment on that part
previous build, nope
latest (cc58fc3), yes
i've removed QoS since its unsupported and can't be configured from webgui
config file used to build the firmware is also there on my google drive for reference
I guess I'm going to have to get familiar with prometheus assuming you used that also for the MI-3 to build padavan unless you are releasing the version for that also? I ordered one but will take about a month to get to me.

I've read posts that say the MI-3 both does and does not come with an english rom installed. Which was it for you originally?

As for qos...since the user has to disable hardware nat for it to work why not implement the folder with the needed scripts but default them to not run (leave out the lines that actually execute the qos on startup)...then the user has the option for either.

Personally I don't need qos so badly I'm giving up hardware nat...I do wish I could prioritize my obihai obi200 voip traffic...I can isolate it to a specific mac or ip address which is static...even isolate it to a specific PORT on the router if I use some of the op's instructions but still don't see a way to prioritize it.

This post has been edited by FameWolf: Jun 27 2016, 11:51 PM
post Jun 29 2016, 06:54 AM

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QUOTE(trix @ Jun 27 2016, 09:21 AM)
in russian, but should be understandable to follow
let me know if you need clarification on any part
1. install developer firmware so ssh can be enabled
2. setup VM for linux (if you already have linux machine, then use that instead. and doesn't have to be vmware workstation, can use others instead like virtualbox)
3. download and run prometheus
4. gain ssh access on router (if this doesn't work, use the steps i gave previously)
5. prometheus to pull source from padavan
6. build toolchain (only needed once, unless there's any update on toolchain source code)
7. configure and build firmware
8. flash firmware
not using breed bootloader, prometheus installed u-boot instead
i'm using mi-mini and mi-3 at 2 different houses, so can't compare them side by side.
but mi-3 replaces tp-link tl-wr1043nd v1, and coverage is much better for 2.4GHz network.
i don't really use the available flash space for anything else, so no comment on that part
previous build, nope
latest (cc58fc3), yes
i've removed QoS since its unsupported and can't be configured from webgui
config file used to build the firmware is also there on my google drive for reference
I am on your most recent build. (cc58fc3) (Thanks for making these available!)! I am attempting to use owncloud and lighttpd via entware-ng however it keeps telling me "Note: "smbclient" is not installed. Mounting of SMB / CIFS, SMB / CIFS using OC login is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." under the section to mount external storage. I'm trying to mount some smb shares from my freenas server. Any idea what I need to do to make owncloud recognize it? Running the command via ssh still shows "-sh: smbclient: not found"

I verified that the config has:

### Include CIFS (SMB) client. ~0.2MB

*update* Solved. I did a search for smb and cifs....and so of course the entware package was called "samba36-client"

This post has been edited by FameWolf: Jun 29 2016, 07:09 AM
post Jun 29 2016, 10:03 PM

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sorry guys, abit off topic here, i just bought a mi router 3, is the router support unifi? i mean can it connect to unifi using pppoe? i m not going to use hypptv thou.

or i need custom firmware?

post Jul 1 2016, 03:41 AM

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Yes. To set vlan 500.

Btw guys, where is the setting in prometheus to change from mini to xiaomi router 3?
post Jul 1 2016, 09:55 AM

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QUOTE(ivzh @ Jun 29 2016, 10:03 PM)
sorry guys, abit off topic here, i just bought a mi router 3, is the router support unifi? i mean can it connect to unifi using pppoe? i m not going to use hypptv thou.

or i need custom firmware?
Yes, you need custom firmware. Original firmware doesn't support VLAN.
post Jul 3 2016, 10:13 PM

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QUOTE(irwan6179 @ Jul 1 2016, 03:41 AM)
Yes. To set vlan 500.

