Note: Some of the information posted here are not certain and can be WRONGRAGNA
- New Move Berial Edge is not an overhead, can not combo from ground, slow
- Berial Edge does not get advantage frames on block
- Dead Spike breaks guard primer by 1
- Damage from overhead nerfed
- no change to jump cancellable moves
- JD is smaller during Blood Kain
- CS still doesn't go through projectiles
- C 2C are shorter but faster, less recovery time
- 22C's damage is fixed to 400
-5B is slow
-JB is slow, C>JB does not combo
-added J2C, which is old JC
-new DD Yukikaze 214214D, counter move same as Haku-men's one, 3882 damage
-J236D shoots out 2 projectiles instead of 3
-214B does not guarantee the knock down
-236C shoots out two projectile
-DPs, better CG graphic
-new JC looks like the second hit of 214D
-2B does not link to 5B
-A DP has longer recovery time makes it easier to punish
-A DP breaks guard primer by 1
-air 214A/B/C moves the same distance
-Cannot combo after C DP counter
-JD is faster
-easier to tech after B DP, can not combo into C after B DP
-air 214B does not do knockdown motion
-easier to unfreeze 6D
-better Counter Assault
-C>6C doesn't work on crouch anymore (still works on air)
-first hit of 236D breaks guard primer by 1
- 6A doesnt hit on most character's crouch motion
- Change to chain revolver, blueish color is now black
- Combo damage nerfed, combo from 6B does 3100
- You can counter Bullet Rain after Noel lands
- 236A/B/C becomes faster
- 6D becomes faster
- 22C loop nerfed, does only 2700 to Rachel
- new J6D move
- new move which is the 'old JD' directly from the ground
- 5C is shorter but faster
- 6C is slower
- 6C loop combo is still doable, but it is very hard and need to add 5A to do the loop
- 5A is slower
- JA is slower
- 5C can not be jump canceled
- 2D is no more an overhead
- easier to tech after D move hits
- new projectile DD called Tempest Dalia(テンペスト・ダリア)
- Tempest Dalia uses up all winds and will change depends on the number of wind left
- Tempest Dalia summons random projectile into screen including some weird object like Huge King-Frog George with crown
- wind doesnt immediately recover after consumption
- easier to tech after JC
- no frog combo, frog does not activate while opponent knocked down
- sword iris command changes to 214C, has mid-air version
- Can't cancel J2C while recovering from a landing.
- hard to combo after 3C9D
- can not summon new flog immediately after the old one activated
- frog is now also affected by wind, but frog moves very slow without wind
- easier to recover after 6B counter
- J2C can not link to other normals on block, J2C can not be cancelled into other special moves
- hitbox of pumpkin will disappear if Rachel gets hit even after pumpkin is activated
- Frog has less life, Taokaka's 2A mashed out it
- 4B is a bit faster
- 236B 236C have longer recovery time
- new down status throw called Jet Finger which has magnetize property, 22D (the one like Ragna's 22C)
- Jet Finger can be linked after A driver and 3C
- Command throw immediately after 22D will lead to purple throw
- double the guard libra of other characters.
- new 4D move, magnetizes
- 623C has invincibility against HEAD attribute move
- Walk faster
- jump faster
- 2D is faster
- 5D has guard point and doesn't hit opponent far away, able to combo after it
- 3C pulls opponent back
- C is faster
- 2D, A driver's attracts opponent stronger when magnetized
- Magnetized property lasts shorter (lasts around 3sec)
- J236B changed to only hit in horizontal direction
- 3C>JD6>JC>J236B>J2DB doesnt combo
- 5B counter hit > 6C does not combo
- CD loop and taunt combo remains
- projectile move is faster
- You can only mash 2A 3times in the row
- 236C is faster(?)
- all green slower start up
- easier to tech after DP hits, cannot end the combo with DP setup
- cannot do the combo after DP normal hit
- Stick 5A, 2A links to 5B
- DP is now RCable
- JD will cause slide down
- can setup the stick with 6D or 4D, 6D is the forward movement attack and 4D is jump kick move
- Dive move is not overhead anymore, slow, dive cancel only possible at hit
- when curse meter gets full it goes to FEVER mode
- You cannot recurse opponent in the FEVER mode
- All bugs are changed, not as good as old ones (at least observing from the current point
- u can only summon bees while in FEVER mode
- bugs are huge
- once the curse mode starts it wont go away even if Arakune takes hit
- Fog move has no hitbox but if u touch it the curse meter will increase
- Fog adds 40-50% to meter Everything else 20-25%
- fast and short back step, no change to forward step
- Somebody already found 5000+damage combo
- 2D is no more an overhead move
- Dive can not be canceled into forward step or back step on block, easy to punish
- all bugs can be blocked in the air
- JC is still an overhead (confirmed), J4C is not an overhead(?)
