!!! 1) Put the disputed member's nickname in the title !!!
!!! 2) Put a link to the disputed thread in this post !!!
!!! 3) This board is for LYN Trade Zone disputes only. Do not post mudah, lelong, or ebay disputes here. !!!!
NOTE to Moderator: I am posting here as I believe this CONMAN is the same guy operating in lowyat.net, lelong.com.my and mudah.my, and he must be STOPPED!
Note to other lowyat victims: Please support this with your testimonies. Thanks!

Forumer you are complaining against: me.zz
Item being sold/bought: HTC Diamond
Original thread link: [wts] HTC DIAMOND, RM700 NOW ! (HTC)
Date of transaction: 13 Jan 2010
Details of the complaint :
Guys, I just want to relate to all you Lowyatt Forummers here my experience with this supposed Me.zz
How do I know me.zz in Lowyatt is the same as vernonmywc in lelong? Answer: Same HP number, same modus operandi
me.zz (Lowyat.net) + vernonwyc (lelong.com.my) <- SAME PERSON (H/P: 016-9279675)
I saw his advert in Lelong.com.my, under ID: vernonwyc
I called him, said ok.
I paid him upfront of RM100 for an OMNIA 2 he was selling at RM750 (which was damn cheap!)
He said it was a deal.
Next thing, he said he changed his mind, said his friend say don't send the phone unless I pay at least half. Anyways cut it short, I paid him another RM150.
TOTAL paid: RM 250!
(BTW: When I said no deal, he keep smssing me and asking me whether I want or not, saying this and that. Even after I said no deal.)
SHIPPING of supposed OMNIA 2:
Said he'll ship on Wednesday. I keep smssing this guy sooooooooooo many times and he just take his sweet time to answer. Really bad service! Until I get so effing pissed with him. Call, but NEVER answer at all!
FINALLY he smsed me on Wednesday evening saying he had already shipped the item. Gave me the Gdex shipping no.
I called Gdex next day and found out that the tracking no ( 6549666312 ) is not a valid Gdex no! Bloody hell, I was so effing pissed at the guy, I think I sent him close to 10+ sms plus call him non-stop until today, Friday!
Best thing is, this guy HAS NOT REPLIED me AT ALL! The item has not arrived until today! PLUS NO REPLY FROM HIM!
BTW, the phone I contacted is 016-9279675
The account no I sent to was:
Lim Ai Sian
IC : 850610105383
email: supper@live.com.my
>>> Some other forumers here have said that me.zz gave them several IC numbers and account numbers.
These are some of them that were posted by forumers:
Quoted from another forumer:
he give me alot alot alot of maybank account he keep tell me bank in this acc tat acc,
lim boon swan
lim ai sian
lim boon swan
lim ai sian
ALL from the same party! Someone please smoke this person out! I want my $$$ back! I was made to know that this guy has been around and some people have lost up to RM900 to him. DAMN!

This post has been edited by xxxxavier: Jan 15 2010, 11:40 PM