Btw guys, where is the setting in prometheus to change from mini to xiaomi router 3?
once prometheus started, press C, then y to delete prometheus config
when it restarts, you'll be able to select a different router

post Jul 4 2016, 02:40 PM

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QUOTE(trix @ Jul 3 2016, 10:13 PM)
once prometheus started, press C, then y to delete prometheus config
when it restarts, you'll be able to select a different router
Thanks bro
post Jul 4 2016, 03:44 PM

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QUOTE(trix @ Jul 3 2016, 09:13 AM)
once prometheus started, press C, then y to delete prometheus config
when it restarts, you'll be able to select a different router
Where exactly do we put your config within the path of the prometheus folder? Do we need the Mi-Mini folder? I'm trying to build the MI-3 firmware as a test. If there is a walkthough somewhere even if I have to translate it I'd be appreciative.
post Jul 4 2016, 05:39 PM

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QUOTE(FameWolf @ Jul 4 2016, 03:44 PM)
Where exactly do we put your config within the path of the prometheus folder?  Do we need the Mi-Mini folder?  I'm trying to build the MI-3 firmware as a test.  If there is a walkthough somewhere even if I have to translate it I'd be appreciative.
my config is for mi-mini, not mi-3
for mi-3, if you're using prometheus, no need to use anything from my google drive
dl everything through prometheus
there is a youtube video i posted previously on how to use prometheus to install padavan on mi-3. its in russian, but easy enough to follow without understanding what was being said
post Jul 4 2016, 09:16 PM

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QUOTE(trix @ Jul 4 2016, 04:39 AM)
my config is for mi-mini, not mi-3
for mi-3, if you're using prometheus, no need to use anything from my google drive
dl everything through prometheus
there is a youtube video i posted previously on how to use prometheus to install padavan on mi-3. its in russian, but easy enough to follow without understanding what was being said
I'm building both mi-mini and mi-3 so I'd still like to know where I put the file named "config" as I have config.sh and some others in the configs dir but none that just say "config". I think I found my problem with prometheus...I couldn't even get the toolchain compiled because I was working from NAS storage....had to pull the source to a local hd (I use linux mint all the time so no VM).

Thanks for your patience and assistance!

*update* Ok after the toolchain finally built (it was a permissions issue with the nas) I was able to see where to put your config. Is the skin used in your builds the default one?

"Patch for the sources IS NOT VALID, building can lead to errors! " <-- is this an error you see when building the firmware?

I guess ironically enough it runs better on linux IN windows than just on linux.

MediaTek MT7620/MT7602E/7612E 802.11 AP driver (MT76X2_AP) [M/n/y] m
LED support (MT76X2_AP_LED) [N/y] n
Soft LED support (MT76X2_AP_LED_SOFT) [N/y] n
LLTD (Link Layer Topology Discovery Protocol) (MT76X2_AP_LLTD) [Y/n] y
WDS support (MT76X2_AP_WDS) [Y/n] y
MBSSID support (MT76X2_AP_MBSS) [Y/n] y
New MBSSID mode support (MT76X2_AP_MBSS_NEW_MBSSID_MODE) [Y/n] y
AP-Client support (MT76X2_AP_APCLI) [Y/n] y
AP-Client TGn Cert support (MT76X2_AP_APCLI_CERT) [N/y] n
AP-Client Auto Bandwidth Support (MT76X2_AP_APCLI_AUTO_BW) [N/y] (NEW) aborted!

Console input/output is redirected. Run 'make oldconfig' to update configuration.

make[3]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 1
make[2]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 2
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `include/config/auto.conf', needed by `include/config/kernel.release'. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/famewolf/xmwork/rt-n56u/trunk/linux-3.4.x'
make: *** [linux] Error 1
AP-Client Auto Bandwidth Support (MT76X2_AP_APCLI_AUTO_BW) [N/y] (NEW) aborted!
make[3]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 1
make[2]: *** [silentoldconfig] Error 2
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `include/config/auto.conf', needed by `include/config/kernel.release'. Stop.
make: *** [dep] Error 2
make: *** [linux] Error 1
Firmware: ERROR
An error occured during the compilation process!
Please copy the logs and then ask questions on 4pda!
Press any key to continue...

