A: Is it ur psp still available ?
seller: Yes , but now me at johor 3 weeks and i bring along the psp with acessories , if you have friends , u can ask them come cod ( exactly same like what he replied to others , he already draft the sms , juz copy and paste then reply . And his tactic is hope buyer not in johor and then he start to CON )
A: Yes , i can ask my friend go meet up u , may i know which part JB ?
seller: Batu pahat
me: Ok , i ask my friend to meet u
After that he no reply anything , because if he know buyer wan COD , and he will consider his CON project is fail !!!
1 days after ZZZZzzzzzz :
A : Bro , how ?
After few hours no reply us .
A : How abt by postage , my friend busy to help me COD
Then immediately sms reply us
seller: Can is can , but u have to paid full $ , then plus the postage RM10 ( See such stupid english replied )
A: RM10 is ok , may i know what courier services you are using and which bank u are using ?
seller: i have only public bank
A : Ok , give me ur pb bank details
seller: Chan Wai Hoe 4837671922 , Your Name and details ?
A : XXXXX ... bla bla bla ( address send to him )
seller : What time u will bank in to me ? ( chasing money !!! )
A : Tonight
seller : Abt what time ? ( Chase Lagi , see money face $$$$

A : Tonight la
Second days
A call Chan wai hoe 0162965758 , connected but no answer , then call again X 5 times , connected but no answer also.
A : Pls answer my phone , some question need to ask u
seller : sorry , just now meeting , cant answer phone , so how ?
A : Answer my phone , i have question to ask u
seller : sms me please , working cant hear phone
A called him again but refuse to answer , then call again X 5 times also refuse to pick up
seller : I working in hotel , really cant answer phone , is company rules la
A keep called him but same , dun wan pick up phone
seller : Really cant la , please sms me , working really cant answer phone
A : Answer a while la , my friends wan but 5 set , i wan ask u how can i earn some commision la
seller : i only have 1 set ( Look like he juz wan Con small money )
A : Answer la , now me at public bank queue to bank in $ for u
seller : cannot la , working la
Keep call , but also dun wan answer ..... ZZZZzzzz
A : So which hotel u working in batu pahat ?
seller : Hotel Katerina as customer services ( wow Datok Chua case i think related with him )
A : Ok , let me ask my brother friend go meet u , he work in this hotel as a GM
After few min
A : Bro , how come my brother friend said u not in their employee list and their customer services dept no such name called CHIN WAI Hoe
Seller silent and no reply
A : Chan wai hoe , now i at public bank one of their manager room , they enquiry me abt ur details cuz ur bank acc has been black list , and now got 2 police man also come in the room get for ur details
After that A call 0162965758 .... the phone is switch off already
then we test others 0162965617 , 0162661609 , 0166893059 , 0169781769 All switch off
So ......

same case :