Mobile No : 016 827 1086
Bank Acc No : Cosmetic & Comm
Alliance Bank
Claim to be his wife company bank acc.
Email Address :
Item being bought: HTC One X Fullset
Original thread link:
Date of transaction: 19/03/2013 at 10.10pm. Deposit RM950 thru CDM.
Details of the complaint :
After agreed with the price, I bank in to him to the above bank acc at 19/03/2013 at 10.10pm. He still reply me at 6.36am on 20.03.2013. He also reply me by phone at 8.31am. He said will proceed with postage by Skynet. Sadly after that he Off the handset until now. I pm him a multiple time but he just ignore me although he saw my pm. This forumer join Lyn since 2008 and have three star which is he active in kopitiam. I still not believe he tergamak nak tipu saya...

This post has been edited by eddien4: Mar 21 2013, 02:48 PM
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