This post has been edited by FameWolf: Jul 4 2016, 10:35 PM
post Jul 13 2016, 02:57 AM

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Is anyone willing to share their compiled mi-3 build?

If I understand right we'd have to write to 2 partitions using dd?

This post has been edited by FameWolf: Jul 13 2016, 08:58 PM
post Jul 13 2016, 03:40 PM

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mine is having problem with using transmission and samba share. So I don't think it's suitable for sharing(plus I don't know how to get the file, linux noob here). If anyone has I'd also like to try them.

post Jul 18 2016, 03:53 PM

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dear guys... i have a Mi Router Mini from my friend to use a my Maxis Fiber router...
i want to set it as my router to replace the Thompson one that come default...
how to do it??? need to use custom firmware???? Can any one help?

so after flash custom firmware, it can't be manage under the Mi Home apps already?
post Jul 19 2016, 12:25 PM

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QUOTE(michael9413 @ Jul 18 2016, 03:53 PM)
dear guys... i have a Mi Router Mini from my friend to use a my Maxis Fiber router...
i want to set it as my router to replace the Thompson one that come default...
how to do it??? need to use custom firmware???? Can any one help?

so after flash custom firmware, it can't be manage under the Mi Home apps already?
Need to use customer firmware. Use TS's guide to flash. Most probably mi home won't work after that.
post Jul 28 2016, 02:22 PM

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Got Padavan installed onto my MI-3 and finally was able to compile directly on my linux machine. I'll have to upgrade my Xiaomi Mi before I swap them out.

My question is this. Can I backup the "settings" on the Xiaomi Mi wifi in padavan and then restore them in padavan on the Xiaomi Mi wifi 3? I'd like to save haveing to redo alot of the config.


English speakers may want to review the steps/install here: https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/xiaomi/mini and use it roughly for the Mi-3. You still have to download the developer version..you still have to REGISTER the router with Xiaomi via the android or iphone app..all this in preparation to download the patch which enables SSH on the router. The instructions on installing the ssh bin are rough...when they say hold the reset till you see the yellow light blink MULTIPLE TIMES thats just what it means...hold it..keep holding it...when you see multiple blinks (not just 1 blink which it does earlier) then you can let go and it will flash the ssh bin file from the usb drive.

All that gets your router ready to accept firmware from the script. On it you still have to update everything..build a toolchain (one time) then build the firmware and finally flash it. Make sure you back up your partitions.

Hope that helps someone cause it took me a LONG time to get everything squared away while trying to follow a video with the person speaking russian.

This post has been edited by FameWolf: Jul 28 2016, 02:29 PM
post Jul 28 2016, 03:29 PM

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QUOTE(FameWolf @ Jul 28 2016, 02:22 PM)

English speakers may want to review the steps/install here: https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/xiaomi/mini  and use it roughly for the Mi-3.  You still have to download the developer version..you still have to REGISTER the router with Xiaomi via the android or iphone app..all this in preparation to download the patch which enables SSH on the router.  The instructions on installing the ssh bin are rough...when they say hold the reset till you see the yellow light blink MULTIPLE TIMES thats just what it means...hold it..keep holding it...when you see multiple blinks (not just 1 blink which it does earlier) then you can let go and it will flash the ssh bin file from the usb drive.

All that gets your router ready to accept firmware from the script.  On it you still have to update everything..build a toolchain (one time) then build the firmware and finally flash it.  Make sure you back up your partitions. 

Hope that helps someone cause it took me a LONG time to get everything squared away while trying to follow a video with the person speaking russian.
I actually problem at the step to flash ssh bin from usb drive. It works after I multiple press the reset button after plug in. Before that I just hold it the reset while powering on, it didn't work.
post Jul 29 2016, 04:43 AM

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QUOTE(irwan6179 @ Jul 13 2016, 02:40 AM)
mine is having problem with using transmission and samba share. So I don't think it's suitable for sharing(plus I don't know how to get the file, linux noob here). If anyone has I'd also like to try them.

