QUOTE(dares @ Feb 17 2012, 02:42 PM)
I always find that these so called financial gurus to be a wee bit out of touch from reality.
15% of monthly income for max 5 year tenure? that means if I earn 4k a month I can only buy what? the kosong Viva?. The only option will be the used cars, but if the car have problems you'll be paying to fix them on top of your installment.
In the US, maybe they are right. In Malaysia...Hah!
Well, in reality some malaysian are:
Thinking uni grad. should drive a decent car.
Thinking RM3k to RM5k salary is high in malaysia in year 2012. Need to show class.
Thinking driving P1 & P2 car no standard, driving 2nd car is even worst. Fixing 2nd had car might be 3 times per year, car loan installment is 12 times per year. One can save money on depreciation by driving cheaper value car.
Thinking living is malaysia is like best coutry in the world. Why fress grad in indo, viet, india can affort to buy car? Malaysia is heading to that direction.
Proud to work for the car.
If the job need to travel then a good car is a need, if the family size is big then 7 seater is a need. If a single with RM 3k salary and minimum downpayment want to drive a RM80k and above car.... em.... good luck this is his/her life. Syok sendiri, money better spend on family or investment. Unless he/she is from a rich family and money is not his worry. But this kind of person usually get car as their present after uni. grad.
One of the reason why the G extend loan from 5 yrs then 7 then 9yrs is because the G want more ppl to buy car, so the country economy growth figure look good. But end up every tom and jerry in the country pay big portion of monthy income in car loan. End up no money to spend on other things.
Example if one could save RM 300 on car loan and spend RM150 in investment, and the other RM 150 on better foods or education purpose then everybody will be better in longer term.
Happy paying loan!!