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 Do you mind if your gf/ wife earns more than you?

post Jan 25 2025, 11:53 PM

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QUOTE(forlowyat1 @ Jan 25 2025, 11:05 PM)
The question is, how do U find a partner that earns more than you do 🤣
Why? So that you can leech on these ppl? 🤣
post Jan 27 2025, 02:29 PM

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QUOTE(parisiansky @ Jan 25 2025, 11:53 PM)
Why? So that you can leech on these ppl? 🤣
It's nice focusing moving forward without needing to look behind.
post Jan 27 2025, 02:41 PM

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If your wife able to earn more than you, shouldn't you be proud of it and encourage her?
post Feb 1 2025, 10:01 PM

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I wont mind in fact i want to learn from her how to be a successful person
post Feb 1 2025, 10:06 PM

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QUOTE(tzuen @ Jan 27 2025, 02:41 PM)
If your wife able to earn more than you, shouldn't you be proud of it and encourage her?
Surely proud and encourage her to be more successful
post Feb 4 2025, 11:30 AM

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Mind? Where can I find a gf/wife who earns more than me? I will gladly resign, be stay at home husband, and tell everybody including my neighbors, my dog, my neighbor's dog, that my wife earns yo!
post Feb 4 2025, 01:58 PM

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Early on in my years just before marriage and after, my wife earned 3-4x more than I did. I was so proud of her.

I still paid for everything, from homes, cars, household, holidays, everything. What she earns, she keeps or shops a little bit of it. Because she's thrifty, she was the buffer for rainy day if ever it comes and she saved a tidy sum over the few years after we got married.

Few years down the road, she quit due to mental stress that came with the job of earning that amount. I have been the sole bread winner since down. I was for a time feeling sad that she stopped earning an income. I did not imagine that in our late 30s, we stopped having dual income household.

But I soon got a grip of myself and realize her happiness was more important and chose not to focus on the reduced savings. We are approaching 2 decades of marriage in a couple of years and up till today, her savings has been untouched and in fact grew with some good selective investments.

The truth?

Men deep inside is happy that gf/wife earns more. But I know many would not say it if the topic ever comes up even amongst close friends. They may feel inadequate when people knows the female counterpart earns more. And if the partner values his self esteem, she would also keep it to herself and not be boastful about it. Afterall, any income of either the male or female should only be between them, not anyone else. It has to be a respectful relationship, whether as BF/GF or husband/wife.

For men who feels insecure, they should have been avoided in the first place.
post Feb 5 2025, 09:01 AM

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QUOTE(Blofeld @ Jan 20 2025, 03:06 AM)
i believe you are asking the wrong question.

The problem is NOT whether man can accept or not

Instead, it's whether women can accept such a relationship or not.

You should be asking whether women can accept their significant other earns lower than them
Also the question is also: would the woman agree to spend more share on the household expenses based on her pay ratio to the man's ?

I personally know a woman friend, she earns more than the husband, but due to spite the husband not able to menampung keluarga...she spend her money going overseas tour with the adult kids but purposely left him out stay at home.
post Feb 5 2025, 09:03 AM

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QUOTE(Jason @ Feb 4 2025, 11:30 AM)
Mind? Where can I find a gf/wife who earns more than me? I will gladly resign, be stay at home husband, and tell everybody including my neighbors, my dog, my neighbor's dog, that my wife earns yo!
that's the life of my friend who migrated to Australia.

Wife is the breadwinner, while he takes the kids to school, that's about it.

post Feb 5 2025, 01:30 PM

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QUOTE(Jason @ Feb 4 2025, 11:30 AM)
Mind? Where can I find a gf/wife who earns more than me? I will gladly resign, be stay at home husband, and tell everybody including my neighbors, my dog, my neighbor's dog, that my wife earns yo!
QUOTE(hoonanoo @ Feb 5 2025, 09:01 AM)
Also the question is also: would the woman agree to spend more share on the household expenses based on her pay ratio to the man's ?