FYI the .trx file is stored in a subdir from the dir that has the start.sh script. startshdir/trx_archive/creationdatetime

I have found out it's dangerous to just use the .trx.

"The firmware file must be divided into several parts before flashing. It is dangerous to do it yourself."

If no one can confirm it's safe to share the settings between the mi and the mi-3 (backup and restore) I suppose I'll have to do them manually. sad.gif

The following script (ran from the router) will create a file that contains the full config for the router in text file format with nvram set commands that can be edited so it is suitable to flash to a new router. The normal binary backup is very dangerous because it will try to assign hardware addresses and other things so you'd want to delete anything except the section you wanted such as the ip ranges, static ip addresses etc....


nvram showall > nvram_settings.txt
rm nvram_settings.tmp
cat nvram_settings.txt | while read i;
echo "nvram set " ${o} >> nvram_settings.tmp

sort nvram_settings.tmp > my_settings.txt

This post has been edited by FameWolf: Jul 29 2016, 11:24 PM
post Aug 3 2016, 01:41 AM

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QUOTE(FameWolf @ Jul 29 2016, 04:43 AM)
FYI the .trx file is stored in a subdir from the dir that has the start.sh script.  startshdir/trx_archive/creationdatetime

I have found out it's dangerous to just use the .trx.

"The firmware file must be divided into several parts before flashing. It is dangerous to do it yourself."
If no one can confirm it's safe to share the settings between the mi and the mi-3 (backup and restore) I suppose I'll have to do them manually.  sad.gif

The following script (ran from the router) will create a file that contains the full config for the router in text file format with nvram set commands that can be edited so it is suitable to flash to a new router.  The normal binary backup is very dangerous because it will try to assign hardware addresses and other things so you'd want to delete anything except the section you wanted such as the ip ranges, static ip addresses etc....


nvram showall > nvram_settings.txt
rm  nvram_settings.tmp
cat nvram_settings.txt | while read i;
echo "nvram set " ${o} >> nvram_settings.tmp

sort nvram_settings.tmp > my_settings.txt

By any chance you have the old developer firmware?
It seems that the newer developer firmware is no longer SSH accessible
post Aug 3 2016, 01:52 AM

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QUOTE(lala_cai @ Aug 2 2016, 12:41 PM)

By any chance you have the old developer firmware?
It seems that the newer developer firmware is no longer SSH accessible
For which router? The MI-3 required me to jump through some hoops to get ssh access. You have to install the current developer version (which does not have ssh) then you have to pair your router to a xiaomi account via the android app. Finally you have to download a ssh patchfile and save it to a flashdrive then hold down reset when plugging in power to router and continue to hold down until the router blinks the yellow light multiple times (not just once...it does that early and if you continue holding then it finally blinks a couple of times).

I don't think providing you MY downloaded patchfile would work since it's tied to my router.

Instruction originally from:


This post has been edited by FameWolf: Aug 3 2016, 01:54 AM
post Aug 3 2016, 03:24 AM

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QUOTE(FameWolf @ Aug 3 2016, 01:52 AM)
For which router?  The MI-3 required me to jump through some hoops to get ssh access.  You have to install the current developer version (which does not have ssh) then you have to pair your router to a xiaomi account via the android app.  Finally you have to download a ssh patchfile and save it to a flashdrive then hold down reset when plugging in power to router and continue to hold down until the router blinks the yellow light multiple times (not just once...it does that early and if you continue holding then it finally blinks a couple of times).

I don't think providing you MY downloaded patchfile would work since it's tied to my router.
Instruction originally from:

Thanks for the quick reply bro.

Managed to get the ssh by using the same method trix used but I flashed to the older firmware.

Can refer to here for the older firmware and ssh method


I have managed to flash the Pandavan firmware.
post Aug 3 2016, 12:03 PM

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Anyone having a problem with the prometheus script? I can't get it to go beyond commit eaebfec even though several new ones show...it keeps reverting back to the eaebfec.