- new command throw DD designed for anti-air 2000 damage, air unblockble(?)
- Furinkazan comes with consumer version song
- D move in general is faster
- Poison does more damage
- 6C combo works on more characters
- C is a bit slower
- J2C is no more overhead, slow
- no airthrow loop
- easier to tech after 2C
- 214C cancel remains
- no jump cancel after 5B when blocked
- Nirvana's life goes down fast but recovers fast as well
- 214214D super does more damage
- new projectile is fast and reaches the corner
- 8D is not air techable
- no change to 2D 4D 6A, glide throw, Gear DD
- has new barrier move against projectile (?)
- barrier appears when he cuts the projectile (white circle with 封="Seal" kanji on the center)
- barrier absorbs the projectile and gets bigger
- barrier will last for a certain time and will disappear if opponent gets hit by it
- 2D and 6D lasts longer
- new 4C move, Gatotsu, as long as Litchi's 6B
- new J2A which is old J2C but slower
- Old JC is now J2C
- new JC move looks like second hit of Jin's 214D
- meter is easier to identify
- C 6C is faster
- cannot combo into 5C after 41236C
- JD guarantees knockdown
- range got shortened
- No more special voice against Ragna
- 2C is slow
- combo damage nerfed (2700-3400)
- new move Act Parser Zwei, Act Parser Zwei: Blade, Act Parser Zwei: Cavalier
- Act Parser Zwei is close to old Act Parser, not an attack move
- Zwei:Blade is a low move, can be linked from 5DD
- Zwei:Cavalier is similar to Blade but attacks from different direction(?), can link to 2DD
- all Act Parser move about the same distance, shorter than the old Act Parser
- DD>4DD is very hard to combo
- 5D is slower, throw>5D does not combo, easier to recover after 5DD
- 5D and 4D can not be jump canceled
- hard to combo after 214D
- opponent can immediately tech after J214D hit (like Jin's 214B)
- 236D changes to the move where appears in the certain range and lasts for about 3-4hits
- D attack doesn't combo to 236D in general
- opponent floats higher after gravity seed hits, gravity>6A does not work
- 236236D is shorter
- J214DC cancel is faster
- fast, run in the same speed as Noel does
- Order-Sol style character
- charge with 5D, 2D and JD
- charge meter goes down when charged-special move is used
- charge Lv.1 command throw does 1800 damage, whereas charge Lv.5 command throw does 5000 damage
- charge speed is very slow, nothing compared to Order-Sol
- able to do charge cancel like Order-Sol
- there is a super like Haku-men's Mugen which will give infinite charge meter
- 236A~D is the move looks like Order-Sol's Rock-it(236S), speed changes depends on the button
- 22A~D, spin sword move
- 214A~D charge forward with shield, links from 5c.
- 623A~D DP, probably has invincibility
- J236A~D dive move in the screenshot
- J214A~D move from screenshot
- 236236C~D, C version doesn't spend meter and just shoot out the magic circle, D version spends the meter and shoot projectiles towards the magic circle shot out by C version
- 5A standing punch, probably can't hit crouching
- 5B wings come out of shield. Probably the longest attack of 5b class.
- 5C has follow up, reach seems really short.
- 2B a low, links into 5b
- 2C extend wings upwards, probably anti-air
- 6A overhead
- 6B low
- 6C slam forward with shield, looks like tager's sledge。
- JC sword stab downward, seems to have good hitbox
- You can stock up to 2 bursts
- Burst no longer have damage penalty
- You start with one burst and get one extra burst next round if you lose the round
- When regular gold burst hits opponent, opponent will bounce high and able to combo from there (no more Guard break by gold burst)
- Life bar still goes into DANGER if barrier meter is running out
- All AH unlocked
- You can use AH when you need one more round to win (not the final round of the match) with 100% meter and opponent's life is below certain percentage, character shines in white when it is possible to activate AH
- Guard Primer(? ガードプライマー) system replaces Guard Libra
- Guard Primer length changes for every characters, meter goes down if the character blocks the specific move that breaks the guard (e.g. blocking Λ-11-'s 214D will let meter go down by 2)
- Guard Primer length
11 Tager
06 Hakumen Bang
05 Jin Noel Litchi Tsubaki
04 Ragna Rachel Arakune Taokaka Carl
03 Λ-11-
- option select tech throw still works
- Heat Gauge goes up automatically from the beginning of the round (I think this is just for loketest to make people can try supers easier)
- Projectile such as Arakune's Bee and Rachel's flog has a circle around them, easier to identify
- better animation
- new effect, new voice
- life bar turns red when it is extremely low
- New face pictures for character select screen
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