!!!Forumer you are complaining against:
Item being sold/bought:
longchamp eiffel tower navy
Original thread link:
this person actually send my a msg and claimed that she has this longchamp abg after she saw my post which i stated that im finding one
Date of transaction: 5/11/10 (02.37pm)
Details of the complaint :
when this person saw my post that im looking for a lc handbag, she sent me a msg and claims that she has one.
here's our dialog
on nov 4,
bee20: hi there..i hv one..bought from online at rm830..i can let go arm550..let me know if u want..i can email u da pic..
me:is it brand new?what does it comes with?i wanna see the pic
bee20:i bought last month but not my style..i dun like da color..then,just keep it in my wardrobe..its come wit da receipt n paperbag..give me ur
me:********111@hotmail.com....oic..the reciept is ori?authentic right?
bee20:check ur email..yes..its longchamp receipt..100% authentic..money back guarantee if not authentic..
me:is that black?cuz it looks like black more than navy
bee20:there's no black color for longchamp eiffel..its navy blue..
after some negotiation(i shld have suspect during that time)
me:RM 550?can reduce to RM 520 if COD
bee20:im in penang..where do u stay??
me:selangor or melaka..travel often
bee20:if u want i can give rm520 incl postage..is it ok..i really wanna get rid of dis bag..dun like it..huhu
me:ok...but if its anything wrong can i get the refund??like if its not navy?may i know y u wanna sell it so desperately?no offence
bee20:im goin to further study in UK nextmonth..so wanna clear all my unwanted bags..yes of cos..we can work it out..
after that she send me her details:
hp: 0123047686
maybank: 114085835576
name:wan nurulon 5 nov, i bank in a total of RM 520!!!!to her blardy acc(im so stupid)!!
i didnt recieve anything from her..and her hp is off..cant reach her and i pm her im forum she never replied
on nov 11, she replied this!!!
miss...i do really,truly sorry for da late reply..
on saturday,i passed da parcel to my fren bcoz im goin to singapore on dat evening..i juz got back from s'pore n im shocked bcoz u havent received it yet..i asked my fren whether she post or not,she said she did..then,i asked show me da slip (poslaju slip),she said she lost it !!! ..
im 100% sure she lied to me n took da bag..
i dun hv any idea y she doing dis to me..
i cant receive any sms or call bcoz my maxis line was not international roaming..
i've to check wit the poslaju off tomorrow..
if i found out she lied,ive no choice..i will refund ur money back and asked her give me back my bag..
unfortunately,ive already use dat money when shopping in spore but i'll guarantee i will refund ur money by next tuessday when i got my money fr my mum..
miss..i do really truly apolagizes for what was happening..
i didnt mean to conned ur money..
i never expected things like dis happen..
ive been sell thing in lowyat since 2009,eventhough juz a few item..
once again,from da bottom of my heart..i do really2 sorry..
i promise to refund ur money by next tuesday..
u can text me at my another no
text me ur account num n i will make da refund by next week (on tuesday)..
sorry again 4 da inconvinienced
i text her given number, she didnt refund.on 18 nov, i text her and miss call several times, finally she reply,
she said she's waiting for her fren to come back.what a lame excuse
she didnt response anything.until i had to miss call and sms dunno how many hundred times,
on 23/11, she said she'll refund on sat in the week when she get her salary cuz she has no money.wtf!!
no response from her again since den.
after i called many times, on 1/12,
she replied, she asked hu is this??may i know what refund are u talking about?this is my sister hp, she's admitted to the hospital, doctor said its denggi.
shit her!!another lame excuse!!!she's just trying to avoid my refund!!after i scolded her she said she promised will settle on that week.
on 5/12..i have to called many times again, den she said she has no money to pay me!!!i was very pissed off.
she said she'll pay me one another thurs and she will borrow from fren
asa expected she didnt refund as promised on 9/12..i have to call her many times again. she didnt pick up as usual and she said her sister passed away..
do u really believe that??i dont think so!!!its just another lame excuse to delay the refund
again she said she has no money!(after so many chances i gave)she said she needs another week to settle. i scolded her again using sms..and call her many times but she didnt pick up..she send a msg claiming that she was sleeping and she said RM520 is a big amount since she's studying in a local uni..lol!!
on 19/12, i have to call her again..she asked me to give her my banking details..she said shell bank in rm200 1st..i call her immediately when she replied but she didnt ans...she reply a msg claimed that she's having class.
i asked her whe her class ended but no reply...call no reply...until today no answer from this b****!curse u to hell!!!!!
she's lying obviously..
she at 1st claimed that she wanna get rid of her bag cuz she's going further study in uk i 1 mth time..but she's still in malaysia after 1 mth..and now she's claiming she has no rm520 to return me and yet she's going uk to study???does this even make any sense?secondly now she said she's studying in local u...lol!!!
her sister(i think is the same person, she's just making up stories) said bee20 has passed away..very funny...a person passed away but still can logged in to lowyat..i just saw her logging in ytd and the ay b4 ytd!!!!!and the weird thing is she never ans my calls, everytime sure find excuse to avoid answering and she only sms..obviously she's scare. and she wont reply me if i send her a msg..everytime i have to call many times den she'll reply..wat a jerk she is!!
im really sick of this b****!!!too bad i dun have her address and real name
this are only what i got
maybank acc:114085835576
name(as in acc): wan nurul
email add:nurulakma67@gmail.com
lowyat acc:http://forum.lowyat.net/index.php?showuser=278072
i dun think im gonna get back my refund-RM520.just hope that nobody else will be cheated by this b**** anymore!!!