Updating sources...
Updating eaebfec..1e6e2fc
trunk/build_firmware | 1 +
trunk/configs/boards/BN750DB/kernel-3.4.x.config | 3 +-
trunk/configs/boards/KN-EXTRA/kernel-3.4.x.config | 3 +-
trunk/configs/boards/KN-GIGA3/kernel-3.4.x.config | 4 +-
trunk/configs/boards/KN-LITE2/kernel-3.4.x.config | 3 +-
trunk/configs/boards/KN-OMNI/kernel-3.4.x.config | 3 +-
trunk/configs/boards/KN-START2/kernel-3.4.x.config | 3 +-
trunk/configs/boards/KN-ULTRA2/kernel-3.4.x.config | 4 +-
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336 files changed, 12882 insertions(+), 9608 deletions(-)
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create mode 100644 trunk/user/openssh/openssh-7.x/platform-tracing.c
delete mode 100644 trunk/user/openssh/openssh-7.x/regress/.cvsignore
create mode 100644 trunk/user/openssh/openssh-7.x/regress/cfginclude.sh
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create mode 100644 trunk/user/openssh/openssh-7.x/regress/unittests/utf8/Makefile
create mode 100644 trunk/user/openssh/openssh-7.x/regress/unittests/utf8/tests.c
delete mode 100644 trunk/user/openssh/openssh-7.x/roaming.h
delete mode 100644 trunk/user/openssh/openssh-7.x/scard/.cvsignore
create mode 100644 trunk/user/openssh/openssh-7.x/utf8.c
create mode 100644 trunk/user/openssh/openssh-7.x/utf8.h
Previous HEAD position was 1e6e2fc... openssh: bump to 7.3p1
HEAD is now at eaebfec... re-implement previous commit

This post has been edited by FameWolf: Aug 3 2016, 12:04 PM
post Aug 3 2016, 10:58 PM

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I have the same issue, not sure why.

Anyway, just compiled my firmware and had issues with HyppTV having no signal. After reading some posts, it is due to Multicast Traffic settings. HyppTV works again after disable the setting below:

user posted image
post Aug 4 2016, 03:34 AM

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Be aware the Xiaomi development software is dangerous and you shouldn't stay on it any longer than necessary.

post Aug 11 2016, 02:09 AM

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guys, wanna check, do you guys get RxDropFramesFilter increasing drop on WAN?
i keep getting increased counts
not sure where to configure to reduce this
post Aug 11 2016, 12:42 PM

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QUOTE(lala_cai @ Aug 11 2016, 02:09 AM)
guys, wanna check, do you guys get RxDropFramesFilter increasing drop on WAN?
i keep getting increased counts
not sure where to configure to reduce this
what is the number are we talking about?
post Aug 13 2016, 01:52 AM

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something like this

Port Link : 100 Mbps, Full Duplex, FC OFF

MIB Counters
TxGoodOctets : 150790512
TxGoodFrames : 1340188
TxBadOctets : 0
TxBadFrames : 0
TxDropFrames : 0
RxGoodOctets : 3344566849
RxGoodFrames : 2660835
RxBadOctets : 0
RxBadFrames : 0
RxDropFramesFilter : 64647
RxDropFramesErr : 0

The RXDropFramesFilter keeps increasing
post Aug 19 2016, 12:08 AM

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I cant even connect to my router at to do flashing.
I have setup it to do wireless sharing.
But connecting to a lan port to my PC only get the IP
post Aug 24 2016, 10:14 AM

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Can I just use the original firmware if not using IPTV? Just for internet...
post Sep 5 2016, 01:57 PM

