recall on 26th November. Since l'll be sending my car
anyways I decided to line it up and do my regular servicing
with it(Honda MJN Cheras). They told be it'l be a 3 day
job since it has to do with the breaking system which I
obliged. But 1 day later they said they've broken the brake
fluid (pictured above) and they need to order the parts
from Honda directly which will take 1 week+. I asked
for a replacement car and they said they don't have one
available currently. l'm abit disappointed but l still won't
make a big deal out of it and just survive with renting my
friend's car or use Grab. 1 week later they called me and
said the specific part is no longer in stock and it will only
be available in February. I'm quite disappointed but I told
them if they can give me a replacement car I'm fine with
it but they said they won't have a replacement car until
end of December. Now l'm very annoyed. Not knowing
what to do, I contacted Honda Malaysia and asked if
they can do anything about this or atleast give some sort
of compensation since l've spent around rm 60 per day
commuting (sometimes more) since 26th November. After
Honda Malaysia looked into it, and a couple of calls later,
Today, 20th December Honda Malaysia called me and
told me the exact same thing that my service center told
me which they can't do anything and ill have to wait after
27th December for an update. Mind you he said just for
an update not a car. I currently feel so defeated and lost.
l've wasted so much money on commuting and they've
done nothing to compensate. I have to wait more than a
month to just get a replacement car. And will have to wait
until February just to get my car back. So my question to
everyone reading. Is there nothing I can do? Or anywhere I
can report them to? This feels so unfair to me,
Sorry for the long text post. Im feeling lost and have no idea
what to do. I need a car urgently very soon and I cant afford
paying for rentals and e-hailing everyday. I don't really know
much about cars too and there's no one I can ask about it