QUOTE(vandoren @ Apr 30 2011, 11:54 AM)
when i'm reading this, i'm really wondering how old are you?
if you really tell the same words to them, you are like threatening them.
if your future partner's parents insists wish to have it, maybe not a big amount of money,
maybe just as a token of appreciation to thank the parents for taking care of their daughter.
nothing can be perfect, that's why before marry, need to sit down to discuss with both side parents,
have a mutual agreement how to make the wedding.
Added on April 30, 2011, 12:05 pm
maybe you are really rich or earning a lot
i calculated, a standard wedding cost about 25K++ (include wedding photo, wedding ring, buffet at house.. etc)
which haven't include wedding dinner which easily cost another 20K++
so, for normal couple like us, need the guest's angpow to help to cover some of the cost of wedding dinner
parents sometimes can really b a burden.if you really tell the same words to them, you are like threatening them.
if your future partner's parents insists wish to have it, maybe not a big amount of money,
maybe just as a token of appreciation to thank the parents for taking care of their daughter.
nothing can be perfect, that's why before marry, need to sit down to discuss with both side parents,
have a mutual agreement how to make the wedding.
Added on April 30, 2011, 12:05 pm
maybe you are really rich or earning a lot
i calculated, a standard wedding cost about 25K++ (include wedding photo, wedding ring, buffet at house.. etc)
which haven't include wedding dinner which easily cost another 20K++
so, for normal couple like us, need the guest's angpow to help to cover some of the cost of wedding dinner
if parents hav enough money left for rest of their lives, dey shouldn't burden their children by asking money sommore.
so call taking care of money for children is bullshit, we're not kid any more.
the more money the children hav, the more likely he/she is to success @ career.
if future parents in law insist wan ping kam as token of appreciation, den fine, i'll giv.
but little do they know, i'm gonna minus the ping kam bck out from supposedly monthly allowance they r getting from me.
eg, supposedly, i play to giv in laws 500/m. dey insist ping kam, ok, i'll then quietly drop the allowance to 300 - 400 a month.
i calculated dat my future wedding (if there is any), would cost triple digits......