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QUOTE(trix @ Jul 4 2016, 05:39 PM)
my config is for mi-mini, not mi-3
for mi-3, if you're using prometheus, no need to use anything from my google drive
dl everything through prometheus
there is a youtube video i posted previously on how to use prometheus to install padavan on mi-3. its in russian, but easy enough to follow without understanding what was being said
Hi guys, i just got my mi 3 router and able to connect to internet wifi via mobile apps using wifi key same as SSID name. The problem now is on the apps need to pair the router and key in pairing/admin password which I didnt know. While using the apps, I also unable to get the same screen as shown above like use the wifi key as admin password. the screen go straight away to pair the router and require to key in admin password. I try the same key as wifi key/SSID name but got wrong password. Is there any other way I can bypass and go straight away to the router config without using Apps and connectivity via wifi? Maybe all you guys can help me regarding this issue. TQVM.

post Sep 5 2016, 04:30 PM

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why so troublesome? i thought just configure the account setting in BTU and then just share the internet from LAN of BTU to WAN of xiaomi router is enough right? http://tuxfirewall.com/unifi-how-to-config...wei-hg655a-btu/
IPTV can be connected to BTU itself, no need through router

This post has been edited by tan_aniki: Sep 5 2016, 04:31 PM
post Sep 25 2016, 03:13 PM

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[quote=trix,Jun 27 2016, 10:21 PM]
in russian, but should be understandable to follow
let me know if you need clarification on any part
1. install developer firmware so ssh can be enabled
2. setup VM for linux (if you already have linux machine, then use that instead. and doesn't have to be vmware workstation, can use others instead like virtualbox)
3. download and run prometheus
4. gain ssh access on router (if this doesn't work, use the steps i gave previously)
5. prometheus to pull source from padavan
6. build toolchain (only needed once, unless there's any update on toolchain source code)
7. configure and build firmware
8. flash firmware

Can u elaborate more detail. Im using Virtual Box to run prometheus but nothing happen. How should it look like. if you have SS for the process it might help.

Thank you

post Sep 25 2016, 03:44 PM

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Yikes the link for the Breed Bootloader is broken, is there any otherway to obtain it?

Found the link from their site

This post has been edited by TerryZeroX: Sep 25 2016, 03:48 PM
post Sep 25 2016, 10:20 PM

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QUOTE(TerryZeroX @ Sep 25 2016, 02:44 AM)
Yikes the link for the Breed Bootloader is broken, is there any otherway to obtain it?

Found the link from their site
Do they have a version that's all in english yet?
post Sep 27 2016, 05:33 PM

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How is the wireless repeater work in this firmware?
post Sep 28 2016, 12:24 PM

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QUOTE(FameWolf @ Sep 25 2016, 10:20 PM)
Do they have a version that's all in english yet?
I don't think so, just follow the guide on the 1st post from this thread you should be fine smile.gif Perfect firmware for the mi wifi mini. After countless try on pandora and openwrt I was about to give up then i saw this.
post Sep 28 2016, 12:50 PM

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QUOTE(TerryZeroX @ Sep 27 2016, 11:24 PM)
I don't think so, just follow the guide on the 1st post from this thread you should be fine smile.gif Perfect firmware for the mi wifi mini. After countless try on pandora and openwrt I was about to give up then i saw this.
I was referring to the breed bootloader. I have the padavan firmware working fine.
post Sep 28 2016, 02:18 PM

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QUOTE(IamNOT @ Aug 24 2016, 10:14 AM)
Can I just use the original firmware if not using IPTV? Just for internet...
No. You still need to do VLAN tagging for both UniFi & Maxis Fibre
For TIME Fibre, no need VLAN tagging
post Oct 4 2016, 04:20 PM

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flashed the router as per first post. And enjoy using it.

One question, is there any easier why to update the transmission (for torrenting)?
post Oct 4 2016, 10:09 PM

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How do I revert back to original ROM?
post Oct 7 2016, 04:19 PM

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Hi, I would like to thanks the TS for the thread and sharing here.

On yesterday night I finally find the time and guts to flash my Mi Mini router with Pavadan following the instructions from here and pavadan firmware from <here>.