I personally know a woman friend, she earns more than the husband, but due to spite the husband not able to menampung keluarga...she spend her money going overseas tour with the adult kids but purposely left him out stay at home.
somewhere above, TS has already revealed her opinion on men who earned less than women.

She said men are leeching on women if the husband earns less than the wife. rolleyes.gif
post Feb 5 2025, 02:25 PM

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QUOTE(Blofeld @ Feb 5 2025, 01:30 PM)
somewhere above, TS has already revealed her opinion on men who earned less than women.

She said men are leeching on women if the husband earns less than the wife.  rolleyes.gif
anything can happen midway.

husband earns more than wife

suddenly husband kena retrenched and never recover his career.

or husband suddenly downfall with severe illness cannot work.

or wife suddenly got a once in a golden chance job, that cause her pay to higher than husband.

or they migrated, the country they are in, husband job not very viable there but wife one is.
post Feb 5 2025, 03:39 PM

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QUOTE(Blofeld @ Feb 5 2025, 01:30 PM)
somewhere above, TS has already revealed her opinion on men who earned less than women.

She said men are leeching on women if the husband earns less than the wife.  rolleyes.gif
Thank god that's just her one opinion, and not that of the entire female population. Previous posters have gave very elaborate breakdown, but let me take a simple jab.

An individual is not measured only by the income they make, but that's the easiest metric to measure an individual.

What if the guy works for a non-profit, draws just enough salary to make a decent living and dedicate his life to help others? Or the guy is just a teacher at a government school? I have the utmost respect, for people who dedicate their lives to cause above monetary gains, and that their goal is to help other people. If everybody also care about earning as the one and only objective, government hospitals will have 0 doctors.

So, because his gf/wife is a superstar insurance/property/bitcoin sales agent who make 5x to 10x what he makes, it is a problem? Wow that's really shallow.

And men leeching on women? What happened to the females who champion equality? hahaha.. some women. they want to win all arguments even when it is mutually exclusive

Oh, my personal opinion, men and women are not equals, women are far superior, they can give birth.
post Feb 5 2025, 09:35 PM

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out of 10 women, 9 will not be happy if their husbands earn less than them.

this is the sad inconvenient truth.

most men who earn less than their spouse will suffer, either openly or in silence.

all over the world, most women expect their partner to earn more and practice the gospel truth that his money is our money and my money is my money
post Feb 6 2025, 02:36 AM

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QUOTE(Jason @ Feb 5 2025, 03:39 PM)
Thank god that's just her one opinion, and not that of the entire female population. Previous posters have gave very elaborate breakdown, but let me take a simple jab.

An individual is not measured only by the income they make, but that's the easiest metric to measure an individual.

What if the guy works for a non-profit, draws just enough salary to make a decent living and dedicate his life to help others?  Or the guy is just a teacher at a government school? I have the utmost respect, for people who dedicate their lives to cause above monetary gains, and that their goal is to help other people. If everybody also care about earning as the one and only objective, government hospitals will have 0 doctors.

So, because his gf/wife is a superstar insurance/property/bitcoin sales agent who make 5x to 10x what he makes, it is a problem? Wow that's really shallow.

And men leeching on women? What happened to the females who champion equality? hahaha.. some women. they want to win all arguments even when it is mutually exclusive

Oh, my personal opinion, men and women are not equals, women are far superior, they can give birth.
Bro, you forget to add this....

*Baby 101% from her but not 101% from you!

Last, no point to argue with girl as they never admit mistake even they sleep with another guy behind your back! Open secret!

This post has been edited by w19: Feb 6 2025, 02:43 AM
post Feb 6 2025, 08:20 PM

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QUOTE(cfa28 @ Feb 5 2025, 09:35 PM)
out of 10 women, 9 will not be happy if their husbands earn less than them.

this is the sad inconvenient truth.

most men who earn less than their spouse will suffer, either openly or in silence.

all over the world, most women expect their partner to earn more and practice the gospel truth that his money is our money and my money is my money
And I expect her to look like supermodel and be a superstar in my bed. I confirm earn way more than her.

Then I’m labeled as objectifying women.

Hahaha how la? Cannot win one. 😆


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