sukacita dimaklumkan i successfully released another game on Steam last week... called "Kill a Million Rats", your job is to kill a million rats... it's a Roguelike Action/Turn-based Strategy (RATS) game...
dijemput take a look if free, if look interesting please wishlist, it really helps poor indie devs like me... one interesting thing is, there is 100% full support for Bahasa Melayu... I think very very few games on Steam got such an option... ini disebabkan semangat yang berkobar-kobar dalam jiwa saya untuk memartabatkan bahasa kebangsaan kita di pentas dunia...
sukacita dimaklumkan i successfully released another game on Steam last week... called "Kill a Million Rats", your job is to kill a million rats... it's a Roguelike Action/Turn-based Strategy (RATS) game...
dijemput take a look if free, if look interesting please wishlist, it really helps poor indie devs like me... one interesting thing is, there is 100% full support for Bahasa Melayu... I think very very few games on Steam got such an option... ini disebabkan semangat yang berkobar-kobar dalam jiwa saya untuk memartabatkan bahasa kebangsaan kita di pentas dunia...