I was setting the mini router as repeater (AP + WDS) on 5ghz wifi to my Xiaomi Router 3 (original firmware).
The router was spacing apart with 1 wall, distance around 7-8m apart and I checked the status from pavadan the STA are linking at around 4XX-5XX Mbps which better than my powerplugs.
Within 3m apart, it was link at 7XXMbps which extreme good for me. smile.gif

Overall I'm very happy with it, however problem seem getting from Xiaomi Router 3 which whenever I reboot Mi3 the wifi channel run even I have set it on fix channel. Thus is break the link to the repeater.

So now, I'm thinking to flash my Mi3 (router 3) with pavadan.

Being a newbie to this, I want to know if anyone have build the firmware for Mi3 for sharing here?
I'm not very good with linux and prometheus, worry that I screw up my Mi3.

This post has been edited by muncheno: Oct 7 2016, 04:21 PM
post Oct 7 2016, 04:28 PM

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QUOTE(muncheno @ Oct 7 2016, 03:19 AM)
Hi, I would like to thanks the TS for the thread and sharing here.

On yesterday night I finally find the time and guts to flash my Mi Mini router with Pavadan following the instructions from here and pavadan firmware from <here>.


I was setting the mini router as repeater (AP + WDS) on 5ghz wifi to my Xiaomi Router 3 (original firmware).
The router was spacing apart with 1 wall, distance around 7-8m apart and I checked the status from pavadan the STA are linking at around 4XX-5XX Mbps which better than my powerplugs.
Within 3m apart, it was link at 7XXMbps which extreme good for me. smile.gif

Overall I'm very happy with it, however problem seem getting from Xiaomi Router 3 which whenever I reboot Mi3 the wifi channel run even I have set it on fix channel. Thus is break the link to the repeater.

So now, I'm thinking to flash my Mi3 (router 3) with pavadan.

Being a newbie to this, I want to know if anyone have build the firmware for Mi3 for sharing here?
I'm not very good with linux and prometheus, worry that I screw up my Mi3.
I used the prometheus script to flash padavan to my mi-3. You either have to jump through some hoops or downgrade the firmware on the mi-3 to a version that allows ssh. The script can then interface to build and flash padavan. Not sure what else I could tell you. You can't just share a file. Multiple partitions get flashed on the mi-3. You HAVE to use the script and compile it then let the script do the flashing.

This post has been edited by FameWolf: Oct 7 2016, 04:29 PM
post Oct 7 2016, 05:20 PM

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QUOTE(FameWolf @ Oct 7 2016, 04:28 PM)
I used the prometheus script to flash padavan to my mi-3.  You either have to jump through some hoops or downgrade the firmware on the mi-3 to a version that allows ssh.  The script can then interface to build and flash padavan.  Not sure what else I could tell you.  You can't just share a file.  Multiple partitions get flashed on the mi-3.  You HAVE to use the script and compile it then let the script do the flashing.
Thanks FameWolf for the reply.

If I understood correctly here, Mi-3 does not have BLEED bootloader. Thus can't flash any ready customs made (.trx) like Mi-mini.

To-date only way to flash Mi-3 to pavadan is using Prometheus script in Linux environment or VMware.
The Prometheus script is to ssh to router (after activated telnet/ssh from router) and build the pavadan into the Mi-3 partitions.

More or less correct here?

Thanks again..

post Oct 11 2016, 01:22 PM

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Update here,

I found the Mi-3 pavadan firmware from <here>.


Problem don't know how to flash it.
Whether we can use bleed bootloader for Xiaomi Mini onto Mi-3 or not.
Or just directly flash it using SSH.

Any advises? Wanted to listen to your opinion before I flash my MI-3 tonight or tmr9.
For me that I consider newbie, likely I will use the tested method - Promotheus script.

post Oct 11 2016, 01:47 PM

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QUOTE(muncheno @ Oct 11 2016, 12:22 AM)
Update here,

I found the Mi-3 pavadan firmware from  <here>.


Problem don't know how to flash it.
Whether we can use bleed bootloader for Xiaomi Mini onto Mi-3 or not.
Or just directly flash it using SSH.

