now house got 2 cars ady. ayam new car and waifu car . (it was an axia, still low mileage, very reliable for pasar / masjid runs)
Recently waifu got say want to buy a new car., coz say not comfy, back hurting etc etc. Distance to office just 50km daily (25km go and 25km back), occasionally up to 60-70km /day on selected days.
ayam say dun 1st la, old car still running fine, also will rake up debts again . Ayam oso regret buy new car since financial took hit but what to do .
Now ayam in dilemma . ayam sked our financial, coz both of us oso got house payments ady, ayam want to be at least a bit frugal for these few years.
ayam offer waifu use ayam's car, but she say dun like sedan and not confident of driving one.

what to do ah? ayam pening wei. takkan mau tukar ayam punya car pulak. just 1 year conlanfirm GG
let waifu buy car but sked of our household financial capability .

anyone ever in this crossroads?