Item being sold/bought: Bought Used acer aspire 5040
Original thread link:
Date of transaction: 28/09/11
Details of the complaint :
Deposit to CIMB Bank RM100 for booking, Balance RM150 TS mention COD in Seremban/PD during weekend.
Double Confirm again with TS COD during weekend.
TS :"Bro, r u coming to seremban today, i've to go melaka urgently, can u coming tomorrow? If can't i can give ur money back"
Me : Ok. then put on tomorrow (Sunday)
TS : Ok2, thnx bro..
Early morning on d way to Seremban from klang sms TS i coming now, reach morib received sms from TS :Bro. sory my hp no battery, i'm still@melaka, my uncle death last night, i can't back to seremban today, u just give ur acc no i'll give ur money back. OMG, already half way only he tell me. what to do. just drive back lo. So thinking to do postage (bear by TS) since i no time go there again. Afternoon TS ask again already bank in or not. that time my area CMB cash deposit break down. so i sms TS will bank in tomorrow.
TS : Make sure u bank in today, i can't do postage if u not bank in the money.tq.
Me : Will bank in afternoon
Me: Bro, today wroking at whr ? My friend salesman said got passby pd and seremban
TS : Bro, i'm stil @melaka, i'm taking off today & tmrow, i already packing that laptop for postage bro, coz u want postage, juz give ur acc no la, i can't back to pd today, i'll give ur money back k. sory.
Me : Worry on Postage. Can we meet during this weekend again ?
TS : I've packing that laptop very well, i 've experience doing valueable postage, i need urgent cash to pay summon fr renew roadtax.
So during few discussion, i suggest TS Send laptop first , once i received will bank in ASAP. (as my friend worry oso since TS keep on decline to meet up). the end the deal cancel by TS : can't bro, i'm readly sory, if u can't bank in, we cancel deal, i 'll give the money back. I'll let u know after bank in. Tq.
so no choice i have to ask for return money and provide my friend maybank acc no.
Me : Bro, u have bank in to her ?
Me : Money bank in ? Y no reply ?
Still NO REPLY from TS. but sms report delived.
Friend keep on ask me chasing $$$. the end i have to open dispute to solve the problem.
Updated :
04/10/11 4.01pm - P.M dispute link to TS. waiting his reply.
05/10/11 12.16am - TS sms using another no. 014-5298175: Bro, im markju from lyn member, my maxis no dnt have credit. sory coz not yet bank in your money..i'll bank ur money. i promise. u dont worry to loss ur money. u have cancel the the deal. i already packing that laptop for postage. pls be patient.i'll inform u tomorrow after bank in the money, i juz come back from melaka, got so many problem there. sory for late to bank in ur money.
Me : Noted. then 05/10/11 u must bank in back. i will update in forum.
TS : Yes u dont worry la, i'll not take people money. i juz come back from melaka. tomorrow after office hour will go PD town to bank in, sorry a lot.
05/10/11 11.59pm - TS din't inform me already bank in or not. unable to check now cos maybank website maintenance.
06/10/11 12.04am - Sms TS to ask already bank in or not. msg delivered. waiting reply.
9.15am - Just check online. No have return money. Another word,break promise again.

07/10/11 2.08pm - jacknio, sorry for late bank in ur money Coz not free to go to PD I ask my friend bank in to maybank account. U can check ur account b4 5pm.I'll SMS u again after bank in. Sorry for late. Tq.
Me: please do it asap by end of day b4 advice action will taken.
TS : ok. Coz I really not free to go to town.I 'll SMS detail after my friend have bank in your money. U don't worry, Im not a command.
Me : u have promised bank in 2 days ago. The end what happend ? Fyi, have advice lodge a police case. Cost is a criminal case. Hope u understand situation.
TS : yes,sorry for that,Cox this week I've to standby after office hour.really no free time to go to town. Today I ask my friend to bank in your money. I understand ur situation Cox I've experience loss 2k ++ to buy beg rmpasan kastam with cheap price, it is laptop,Benton,but after give money. Can't contact him till now.
Me : Either cabut money or late return money oso consider moderator want community to be safe and professional environment. Will update moderator.
5pm - check account no have money bank in.
5.16pm - Bro, still waiting my friends to bank in for you. I'll SMS for you after he confirm bank in to you.
5.17pm - ok. Hope u keep your word.
5.18pm - Ok. Dnt worry.
This post has been edited by jacknio: Oct 8 2011, 02:22 PM
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