Any advises? Wanted to listen to your opinion before I flash my MI-3 tonight or tmr9.
For me that I consider newbie, likely I will use the tested method - Promotheus script.

I did alot of research on it before I flashed the MI-3 which I use right now as my primary router. I was told it could NOT successfully be flashed to padavan via a .trx or whatever file...that it required the script because multiple partitions have to be flashed(and possibly resized)...it also installs the uboot firmware...no breed isn't available for it...but the script can take partition backups and makes it pretty bullet proof...you can also use virtualbox...you might check the prometheus.frieze.net side as I think they had a pre-setup vmware image that could be booted...I compiled mine directly on linux since that's what I use. ..the tutorial takes you through a complicated process that involves registering on the xiaomi website..getting a patched file etc...I recommend you skip all that and get your device flashed to the previous version which still allowed ssh to be enabled...once that's working the script is basically numbered...download source, build the toolchain, build the firmware, backup the partitions, write the firmware.
post Oct 11 2016, 01:59 PM

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QUOTE(FameWolf @ Oct 11 2016, 01:47 PM)
I did alot of research on it before I flashed the MI-3 which I use right now as my primary router.  I was told it could NOT successfully be flashed to padavan via a .trx or whatever file...that it required the script because multiple partitions have to be flashed(and possibly resized)...it also installs the uboot firmware...no breed isn't available for it...but the script can take partition backups and makes it pretty bullet proof...you can also use virtualbox...you might check the prometheus.frieze.net side as I think they had a pre-setup vmware image that could be booted...I compiled mine directly on linux since that's what I use. ..the tutorial takes you through a complicated process that involves registering on the xiaomi website..getting a patched file etc...I recommend you skip all that and get your device flashed to the previous version which still allowed ssh to be enabled...once that's working the script is basically numbered...download source, build the toolchain, build the firmware, backup the partitions, write the firmware.
Agree with your points here.

Question here, when running prometheues scripts, is the your Mi-3 router still connecting to internet as primary while download source, build the toolchain, build the firmware, backup the partitions, write the firmware. ?

post Oct 11 2016, 02:05 PM

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QUOTE(muncheno @ Oct 11 2016, 12:59 AM)
Agree with your points here.

Question here, when running prometheues scripts, is the your Mi-3 router still connecting to internet as primary while download source, build the toolchain, build the firmware, backup the partitions, write the firmware. ?

Well now that it's on padavan and being upgraded yeah...not sure I'd let their factory firmware have access to the net given reports some of it's developer factory xiaomi versions phoned home. The only time it would be down is the actual writing and that takes no more than a minute with about an additional 20 seconds for the router to reboot itself.

Be aware however that the padavan software does NOT include QOS because QOS and hardware NAT are mutually exclusive...if you NEED QOS then you have to disable hardware NAT and then configure some script to setup QOS because the gui won't do it. The cpu in the router is easily powerful enough to do it without issue...I just personally chose to keep the hardware nat going.
post Oct 11 2016, 09:52 PM

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Update here,

I'm flashing my MI-3 to pavadan with Prometheus scripts with Linux Mint on my old netbook.

What I did is follow the instructions given to ssh to MI-3 router.
This is referring to flashing developer firmware 2.11.20 then;
flashing miwifi_ssh.bin with reset button;
and I was using putty.exe to telnet instead ssh, somehow it is mistake here.

Not knowing at the time, I did using these method below as well
Then I recall must use ssh, and from there I manage to access to the router via ssh at

From here onward, I switch to running on linux mint and follow the code:-
Linux system:
1. Open a terminal;
2. Download the script by typing: the wget -O start.sh http://prometheus.freize.net/script/ start-99.sh
3. Enter: the chmod + x start.sh
4. Run the script and follow the instructions in the terminal: ./start.sh

Once the scripts started, it download a bunch of files from the net. I have saw an error half way, it mentions my internet was too slow (something like that) then I could only see header of Prometheus.

So I start again